Chapter 217
The force of the inch is hard, and it hurts when it hits the flesh.

Fu Li's close combat ability was extremely strong, and Lu Yun would not get much benefit from him even if he was holding a sharp blade.

Lu Yun, who was fighting with two swords, was at her fullest.

While they were fighting, the others were not idle either, and the poisonous insects continued to wreak havoc.

What makes disciples of Wuxiangchu feel relieved is that the battle between Yao Huai and Jin Ming has already been decided.

If no one can break Yao Huai's illusion, then in the illusion space, Yao Huai can simply consume people to death, let alone Yao Huai's full firepower this time.

Among the layers of illusions, Jin Ming couldn't tell the difference between true and false, and accidentally hurt himself several times.

In the midst of this ebb and flow, Jin Ming struggled to escape from Yao Huai's illusion space with serious injuries. Although he came out, he was unable to continue fighting.

But Yao Huai still retained most of his strength, and his illusion skills turned into weapons to strangle those poisonous insects.

"Don't you want to get out of here?"

Seeing that Zhengdao had the upper hand, Jin Ming covered his chest and shouted.

He gave Concubine Ruan a look, signaling her to find an opening and use charm to seduce her, but what she got was Concubine Ruan's helpless expression.

Jin Ming did not do well in trying to disturb the military's morale with words.

The talents of sect disciples are rare. Whether it is Wuxiangdi or Bodhi Cave, it is impossible to watch so many disciples die here.

So from the beginning, they came in prepared.


Jin Ming, who was ignored by Yao Huai, was a little angry. Looking at Fu Li, who was fighting with Lu Yun inseparably, his tone was inevitably filled with anger.

"Fu Li, you loser, why don't you deal with her quickly?"

He couldn't understand why, with so many people under Madam's command, Fu Li was the one who received the most attention.

He can't even defeat a female disciple at this time.

Jin Ming, who was pulled into the illusion, still didn't know Lu Yun's identity. He felt that the sword was familiar, but he didn't identify it.

In his opinion, among the people on the Renxiu side, apart from Yao Huai, Xiangru, who was still chanting sutras, was the only one qualified to be his opponent.

Thinking of Xiangru, the endless stream of Buddhist scriptures entered his mind, making him even more irritable.

His head felt like it was about to explode, but those voices were all-pervasive and wanted to entangle him until death.

"Shut up, shut up for me."

He roared angrily, feeling the voice in his head grow louder.

The Buddhist scriptures that can soothe people's hearts are the music of death in Jin Ming's ears. As time goes by, each sound is tempting him to go deeper.

I don’t know when the sound of the magic harp was suppressed by the Buddha’s sound.

No one noticed that the man playing the magic piano lowered his head. Although his fingers were still playing, the rhythm was already echoing the curling Buddha's sound.

Looking at Xiangru again, he still had the dignified appearance of a Bodhisattva. Facing Jin Ming's anger, he smiled compassionately, as if looking at his ignorant and pathetic child.

Brain buzzing.

The tendon in Jin Ming's mind was completely broken.

He stepped out uncontrollably and attacked in Xiangru's direction.

Xiangru, who seemed to have no resistance, just bowed slightly, with a calm look in his eyes that showed no sadness or joy.

Jin Ming failed to meet Xiangru, to be precise, he couldn't even get close.

He knelt on the ground, writhing all over.

The twitching posture did not last long before he stood up and returned to the demon cultivator. When Concubine Ruan was shocked, he strangled her neck.

Jin Ming was very strong and lifted the person up directly.

Concubine Ruan grabbed the opponent's arm and launched an attack instinctively. The charm technique that was supposed to be useful to Jin Ming would be indifferent no matter how she used it.

She gasped with her mouth wide open, and lowered her head with difficulty. What she saw was Jin Ming's dull, puppet-like eyes.

Empty, as if his soul had been hollowed out, and he only knew how to obey orders.But whose orders are you listening to?

Concubine Ruan looked at Xiangru and Bodhi Cave, a sect that evolved from Buddhist practice. Their Buddhist scriptures did not persuade people to go up, but to lead people to death.

They underestimated the role of the Bodhi Sutra from the beginning and thought they could ignore the sounds of chanting sutras. In fact, those sounds have long been ingrained in their minds.

Once there is a flaw in your mind, you will be controlled by the Buddhist scriptures and become a knife that cuts at your companions.

This is the case for Jin Ming, and Jin Ming like this is no different from a dead person.

The so-called Bodhi Sutra is a murder sutra.

"F... Li."

Her method is to use softness to overcome strength. She can't win over Jin Ming with a hard argument, not to mention that Jin Ming is a soulless tool at this time, and his charm can't charm the opponent.

After struggling to say two words, she saw Fu Li cast a look at her from the corner of her eye, but soon, the ethereal sword shadow blocked Fu Li's way.

Lu Yun understood Fu Li's behavior of trying to save people, but would not support it.

Han Jiangxue took advantage of this gap and pointed directly at the opponent's life gate.

Lu Yun's sword has always been sharp and stable.

Like a dancer walking on the edge of danger, every step is just right, beautiful and dangerous.

Being enveloped by such sword intent and being distracted will bring dire consequences.

After leaving a deep bone-visible wound on the opponent's arm, the needle from behind the tail is stabbed into the opponent's heart.

As expected, Fuli wanted to block.

The dagger came out of his hand, and the moment it was hit by Fu Li, Han Jiangxue switched to his left hand, and the long sword passed across his face. The moment he lifted it up, he pressed it down and stabbed the top of his head.

As he ducked to avoid it, Fu Li saw from the corner of his eye a cold light suddenly appearing, and Lu Yun picked up the needle behind his tail with his right hand, moving freely.

The two swords kept exchanging positions, and Fu Li's previous detection of Lu Yun's fighting style was overturned again.

If it continues, it will be difficult to tell the winner.

Just like Lu Yun left a wound on his body, Lu Yun's condition was also uncomfortable.

The strength of the opponent's punches and palms is real. Once he avoids it, he looks safe on the outside, but in fact, his blood is surging inside.

Swallowing the blood in her throat, Lu Yun squinted her eyes.

She enjoys this kind of life-and-death fight, which can mobilize every nerve in her and immerse herself in it happily.

Whenever this happens, all she sees is her sword and the enemy she needs to kill under her sword.

"Fu Li!"

Concubine Ruan's voice over there was already very low.

It's not that no one tried to save Concubine Ruan, but some of them were worried about Jin Ming's existence, and some were no match for Jin Ming and were knocked away before they even got close.

The only person Concubine Ruan can rely on is Fu Li.

"You're distracted."

Lu Yun spat out a few words that were very cold.

The moment Fuli wavered, the Senhan sword blade reached Fuli's heart.

The price of the sword piercing the chest was that Lu Yun was also knocked away.

The two sides distanced themselves, and Fuli was able to reach Concubine Ruan. He blocked Concubine Ruan's waist with his arm and slapped Jin Ming with one hand.

Jin Ming, whose target was only Concubine Ruan, regained clarity from his dull expression. Looking at the palm that enlarged in his pupils, Jin Ming realized what had happened, but his body could not avoid it.

Everything is too late.

After this palm, Jin Ming's breathing became intermittent.

(End of this chapter)

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