They seem to be able to deal with these poisons and demonic cultivators with ease, but in fact, with each passage of time, the forces they face are getting stronger.

And in this place full of poison, for demonic cultivators who are good at cultivating poison and poisoning, it is a paradise, so don't feel too comfortable.

Surrounded by a large number of Gu insects, their space for movement is shrinking.

The demonic cultivators are cultivating Gu through them. As time goes by, they will be consumed to death by one thing and another.

It has to be said that these demon cultivators are indeed very scheming, and they do this cruel method so openly and justly.

"I'll deal with him."

Yao Huai pointed at Jin Ming, and before taking action again, he looked at the disciple in the Bodhi Cave.

"Xiangru, protect them before I come out."

Xiangru was the one chanting the Bodhi Sutra. The Buddha's voice continued leisurely. Xiangru raised his eyelids, showed a compassionate smile, and nodded slowly.

At times like this, internal conflicts are trivial.

Before Yao Huai pulled Jin Ming into his illusion and forced a one-on-one confrontation, Lu Yun accepted Yao Huai's hint.

The other party hopes that he can take more care of his disciple Wuxiang place.

She nodded naturally.

As it stands now, the two sides can still fight back and forth, so Lu Yun doesn't use his sword much.

She was not in a hurry to expose herself, and often used a skillful sword to save a disciple from danger before he was almost killed by the demon cultivator.

At first no one noticed, but as time went by, someone from the magic cultivator was eyeing Lu Yun.

"who are you?"

"Come out and fight me!"

Ye Ye is a female demon cultivator, dressed in a devilish and demonic outfit, with exquisite and bloodthirsty makeup, and a touch of red at the end of her raised eyes.

Just looking at her appearance, this woman is enough to bring disaster to the country.

Concubine Ruan, who had practiced enchantment, was somewhat famous in the Fierce Demon Palace, and many captives fell under her pomegranate skirt.

In this operation, she took the initiative to follow.

What could be more interesting than watching those righteous monks fall for you?

Unfortunately, her charm was of no use to Lu Yun this time.

Advanced charmers, regardless of gender, will be attracted by the natural charm, which is the most fundamental lust in human nature.

However, the opponent's charm skills were not top-notch, and Lu Yun was a swordsman who put the most emphasis on cultivating one's mind.

The sword's heart was as clear as water, and Lu Yun did not waver at all.

Although what she saw before her eyes were some vague and evil shadows, she was a woman, and the shadow she transformed into a man through the magic of enchantment gradually turned into a man.

The first face that appeared was that of her evil senior brother.

Among the men in the entire world of cultivation, there are only a handful of men who can compare with Ji Hongxi's beauty.

Lu Yun appreciates beauty. She has always liked her senior brother's face, but that doesn't mean that he can shake her mind.

A sword split open, and the air was cold.

The illusion belonging to Ji Hongxi was torn to pieces by Lu Yun before she could seduce him.

Provoked, Lu Yun looked in the direction of Concubine Ruan, but what she saw was dancing silver hair.

The silver-white hair is like the scattered moonlight. Under the bright moonlight, the silver-haired and silver-eyed immortal is incredibly beautiful.

The face that belonged to Wen Ruyu was as cold as a celestial being. The moment he lowered his eyes and looked at her, it made people want to put down the butcher's knife and become a Buddha immediately.

This face is comparable to Ji Hongxi's, but it is completely different from Ji Hongxi's beauty.

Clear and cold, hanging high in the sky.

When people look at you, that tenderness that belongs to you alone is so tempting.

"Miss Lu..."

Lu Yun heard Wen Ruyu's voice, so real and close at hand.

Watching the other person stretch out his slender fingers towards him, his palms spread out towards him, his eyes with a slight smile falling on the stars in the world.

Looking at this face, Lu Yun wanted to sigh.

Even if Concubine Ruan wants to use charm to confuse herself, why can't she show some faces that she has never seen before?

If he had any unspeakable thoughts about Wen Ruyu, it would not be Concubine Ruan's turn to seduce him.Wen Ruyu is a friend, how could a friend seduce him?

Lu Yun, who was unable to complain, used her backhand with a sword.

The frost-covered sword energy stirred the world and broke through the opponent's charm. He took a step forward and landed in front of Concubine Ruan.

The long sword stabbed at the opponent's heart, but the opponent managed to avoid it.

The strong sword energy revealed the reason for Concubine Ruan's failure.

"Are you Jianxiu?"

"A member of the Hidden Sword Sect?"

After Concubine Ruan said a few words, she glanced at Han Jiangxue again. Han Jiangxue's appearance was too easy to recognize.

The snow-white long sword is naturally cold, and the sword strokes condense into ice and snow. Under the flying snow, the girl in green's sword shines sharply.

Concubine Ruan seemed familiar with this scene.

She had heard people talk about it.

"You are Lu Yun!"

Lu Yun, the disciple of the Hidden Sword Sect who is famous among demon cultivators and is regarded as a future enemy.

In that rumor, there is a demon who holds three swords and can defeat the Nascent Soul with a golden elixir.

Concubine Ruan was a little surprised.

She didn't expect Lu Yun to appear in such a place.

The sword cultivator was very restrained in her charm.

As soon as they fought, Concubine Ruan realized that she was no match for Lu Yun. If she continued like this, she would definitely lose.

Fortunately, she has a companion.

After dodging Lu Yun's blow, someone came to Lu Yun.

He was a taciturn man with an ordinary appearance. His pale face was dull, but there was still a hint of aura in his eyes that looked over.

"Fu Li, kill her."

If you can deal with Lu Yun here, you will definitely be rewarded heavily when you go back.

Fu Li, who was commanded, didn't respond, but Lu Yun felt the danger.

When his spiritual sense swept over him, he noticed the strength of the other party. The golden elixir was perfect, suppressing his own three minor realms.

She could feel a real sense of oppression from the opponent. The opponent's strength should not be underestimated, and he was probably as capable of leapfrogging as she was.

Such people are like monsters.



All she has is the will to fight.

Looking at the opponent's strong physique, Lu Yun squinted her eyes and took out the tail needle.

Han Jiangxue is in front, and the needle behind the tail is behind. The technique of fighting each other from left to right shows how much Lu Yun values ​​Fuli.

The moment their eyes met, the two of them moved at the same time.

They are all close combat masters. The opponent has no weapons and uses pure physical strength.

It is a rare physical training. Under the strong body, there is brutal spiritual power flowing. The fist collided with Lu Yun's sword blade, and he did not lose.

The frost and snow covered the opponent's arms, and were shattered by the spiritual power together with the clothes, revealing the bulging muscles.

This is a body full of power.

Lu Yun curled her lips, and her bottomless eyes were filled with extreme excitement.

Draw your sword and fight.

Wherever the sword light goes, it will become her domain.

The sword moves are as striking as a dragon, and the long sword and short sword are coordinated without any flaws.

The dagger spun toward the opponent's neck, and while the opponent leaned back, Han Jiangxue stabbed the opponent's waist and abdomen.

Fuli twisted his body and dodged, but punched Lu Yun instead. (End of chapter)

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