Lu Yun's movement was so sudden that the person who was stabbed didn't react until the blade was in front of him.

Then, in an act that was impossible for his cultivation level, he grabbed Lu Yun's sword with one hand.

The frost was shattered before it spread to the man's body.

That was the kind of disciple of Wu Xiangchu with an average appearance who would never be recognized among the crowd.

After meeting Lu Yun's eyes, his dull eyes seemed to penetrate into his soul and become more alive.

He raised the corners of his lips towards Lu Yun.

It was an unskilled smile that seemed to be both appreciation and regret.

"You found me."

The light voice came from the man's voice, so weird.

The other party seemed to have noticed it too. He paused, and then spoke in a clear male voice.

"How did you find me?"

During the questioning, Lu Yun answered his question with good temper.

"Your demeanor."

Lu Yun pointed at one of the women in the sky, the leader of Wuxiangchu, named Qinghua.

The moment he appeared at Tsinghua University, all the disciples of Wuxiangxu showed admiration and yearning in their eyes. Weida's expression was full of inquiry.

It's like curiosity about different worlds, and a vague arrogance.

A disciple of Wuxiangchu would never behave like this, and the identity of the other party would be easy to determine.

"That's it."

The opponent let go of Lu Yun's sword and stepped back step by step.

"I can't get out again!"

As he spoke, hyphae sprouted from his body, and he was not afraid, turning into a huge mushroom in front of everyone.

The colorful umbrella cover is as dreamy as glass, with changing light and shadow falling on it. This mushroom has a thrilling beauty.

If the other person wasn't taller than a person, it might be a little more stunning.

A one-story-high mushroom with mycelium twisted into legs under its feet. It looked at the people in front of it a little unhappily.

“We’ll just have to wait until next time!”

This is a spirit made of a mushroom, similar to the existence of a monster.

Even before his powerful momentum was revealed, Lu Yun knew that she was no match for the opponent.

But the other party never took action against Lu Yun.

It looked at the two people above, its tone seemed to be joking.

"The big bird said that you should stop fighting in its territory. It is very unhappy."

"And it has been dead for a long time. If you still come to dig up its body, it will be angry."

It was like persuasion, but the words were soft and weak.

Just by listening to this tone, I thought the other party was a good persimmon.

The mushroom swayed, and spores separated from its body and floated towards the disciples.

Some disciples seemed to be bewitched and stood in different places. As soon as they were touched by the spores, many hyphae were drawn out of the other party's body.

A living person becomes food for mushrooms.

This kind of massacre happened too fast, and the person who did this was the innocent-looking mushroom.

A bloody chain shot out from the sky at an extremely fast speed.

The person who took action was another person, the Blood Demon Madam of Fierce Demon Palace.

The chains as thick as fingers were as light as nothing in the opponent's hands. A few fingers were hooked to control the chains to tie the mushrooms.

"Are you the one who has merged with Suzaku's bloodline?"

The voice of Madam Blood Demon was coquettish and dangerous, and the evil spirit that could not be ignored added color to that cold and charming face.

But her words shocked everyone.The bloodline of mythical beasts is unique in this world. According to legend, new mythical beasts will be born only when the old mythical beasts fall.

Therefore, since ancient times, there have been only four of the four great mythical beasts.

Logically speaking, those who inherit the bloodline of divine beasts are all beings of the same clan.

For example, the bloodline of the white tiger is now waiting to awaken in the Tengfeng tiger. According to the original text, that is the future white tiger.

This means that even if the remaining tiger clan's bodies contain the blood of divine beasts, they are destined to be unable to be awakened.

Similarly, it can be proved that the bloodline of Suzaku should be inherited by the bird monster. But through the words of the blood demon lady, the bloodline of the Suzaku who died that year was in this mushroom.

It's somewhat unbelievable.

"So you're here to catch me?"

Mushroom asked the Blood Demon Lady.

It didn't like the chains on its body very much. Its body swayed faster, and the mycelium wrapped around the chains, making a squeaking sound.

Lu Yun could clearly see that layers of flames were burning on those hyphae.

The sacred fire belonging to Suzaku burned on the mycelium. The mycelium was intact, but the chains seemed to have encountered some terrifying existence and were locked back.

The Suzaku Divine Fire is the most righteous and yang thing, and has the innate ability to restrain the demons in the world.

As a demon cultivator, Mrs. Blood Demon found it difficult to use her power in front of mushrooms.

"So what if he inherits the bloodline, he is just a moron after all."

Spirits cultivated from plants follow the same principles as monster beasts, but compared to monster beasts, most plants have lower IQs.

Some plants have become humanoid, and their thinking patterns are similar to those of human urchins.

Among Mrs. Blood Demon's people, Mushroom is an even more imbecile existence. Even if it evolves due to Suzaku's bloodline, it cannot escape her grasp.

The slender chains trembled against the mushrooms, turning into bloody snake-like beings, trying to take down the mushrooms with all their strength.

Flames soared into the sky.

The heating flames forced Lu Yun and others to retreat and distance themselves.

The battle happened quickly.

Qinghua stood aside and watched, while Lu Yun was wondering where the Bodhisattva from the Bodhi Cave was.

The Blood Demon Lady defected from the Bodhi Cave and entered the Fierce Demon Palace, and the two sides had a grudge that would last until death.

This time Mrs. Blood Demon touched her, and the Bodhi Cave disciples came here for this reason.

After Madam Blood Demon took action, Xiangru's expression changed slightly.

He clasped his hands together and recited the scriptures. Each golden text formed a sacred seal and covered it with the Blood Demon Lady.

And around him, the disciples followed suit.

The sound of Buddha is as annoying as the sound of devil to Mrs. Blood Demon.

"A bunch of little guys, are they looking for death?"

Madam Blood Demon sneered at the Bodhi Cave disciples' overestimating their abilities. She fired out a stream of spiritual power and penetrated into the seriously injured Fuli's body.

"Kill them."

These little disciples haven't had their turn yet to take action in person.

After receiving the order, Fu Li, whose heart injury had healed, led the team to fight with the Bodhi Cave disciples.

Because Tsinghua University did not take action, the Wuxiangchu disciples were still watching. Lu Yun stood next to Yao Huai and looked at the mushroom.

If the other party really has Suzaku's bloodline, will the other party just surrender?

The answer is obviously no.

The torn curtain in the sky has a tendency to heal.

It won't be long before the torn space will be restored again, and they will be trapped here again.

To a certain extent, the King of Fungi can be said to be the king of this poisonous swamp, and the mushroom that controls the entire swamp will not give people a chance to breathe.

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