Little Junior Sister Society fears but draws sword

Chapter 224 Big Fish Eat Small Fish

Chapter 224 Big Fish Eat Small Fish

Thinking back to what happened yesterday, and then thinking about the rules of conduct in this town, those who come are both guests and prey.

The shopkeeper of the Immortal Treasure Chamber of Commerce should not reveal his information, so it was what the boss did when he went to buy the pendant yesterday.

Lu Yun bought both of those pendants.

What is hanging on the waist now is the ordinary white jade pendant, hanging next to the bell.

Seven small bells and jade pendants occasionally collide together, making a crisp sound that is very pleasant to the ear.

Looking out of the corner of his eye, Lu Yun saw a few familiar faces.

It was the guests at the inn when she returned to it yesterday.

Come to think of it, at that time, I was probably being targeted.

Lu Yun was not afraid at all. He just pretended not to notice these looks and led the people towards Hanshan Mountain.

People are cutters and fish and I am fish, but this does not mean that she, Lu Yun, is the piece of fish. Here, the rule is that the big fish eats the small fish, and the small fish eats the shrimp.

Lu Yun may not be the big fish standing at the top, but she is not the low-end shrimp either.

It is difficult for shrimps to eat small fish, but small fish can swallow a big fish as long as they have the opportunity and time.

No matter how much she thought, Lu Yun seemed completely unaware.

She gathered her clothes and looked forward.

A hundred meters away, you will truly enter Hanshan's territory.

Looking around, the wind and snow are charming to the eyes. The falling snow covers the world and turns all the colors into the simplest white.

After looking at it for a long time, there seems to be a double image in front of my eyes, making me dizzy.

Snow falls all year round in Hanshan, and occasionally it stops snowing, which is rare.

The pendant withstood the cold enough to scratch the bones, but the remaining chill could still make the body feel cold.

Lu Yun put on a thick cloak and hid her green clothes underneath. She raised her eyebrows slightly and stepped into the ice and snow with a calm expression.


His cold body was trembling and his soul was freezing.

This was Lu Yun's first feeling after entering Hanshan.

She could feel the constant heat on the pendant helping her resist the cold, and the aftermath was enough to restrain her.

She takes a step back.

With this step, the chill directed at the soul disappeared.

Hanshan is like a secret realm with strict entrances and exits. Once you step inside, you will find a harsh environment.

Lu Yun stayed at the door for a moment, took a deep breath, and the mist condensed in the air.

She went back in.

The extremely low cold air invaded again. Lu Yun did not use her spiritual power to resist. She pulled her cloak and looked towards the distance of Hanshan Mountain with heavy snow on her head.

Excessive snow conditions resulted in poor visibility.

If you just look at it with the naked eye, it will be difficult for dozens of meters around you.

In the vast expanse of white, looking around, there is nothing else. It is easy for people to feel that they are the only ones left in this world.

The loneliness and cold seeping from the bones makes many people stop here.

After touching the pendant, Lu Yun continued to move forward.

She didn't hold an umbrella. In a place like this, an umbrella would be a burden.

Occasionally, she raised her hand to wipe away the snowflakes on her shoulders. Lu Yun's black hair was dyed the same white in the ice and snow.

Under the white head, the long eyelashes were hung with ice crystals, as clear as glass, making Lu Yun's eyes, which seemed to be transcending the mortal world, even more pure and cold.With a frozen blush on her cheeks, Lu Yun rubbed her hands and was not in a hurry to rush in. Instead, she circled around the perimeter to let her body become familiar with the environment here.

The human body can gradually adapt to the external environment as long as it is given enough time, not to mention that hers is a monk's body and is more powerful than a mortal.

Nourished by spiritual power, monks with extraordinary physical bodies are placed in such a harsh environment, which is actually a kind of physical training.

The physical body is tempered here, and the spiritual power also grows here.

The longer you stay, the more obvious that feeling becomes.

The golden elixir in the dantian was spinning, and the fragments that should have been satisfied once again let out a cry of hunger. Not only Lu Yun's body was tempered, but even the fragments seemed to have benefited.

And this is exactly what she came here for.

The peripheral effects are currently good, so Lu Yun is not in a hurry to go deep inside.

She simply found a snow cave and sat down cross-legged inside. Heavy snow fell and quickly covered the entrance of the snow cave. From the outside, it looked empty.

Lu Yun stayed in the snow cave to practice meditation, and this sitting lasted for a month.

Cultivation has no time, this is never just a saying.

When Lu Yun finally woke up, it was not because she took the initiative, but because some of the formations she had left nearby were triggered.

Those simple formations are engraved on the spirit stones and do not require the formation master to control them. After setting some conditions, they will be automatically triggered once anyone approaches.

However, this kind of formation is not as good as those in the hands of the formation master.

Lu Yun did not go out, but carefully scanned the outside with her spiritual sense.

There was an umbrella floating above her head, which could cover up people's exploration of her place, so she did not restrain herself from exploring the outside.

It was a group of people, both men and women, and it seemed that they entered here as a team.

The person who triggered the formation was a woman, dressed in white fox fur, and her face was particularly charming. It was obvious that she was a girl who had been pampered and raised.

"Miss, it's just a formation. It should be left by someone from the past. There is no one else nearby."

Lu Yun was surprised to say that the person who spoke was the middle-aged man she saw yesterday.

The other party bowed his head to the girl with a very humble expression.

In the team, someone was carrying a cage. Inside was the white fox from yesterday. Compared to yesterday, this white fox was even more miserable. There was a collar hanging around its neck, and Lu Yun could feel the breath of the formation from above.

Not only that, there are several talismans attached to the other party's body.

The dying white fox turned its head slightly in the cage. Not sure if it was an illusion, but Lu Yun always felt that the white fox seemed to have glanced at the place where she was hiding.

The sweeping glance did not attract the attention of the others.

"Let's go then."

The woman's voice was a little impatient: "Who set these rules?"

"Isn't this also a white fox? Why can't it be in animal form? It must be in human form. Damn it, I will make my father abolish this rule when I go back."

She was complaining, and despite her arrogant attitude, the man just smiled and agreed.

From Lu Yun's point of view, the other party didn't show much respect to the young lady. On the contrary, when the "father" was mentioned, the man's eyes were much more genuine.

He was probably sent by his "father" to protect this young lady, but this man was not interested in this job.

Since no one was found, these people did not stay and continued deeper.

Until the figures of those people disappeared from Lu Yun's perception, Lu Yun closed her eyes again and meditated.

After a month, her body had adapted very well to being in this cold environment.

And what she has to do is to continue to strengthen this feeling.

(End of this chapter)

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