Like something moving underground.

A suffocating sense of crisis gripped people's souls. Almost instantly, Lu Yun and Yao Huai made the same move.

Both of them attacked the ground.

Flower vines grow out of the ground, and the roots twist into puppets, just like the ones in the sea of ​​flowers.

The matter is not over yet.

The ground that was supposed to be hard began to become soft, and large areas of muddy water emerged.

The foothold turned into a swamp, and from the surging mud, the unkillable mud doll crawled out.

The flowing mud covered the bodies of the clay dolls. They raised their face without specific appearance, and something was beating in their empty eyes.

Everything they had encountered before appeared at this moment, and there was a strong tendency to leave them here completely.

He kicked a puppet away and crushed its roots with his heavy sword before killing the puppet.

Holding the clumsy Lu Yun, she stroked the sword with her palm, and the green fire was rising, replenishing her consumption.

They are surrounded here.

The clay puppets were in a coordinated attack, and flower vines appeared from time to time in the ground to attack. Under the unpredictable situation, the three directions of Fierce Demon Hall, Wuxiangchuang, and Bodhi Cave were completely separated.

The Fungus King, who was turned into a moron by the Blood Demon Lady, is ready to defeat them one by one.

"Retreat first!"

Yao Huai made a prompt decision.

Everyone mobilized their spiritual power and headed towards the opening.

In the dark swamp, the monks stood up one by one and tried their best to escape.

In the sky, the clay dolls could not be touched, and the rising flower vines were cut off in mid-air.

Lu Yun carried a person and easily jumped into the air.

The disciple who was taken away by her was a disciple who had no ambitions. The disciple who stood firmly on Wu Zhuo showed a grateful smile to Lu Yun.

She reached out to Lu Yun, and when she was about to touch him, she grabbed Lu Yun's heart.

The beating of the heart speeds up at this moment.

Lu Yun squeezed the hand, the hyphae squeezed through the skin, and the hidden little mushroom was revealed at this moment.

He directly twisted the other person's arm and looked at the other person in pain. Lu Yun was considering whether to throw him away.

These hyphae are too terrifying. As long as they enter the body and are not forced out within a certain period of time, the monks who have turned into mushrooms in their minds will listen to the voice of the fungus king and attack aliens.

Backstabbing didn't just happen to Lu Yun.

Some of the monks who escaped had no time to rejoice before they were killed by mushroom undercover agents.

A smiling face appeared on the huge mushroom umbrella cover below. Judging from the exquisiteness of the facial features, it was the face of a woman.

Someone was unfortunately injured and fell from the sky.

After falling into the encirclement below, he was torn apart by those things before he could rescue him.

Very few escaped.

With a thought in her mind, Lu Yun stood up with her sword, pulling her position higher.

Standing high in the poisonous water swamp, the strong wind roared, making Lu Yun's skirt make a sound.

She could clearly see that the entire Poisonous Water Swamp looked like a Suzaku with its wings spread out.

The location of the carpet should be the heart of the Suzaku.

The Suzaku fell here, and under the influence of Suzaku's blood, this swamp underwent wonderful changes.

The most unique among them are the mushrooms that have received the heart's blood.

These mushrooms have intelligence, and a king of mushrooms was born among them.

The so-called Suzaku remains are actually the Bacteria King.

The other party also knew about this very well, so after they stepped into the swamp, the other party was playing with them.Little by little, reduce their numbers and undermine their confidence.

Puppets, clay dolls, and even mushrooms are all chess pieces in the hands of the fungus king, and the chess pieces naturally do not need to think, they only need to act according to the thoughts of the chess player.

The behavior is simple and rude.

Living in a poisonous swamp and controlling many chess pieces, the Fungus King is in an invincible position.

It's hard to take it away.

Mrs. Blood Demon also realized this after confronting the Bacteria King. In addition, Qinghua was always there, seemingly standing by and watching, but in fact, as long as she showed a flaw, Qinghua would attack without mercy.

Not to mention, whether the Bodhisattva is really coming.

"Mrs. Blood Demon, come back with me."

Xiangru stood in the air without using any spiritual weapon, and his relaxed expression made Lu Yun realize that the other party's cultivation level was at least the Nascent Soul stage.

However, the name Xiangru was not prominent in the world of cultivation, and the other party's previous performance had not reached such a surprising level. Lu Yun was a little hesitant about this.

The other person's expression of neither sadness nor joy is an advice to the lost person.

"Go back? Where? Wash the magic pool?"

Madam Blood Demon sneered: "That old man didn't even let me go back, why should you, a little kid, let me agree?"

The Demon Washing Pond is a secret place in the Bodhi Cave. It is said that if those who have fallen demons can come out of the Demon Washing Pond, they can wash away the demonic energy and practice cultivation again.

Madam Blood Demon, who was wary of Bodhizi, didn't look at Xiangru unnecessarily.

He waved his sleeves and a stream of blood mist hit Xiangru's face. This was punishment for the other party's talkativeness.

It looks like blood mist, but it is actually formed by the condensation of a piece of Gu worm.

The tiny Gu worms flew without making any sound. After arriving at Xiangru's side, they gnawed at them.

The bodhi bead in Xiangru's hand lit up, and golden light enveloped his body, blocking out the harassment of the Gu insects.

"Jing Mingzhu, haha, that old immortal really values ​​you."

The moment the Bodhi Bead lit up, Madam Blood Demon recognized it as a token of the future owner of the Bodhi Cave.

Xiangru didn't say anything. Under the protection of Bodhi beads, he lowered his eyes and looked majestic.

The Buddha's voice sounded again, but it was not as erratic as before. Every sound was like thunder shouting in the sky.

Every time there is a sound, there will be thunder snakes flashing in the sky.

The face of the Blood Demon Lady, who was locked by the lightning, finally changed, and the expression she looked at Xiangru was particularly cold.

"who are you?"

How could a disciple use this method?

"The Dharma name is Xiangru."

Xiangru replied with a compassionate smile. In the eyes of Madam Blood Demon, this smile was particularly false.

Fortunately, Mrs. Blood Demon still remembers the purpose of coming here.

"Hold them." After passing the message to Fu Li and others, the Blood Demon Lady attacked Xiang Ru. When Xiangru was about to respond, she made a feint and the chains formed a prison, imprisoning the Germ King in it.

They came here for the Suzaku bloodline.

If she hadn't been held back by Tsinghua University in the outside world, she would have retired long ago.

Madam Blood Demon resented the existence of the trash under her.

The people she trained were still at a disadvantage against people from the nine major sects.

Madam Blood Demon was very fast and ducked beside the mushroom.

Chains covered the mushroom tightly. She made a seal with her hands, and the chains were shrinking, and the squeezing sound was very obvious.

Lu Yun could hear the King of Fungi struggling in the prison made of chains.

Subtle, small, and seemingly irresistible.

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