Walking with a sword, you will be free and happy.

Lu Yun, who was rushing forward with all her strength, was flying high in the sky, with her spiritual cover blocking out the low temperature and cold wind.

As she approached Hanshan, she could clearly feel that the temperature was dropping little by little.

Practitioners can be said to be invulnerable to cold and heat, but the coldness of Hanshan is different from the coldness of snow falling on nine cold days.

Hanshan can be said to be a blessed place in the cave, where spiritual energy is abundant.

The snow that falls on Cold Mountain contains spiritual power, which also causes the temperature here to cause harm to the monks.

It is normal for a monk to freeze to death in the cold mountain if he is not careful.

Lu Yun did not plunge headlong into the cold mountains recklessly.

A month after leaving the swamp, Lu Yun arrived first at a small town at the foot of Hanshan Mountain.

Hanshan is located on the edge of Nanyang. As a natural moat, Hanshan separates Nanyang where human cultivators are from the west bank where demon cultivators are. This is a natural barrier.

The existence of this town was originally established by several sects in Nanyang to guard Hanshan.

However, with the passage of time and the special environment and value of Hanshan, the existence of this town has changed.

The place is filled with thieves and speculators.

They tried to find Jiutian Silver Fox in Hanshan to resell.

The extremely high value of the silver fox made them flock to it in the face of the harsh environment of Hanshan.

This small town has become a place for these people to trade.

Although it is under the supervision of the four major sects in Nanyang, it is too remote.

The sky is high and the emperor is far away, and the disciples stationed here are used to working against each other, so the chaos in the town is more serious than imagined.

In other words, it seems that this town is still in the hands of the four sects of Nanyang, but in fact it has already been controlled by the rogue cultivators who occupy this place.

Lu Yun arrived here for the first time and entered the town smoothly.

But she could feel that countless eyes were scanning her body, as if they were inspecting some product, their sticky and greedy eyes were disgusting.

When she saw these looks, Lu Yun already understood that in addition to the Hanshan monsters and beasts, there were also monks on sale here.

To be precise, everything of value will have sales channels here.

In this place where there is no distinction between black and white, Lu Yun was not surprised to see a large number of Xianbao Chamber of Commerce shops.

The Wenren family who walked in gray places liked this kind of place the most.

After she walked into the store of the Fairy Treasure Chamber of Commerce, the largest store in the town, there were far fewer eyes spying on her in the dark.

"Girl, what do you need, just take a look?"

The shopkeeper smiled like a cunning fox, flattering, well-measured and not annoying.

The occasional philistinism and speculation show that this shopkeeper is not a law-abiding person.

That’s right, in a place like this, even a kind person’s bones would be eaten clean.

"You have everything, even the silver fox?"

Lu Yun asked curiously.

The number of Jiutian Silver Foxes is not large, and due to being hunted by human monks over the years, the Silver Fox clan retreated to the deepest part of the Cold Mountain.

The monks could not withstand the extreme cold there, which ensured the survival conditions of the Silver Fox clan.

And things are rare.

In the world of cultivation, it is a rare existence, the more people want it.

There are countless people who take risks out of desperation.

"I don't know if you are asking about a pure silver fox or a white fox with mixed blood."

This question stunned Lu Yun.

Is it possible that there are racial differences among the Silver Fox clan?

Seeing Lu Yun's confusion, the shopkeeper smiled. He realized that Lu Yun was a new guest in the town and was unfamiliar with this place, which also meant that this was a piece of fresh fat meat, easy to slaughter.Lu Yun's value suddenly increased a lot, and the shopkeeper's mind became active.

After receiving the questioning look from the shop assistant, the shopkeeper hesitated and shook his head.

This guest looks unusual, so be cautious until you find out who he is.

Lu Yun, who saw the exchange between the shopkeeper and the waiter, just remained calm.

She has the jade order that Wen Renshi gave her in her hand, and she is not afraid of what the people of the Xianbao Chamber of Commerce will do to her.

But now is not the time to identify yourself.

She wanted to see how an "ordinary person" would be treated when he came here.

"To tell you the truth, girl, the white fox clan is the result of the interbreeding of silver foxes and foreign races. The fur of white foxes is not as shiny as that of silver foxes, and its uses are not as wide as those of silver foxes."

"But there is no difference in appearance."

"It's just that in terms of being used as a cauldron, the white fox is much inferior to the silver fox."

The shopkeeper was talking about the difference while looking at Lu Yun's expression.

Lu Yun, who had seen too many strange looks, kept her expression unchanged and thought quickly.

As a descendant of human and silver fox, Wen Ruyu is also the so-called white fox.

As for the theory of the furnace.

The purer the physical body, the better the talent for cultivation. Some people have become heretics and seek this kind of pure physical body to assist in their cultivation. This is the so-called theory of the furnace and the tripod.

However, often, as a furnace cauldron exists, the spiritual power gained from cultivation will be taken away by the owner of the furnace cauldron. Most of the consequences of the furnace cauldron are broken spiritual roots and death.

This is a method of demonic cultivation.

The shopkeeper said it so casually, which shows how bad the situation here is.

"What's the price?"

Lu Yun asked following the other person's thoughts.

"White Fox, it's easy to say... you can buy it for as little as [-] spirit stones. If the quality is good, the price will go up."

"As for the silver fox, in our Baixue Town, it is a marketable and priceless thing. It is rare to find but hard to find. Once it appears, it will be sold at auction. The price is difficult to estimate."

Unable to distinguish Lu Yun's expression, the shopkeeper rubbed his hands as he considered the value of the customer in front of him.

In Baixue Town, the value of monks is divided into three, six or nine levels.

The more valuable monks, the higher their status in the town. On the other hand, those who are worthless are trampled on by others in the town and no one cares about them.

However, this value cannot be swallowed up by one family.

They will exploit them from top to bottom until they maximize the value of their "guests".

Of course, there are also many who are mainly anti-customers.

And these are all based on strength.

Evaluating Lu Yun's strength is what the shopkeeper is doing. He has a spiritual weapon that can know the realm of the person in front of him.

Jindan early stage.

Judging from her appearance alone, such a young girl has the strength of the early stage of Jin Dan, and her status must be extraordinary.

But who said that in the world of cultivation, appearance of age is the most untrustworthy existence.

When the shopkeeper was thinking about whether to test the other person's true age again, a palm was spread out in front of him.

The mark belonging to the Immortal Treasure Chamber of Commerce on the jade order pierced the shopkeeper's eyes, making him tremble with fear.

He raised his eyes to face Lu Yun, and saw the calm and smiling emotion in Lu Yun's eyes, and the sharp gaze seemed to see through all his plans.

The shopkeeper's expression almost collapsed.

How come there is a distinguished guest here carrying the Jade Order of the Chamber of Commerce, and he is also a monk at the Golden Core stage.

Holding back the fear, the smile on his face became much more real.

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