Little Junior Sister Society fears but draws sword

Chapter 215 It’s all in Suzaku’s belly

The balance of the confrontation between the two sides was broken by the arrival of Wu Xiang.

Lu Yun looked in the direction of the demon cultivator, but did not see the presence of the Blood Demon Madam. Similarly, there was no sign of the leader of Wuxiangxu either.

The people at the top are no longer in charge, and the people at the bottom are beating you to death.

The so-called Suzaku remains were missing.

Bodhi Cave is good at fighting with bare hands, especially the Bodhi Hand palm technique, which is unpredictable and the power of a palm is like a stormy sea.

The spiritual energy condensed in the huge palm and suppressed the demonic cultivator from the air.

Under the overwhelming demonic energy, the palms of his hands were torn into pieces. The cover of the illusion made the demon cultivators move slightly slower. One of them was hit and suddenly vomited blood.


The demon cultivator angrily scolded those who had no idea.

No one took these words to heart.

The current situation is that they have a large number of people, and bullying others may seem despicable, but in fact, the rules of the jungle are not one-on-one fairness.

If the situation between the two sides were reversed today, those demonic cultivators would also use their power to bully the minority.

Speaking of which, a few innocuous words could not disturb their minds at all, but the beating became more intense.

"Don't you want to know where Suzaku's remains are?"

After being crushed one-sidedly, the leader of the demon cultivators shouted, gnashing his teeth and wanting to tear them apart.

He clutched his chest, speaking and breathing unsteadily because of the injury.

"Could it be that you know?"

Yao Huai's words were sharp, especially when he saw the demon cultivator's changed expression, Yao Huai sneered.

"They are just a group of tool men. If you kill them, you will kill them."

All the major sects advocate unity, and although the five demon sects have also established sects, the rules among them are more that the strong respect the survival of the fittest.

Those who are useful can gain status, while those who are useless are just garbage and tools in demonic cultivation.

And no one will be merciful when using tools.

"You have lost so many people outside, is there anyone coming out to help you?"

Yao Huai is still continuing his verbal output.

Corpses in the sea of ​​flowers, clay figures in the mire, food in the fungus carpet, everywhere, these demonic cultivators killed many people.

Perhaps lack of strength is part of the reason, but more importantly, these people have no sense of helping each other.

Just like now, people who are both demon cultivators and fierce demon temples rarely cooperate when they fight, and most of them go their own way.

Selfishness is something engraved in the bones of the Fierce Demon Palace Demon Cultivator.

And in such a dangerous place, if you come in with this kind of mentality, casualties are inevitable.

So many people died, but they also didn't know where the remains of Suzaku were. Yao Huai was not afraid of the tools that were put in to explore the path.

Perhaps it was because Yao Huai's attitude was too sarcastic, which stimulated the demon cultivator's eyes to turn red.

The evil gaze fell on Yao Huai, and the demon cultivator sneered: "Who said I don't know where Suzaku's remains are?"

Whether these words were temptation or anger, Yao Huai couldn't tell for a moment.

He looked at the man warily and saw a strange distortion in his expression.

It's like despair, like compassion, and like a ferocious preparation to die together.

"Have you not noticed yet, we have always been in Suzaku's body."

"There..." Jin Ming pointed to the fungus blanket not far away and smiled happily: "That's Suzaku's stomach."

Suzaku is a mythical beast, and every part of its body is full of power.

Suzaku fell here back then, turning this barren land into the poisonous swamp it is today.

To a certain extent, this place is also full of vitality, but all that grow here are poisonous flowers, weeds and poisonous insects.

These poisons turn this place into a place of death.

Once you enter the adventure, you will never get out once you go too deep.But now, everyone was attracted by the remains of Suzaku. The moment they stepped here, they entered Suzaku's body.

Because the entire swamp is the incarnation of Suzaku.

"I heard that the Suzaku who died here died of poisoning."

After Suzaku's death, the toxins carried by his body did not disappear. That toxicity, over time, penetrated deeply into the soil, polluting and transforming it. From then on, everything that can survive here is poisonous.

Jin Ming smiled, with the corners of his lips raised: "Why, didn't your boss tell you?"

"If you want to get out, unless someone saves you or finds a way out."

"As for where to find a way out..."

Seeing the wavering expressions of those people, Jin Ming's eyes became inexplicably bright. He approached them silently, raised his hand, and easily cut off the life of a Bodhi Cave disciple with a bloody long knife.

As the blood gushed out, the roars of the Bodhi Cave disciples resounded.

The battle starts again.

But because of Jin Ming's difficult-to-distinguish words just now, the people here were in a bad state.

If they were really in Suzaku's body, could they still get out?

"How immature."

Jin Ming mocked because his mind was shaken after just a few words.

Wherever the sword is directed, the blood shines brightly.

There were rustling sounds all around, like something crawling.

Lu Yun turned around and saw some poisonous insects crawling from all directions.

The sound of a string is sweet and soft, like the wind in March, so gentle that people want to put down their guard and listen calmly.

This is the magic piano, and under the control of the magic piano, those poisonous insects have become the enemies of the righteous disciples.

There were enemies on all sides, and with the demonic sound piercing their ears, some disciples began to bleed from their orifices, looking extremely embarrassed.

"Closed hearing."

Yao Huai scolded, raised his fingers, and stacked several layers of illusions to intercept the magic sounds.

The sound that came in was very small and would not cause any harm to the disciples.

"What do you eat?"

Yao Huai glared at the Bodhi Cave disciples, his accusations brimming with words.

The Bodhi Cave disciples are the best at dealing with this kind of demonic sound, but these people have not taken action yet.

"Sorry, my fault."

Someone answered with a smiling expression.

He clasped his hands together and held Bodhi beads in his hands, and what appeared on his face was the image of a compassionate Buddha.

The obscure Bodhi Sutra spit out from his mouth, and those sentences fluctuated in this space in a tone that was difficult to distinguish.

It was as if the Buddha's sound was washing their ears, and the physical injuries of the disciples injured by the demonic sound were healing.

Two voices compete in the air.

The magic harp is majestic and the sound of the Buddha is long.

The two forces collided in the air, and the sound of collision was endless.

Without the interference of the magic piano, the conditions of many disciples began to recover.

Facing the raging poisonous insects, Lu Yun swung his sword and cleared the space around him.

These poisonous insects should be the original residents of the poisonous swamp, and are currently being controlled by demon cultivators.

While killing them, these poisonous insects are also killing each other, just like raising poisonous insects. Only the strongest ones can fight to the end.

Stab the poisonous scorpion with a sword to death, and watch the poisonous creatures scramble to crawl over and bite the corpse of his companion cleanly.

With no bones left, Lu Yun felt that the strength of these poisons was increasing. (End of chapter)

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