Chapter 218 Mushroom Hide and Seek

He staggered back and vomited blood from his mouth.

After seeing the two people leaning against each other, they looked shocked.


Before he could say his last words, a dagger flashed past silently, and the head was taken away by Lu Yun.

"Cough cough!"

After coughing a few times and swallowing the blood in his throat, Lu Yun looked at Fu Li, who was also seriously injured, with the fighting spirit still in his eyes.

Although her sword seriously injured the opponent, the opponent also made adjustments at the last moment, so the sword was not fatal.

Lu Yun moved her steps, her brows suddenly lowered, and her eyes were full of anger. Han Jiangxue raised a sword energy and stabbed Xiangru who was still chanting sutras.

This sudden counter-attack was surprising.

The Bodhi Cave disciples looked at Lu Yun with fear.

"What do you want to do?"

In response to this question, Lu Yun pointed her sword at Xiangru: "One more time, kill."

This Xiangru, when she was injured, actually wanted to use the Buddhist scriptures to confuse her own mind.

Lu Yun's murderous intention is real.

As for Xiangru who was pointed out, the almost solid Buddha image in his eyes had cracks.

A slight confusion appeared on his face. He let go of his hand and stopped chanting Buddhist scriptures.

"It's not me." After a pause, he added, "Something went wrong."

For a moment, Xiangru really wanted to turn Lu Yun into the prey of his murderous skills, but that idea should not belong to him.

He reflected on himself and captured the source of the thought just now.

Then everyone saw him slap his own abdomen.

This is not an apology to Lu Yun, but a presentation of the truth in front of Lu Yun.

Under the powerful spiritual power, something hidden in Xiangru's body was forced out.

It's a writhing mass of hyphae.


At this moment, regardless of good or evil, everyone looked at the thing in the blood, and finally discovered something that they had subconsciously forgotten.

They walked from the fungus blanket, and their bodies were drilled with hyphae.

This kind of hyphae is very dangerous, but why do they take the initiative to forget about it after leaving the carpet?

It was as if he had accepted this hyphae as part of his body.

The fighting between the two sides stopped in perfect agreement at this moment.

Fuli walked up to the dead Jin Ming, pierced his abdomen with one hand, and unexpectedly grabbed a ball of mycelium.

But this mass of hyphae is thicker than the ones on Xiangru's body.


Concubine Ruan shouted, and Fuli quickly condensed his spiritual power in his palms to crush the fungi. He then moved away from Jin Ming's body as Concubine Ruan shouted.

One hyphae after another protruded from the corpse.

The snow-white roots are fluffy, like the most harmless creature, testing the outside world.

But the hyphae rooted in the opponent's body are struggling to absorb nutrients and want to thrive.

Jin Ming's body disappeared in the blink of an eye, and the hyphae that appeared on the spot were twisted together in the air.

The distance between them was as high as a human's. Gradually, those hyphae formed a human shape, followed by hands, feet and even facial features.

A living Jin Ming appeared again.

With his excessively white complexion and sinister eyes, he was no different from the real Jin Ming.

"Jin Ming" moved his body and smiled at everyone. The smile was a bit stiff, and he himself was not very satisfied.

He pressed his hands on his cheeks and kneaded them a few times, and his straight facial features became distorted, then quickly recovered, and even the smile on his face became much more natural.

All this happened in just a moment.

Everyone was caught off guard by this scene, and what followed immediately became vigilance towards this "Jin Ming" and vigilance towards... his companions.

Who can guarantee that his companions have not been "remade" like this?

Lu Yun looked inside her Dantian.

Before she knew it, strands of mycelium clung to her golden elixir.

The Bishengvine pattern on the golden elixir has already lit up, and the huge vitality has become the favorite food of the mycelium.Before she knew it, nearly one-tenth of the vitality of a petal was absorbed by the hyphae.

The corners of his eyes twitched, and a sense of fear emerged.

She thought she was cautious enough, but she still fell into the trap. She clearly knew that she had been fooled, but she let it all go under the invisible hint.

Lu Yun's spiritual power penetrated into the dantian, and Lu Yun cut off the few hyphae.

A mouthful of blood mixed with internal organs was spat out, but his body felt much more relaxed.

Looking at the Dantian again, there is no trace of those hyphae.

If that Xiangru hadn't suddenly attacked her, it would be difficult for Lu Yun to guarantee when she would be able to discover the problem in her body.

And Xiangru's behavior just now must have been controlled by mycelium.

The other party acted too hastily.

Perhaps seeing her hurt, he wanted to control himself through Xiangru, but he underestimated her because of it.

Compared to her injuries, her sword power was still strong, and it was too easy for Lu Yun to detect problems with that little mental attack.

A small temptation will bring about a total loss.

The one who did all this should be the so-called "king" in the nonsense.

After noticing the existence of this king, those voices floated in my mind again.

"Hehe, failed."

"It doesn't matter, there are many companions, and they all succeeded."

"Yes, yes, the king is happy."

"Be careful and hide well."

It was like a group of elves communicating and playing a game of hide-and-seek, and their brisk voices were so carefree.

Looking at the livid expressions on everyone's face, you can tell that the contents of the rants they heard were probably very similar.

The problem now is that these people are parasitized by those hyphae.

The key thing is that no one knows which people have become mushrooms, which people are still real people, and which mushroom the king is.

A mushroom will naturally not betray its fellow mushrooms.

The spiritual sense scanned the bodies of those people and found nothing wrong. Lu Yun had a headache. Her spiritual sense was not strong enough to detect the souls of these monks.

As the foundation of "humanity", if the soul becomes a mushroom, then there must be something wrong with the information conveyed in the soul.

"Why don't you guys fight...?"

"Jin Ming" spoke, and his stuttering voice meant that he was still adapting to human language.

He looked at everyone eagerly, and his innocent expression made people feel chilled to the bottom of their hearts.

"The king said, those of you who can't get out, stay here."

Conveying the voice of the "king", Jin Ming spoke faster.

"The big bird said, if you wake it up, it will get angry, and none of you can get out."

Big bird?

It should be that Suzaku.

But that Suzaku still has consciousness?

If this is really the case, they will not only face the poisonous swamp, but also a senior mythical beast from ancient times.

"Big Bird is hungry."

Jin Ming said again.

This sentence seemed to be a signal, and they heard the violent sounds of birds and the voices of people as the ground shook and the mountains shook.

"Haha, little guys, how are you doing?"

"A bunch of trash."

Two female voices, one high and one low, were both extremely clear, and they could see two confronting figures in the sky.

The sky was torn apart, and Lu Yun blocked her hearing amid Suzaku's cries.

Sound is cut off and everything seen slows down.

His eyes moved over everyone, and Lu Yun's figure appeared behind one person.

The sword was thrust out.

(End of this chapter)

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