Chapter 223 Being Targeted
The shopkeeper Jiang's idea of ​​"introducing" Lu Yun to the other customers in Baixue Town was instantly eliminated.

Baixue Town, under this pure white name, has countless places where filth and evil are hidden. If a stranger comes in, he will be eaten up and wiped clean if he is not careful.

After inquiring about the situation with the shopkeeper, Lu Yun went to settle in an inn below the Xianbao Chamber of Commerce and went out to buy some things.

The snow in Lingshan is spiritual snow. Not only is it bone-chilling, but it will also cause harm to the body if left in for a long time.

Although using spiritual power can resist the coldness, heavy snow is not the only danger in Cold Mountain. Excessive consumption of spiritual power can easily lead to problems.

Fortunately, there is a weapon refiner to solve this matter.

Lu Yun held a jade pendant in her hand. The jade pendant was about the size of a copper coin, delicate and small, and made into the shape of a snowflake.

The jade pendant from the hands of the refiner can withstand the wind and snow in the cold mountains.

"But if you enter the inner mountain, this pendant will be useless."

The boss introduced Lu Yun.

The temperature inside the mountain would cause ordinary people to freeze into ice sculptures in a matter of seconds.

If a monk goes in, the situation will be difficult.

This pendant can only withstand the severe cold in the outer mountains.

But looking at the boss's rolling eyes, Lu Yun knew that he still had something to say.

"How many spiritual stones are there in the inner mountain?"

She asked, if there is a sale, there is a deal, and the other party deliberately mentioned it, didn't it mean that there were still good goods.

"Haha, come on, girl." The shopkeeper took out another pendant, which looked almost the same, except that the center of the snowflake was dotted with a touch of bright red.

Like the cinnabar mole on the woman's white jade cheek, the red color is too dazzling.

Rubbing the pendant, Lu Yun raised her eyebrows, and she felt a wave of spiritual power belonging to the monster beast.

Looking at the boss again, he acted as if it was a business secret, which made Lu Yun embarrassed to continue questioning.

In the end, the pendant was sold for [-] spirit stones, which was really expensive. After all, if the pendant left Hanshan, it would be equivalent to becoming a scrap.

I bought some other things, and the boss was polite and gave me a discount. It was a transaction that both parties were very satisfied with.

When Lu Yun left, the boss was still standing at the door to say goodbye, smiling as if he had met a big, satisfying customer.

But after Lu Yun left, the smile on the boss's face disappeared. He walked inside the room, took out the messenger jade pendant and sent a message.

"The red carp appears."

A simple sentence, like a secret code.

What came back on the other end was just the word "received".

Lu Yun, who still didn't know that she was being targeted, was walking in Baixue Town.

To be honest, the situation here is somewhat similar to the Wuwujian Town she had been to before, in that strangers were not welcome.

However, Wujian Town is xenophobic, and here is the appetite to eat living people alive.

Brutal and bloody, they are everywhere in this cold town.

Pedestrians passing by have long been accustomed to the dull wailing coming from the alleys they pass by. The smell of blood is equivalent to an appetizer for the people here.

When passing by a shop, Lu Yun saw a white fox imprisoned in a cage.

The hair is as white as snow, a pure and innocent color, stained with an indelible dark color due to human desire.

Someone is bidding on the white fox.

Two people fell in love with the white fox at the same time. The white fox had not yet transformed, but it was obviously spiritual. It stayed in the cage and looked at the monk with eyes filled with resentment.

The art of furnace cauldron is different from dual cultivation. It does not require any physical relationship. It is just that one party acts as a furnace cauldron and transfers the spiritual power of cultivation to the other party.

Even if he maintains the shape of a monster, it is still possible.

Lu Yun heard the boss keep raising the price based on how suitable the white fox was as a furnace.

The person who finally succeeded in capturing the white fox was a middle-aged man.His face is a little fat, fair and chubby, and he has a friendly and kind expression on his face, always smiling.

Lu Yun was there to watch the excitement. When the man left with the white fox, he took a few more glances.

The seemingly friendly person has a strong smell of blood. The fishy smell does not belong to humans, but to monsters.

The smell was so strong that it could only be said that the other party was immersed in killing monsters and beasts.

very dangerous.

This was the answer given to Lu Yun intuitively.

So Lu Yun didn't stare at the person for too long. Her attention was on the white fox.

She remembered something that the shopkeeper of the Fairy Treasure Chamber of Commerce told her before.

The descendants born from the union of humans and monsters are very rare, and among these rare ones, they are divided into two categories.

One type is those born in human form, such as Wen Ruyu.

One type is born in the form of a beast, and like monsters, it needs to be cultivated to a certain level before it can transform.

Watching the man leave with Bai Hu, an idea came to Lu Yun's mind.

Are all the white foxes in the cold mountain the descendants of the silver fox clan and other monster beast races? Are there any descendants who were born with humans but maintained their animal form?

Another thing, from what she found out, there were too many white foxes here.

Silver foxes are not a race that pays attention to the desire to reproduce. In addition, the monks hunt silver foxes and white foxes. With the super high intelligence of silver foxes, it is impossible to continue to reproduce with foreign races.

You know, because of the mixed bloodline, the white fox cannot adapt to the extreme cold in the inner mountains, so it cannot live with the silver fox clan.

Once born, they will be released to the mountains.

This is equivalent to personally handing over your infant son into human hands.

Silver Fox shouldn't do such stupid things.

Lu Yun wanted to ask, but most of them were unclear about this point, and Lu Yun couldn't find the answer.

Lu Yun, who was familiar with the situation here, returned to the inn.

As soon as she stepped into the threshold, Lu Yun noticed that there were many people in the lobby of the inn, and many eyes passed over her.

That kind of hidden look has not disappeared since she stepped into Snow White Town, coming from different owners.

"A little more."

She thought to herself and stepped straight into the room, the door blocking the outside view.

After taking out some simple formations, Lu Yun began to practice.

Baixue Town is at the foot of Hanshan Mountain. The spiritual energy here is very abundant. With the secret method of spiritual explosion, Lu Yun can absorb the spiritual energy very quickly.

In this unique place, Lu Yun could feel the fragments in her Dantian conveying the feeling of fullness after eating and drinking.

Very comfortable.

That night, Lu Yun was almost immersed in spiritual energy, and she felt refreshed and refreshed the next morning.

With her best attitude, Lu Yun walked out of the inn and headed towards the entrance of the town.

The town is still lively, with people coming and going, and the cries of vendors and hawkers rising and falling one after another, giving the town a bit more of a worldly atmosphere.

But underneath this peaceful exterior, the surging undercurrent never stops.

Lu Yun counted in her heart.

The moment she left the inn, several precise eyes followed her.

That kind of gaze was not a curious look at a stranger, but an accurate targeting of her.

She was being watched.

(End of this chapter)

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