Chapter 225 Goal
In a snow cave not far from Lu Yun's retreat, a group of people were nesting. A water mirror in the center showed Lu Yun's location.

"Fuck, damn, this little girl won't freeze to death, right?"

Those who got the Blood Jade all had to go into the inner mountains of Cold Mountain. There were so many good things in the inner mountains, but they couldn't get them, so they had to squat outside.

The person who bought the blood-stained jade is called a red carp, which represents the goal.

They originally thought that Lu Yun came in to find those silver foxes, but they wanted to follow behind and reap the benefits.

But who would have known that the smelly girl got into the snow cave as soon as she came in and never came out. There was no movement for a month, so they just guarded her here for a month.

"Damn it, it's so boring." Yu Tian cursed. If he hadn't been given so much this time, he wouldn't have suffered here.

Touching the goosebumps on his arms, Yu Tian was annoyed to death.

Where is this kind of place for people?

"Want to go have a look?"

Someone asked tentatively, Yu Tian thought about it and thought it was a solution.

"Go to hell and be careful."

"I'll wait." Someone stopped him.

"Army, what's wrong?"

The man called Dajun smiled and waved his fingers: "Didn't you see that group of people just now? They are obviously big fish too."

"And they are carrying a white fox in their hands. They don't need the white fox. Why did they bring it here? Of course they want the white fox to lead the way."

The white fox was released to the mountains as soon as he was born, but the white fox and silver fox clans come from the same source, and the white fox is also eager to find the silver fox and return to its origins.

Therefore, there is a legend in Hanshan that if you follow a white fox, you may not be lucky enough to see a silver fox.

Most people who bring white foxes into the mountains have this purpose.

"What I mean is, should we split up into two groups? Anyway, there is no movement on this girl's side right now."

"Let's divide a few people into following them and see what those people want to do."

"If it's also a big fish, we'll..." Making a killing motion, Dajun's mind was active, his eyes shining with greed.

The tip of his tongue touched his teeth, holding back the excitement, and fully displaying his malice.

"It makes sense." Yu Tian nodded, squinting and thinking about the group of people.

"But I think that group of people came from an unusual place, and there are a lot of them. We are no match for them."

"In this way, let's send a few people over and follow them from a distance. If that's feasible, we'll call in more people."

They have lived here for a long time and have their own connections and power. This is not the first time they have done this kind of thing.

After entering Hanshan, death has nothing to do with them.


This arrangement was unanimously approved, and eventually the army followed them up, while Yu Tian stayed here and continued to keep an eye on Lu Yun.

But before that, we need to test whether Lu Yun is still alive.

This task was handed over to Dajun and others who passed by Lu Yun.

The heavy snow has been falling for a month without stopping. The snow cave is buried in the snow and it is impossible to see what is going on inside.

The army took the initiative to approach, pretending to be passing by.

The formation was triggered again, and the army looked frightened on the surface, but actually observed the situation inside.

If the person is still alive, then after the formation is touched, the people inside will definitely react.

While the army was waiting, they could vaguely feel the fluctuations of spiritual power inside, which was a bit chaotic, as if they had been disturbed.

But no one inside came out.

The army doesn't care either, just make sure people stay alive.

Just pretending not to notice this, Da Jun cursed a few times and made a gesture to Yu Tian, ​​then continued walking inside.

Lu Yun knew about this little episode, but didn't care.

She also wanted to see how long this group of people could guard her.Lu Yun continued to practice quietly, immersed in her own world, and the golden elixir in her dantian rotated at a specific and regular speed.

Lu Yun was sitting cross-legged, her face was like white jade, and in this white snow color, she looked holy and cold.

I don’t know how many years have passed in the mountains. When I open my eyes again, it will be another month later.

After Lu Yun woke up, she moved her arms and processed the news in the jade pendant. It was nothing serious.

In two months, after being tempered by the cold temperature of the Cold Mountain, her cultivation was about to enter the middle stage of the golden elixir, but she still lacked a little catalyst.

She has completely adapted to the cold air in the current location, and there is no use staying here anymore.

After looking at the jade pendant on his waist, Lu Yun smashed the ice and snow at the entrance and walked out.

The wind and snow roared by, mesmerizing the eyes.

Lu Yun glanced at the place where those people were hiding and showed a weak smile, as if she was expecting something.

After two months of squatting, those people are really patient and have not chosen to give up even now.

During this period, it seems that there was a shift change.

After taking a look at the surrounding environment, the sky and the earth were all white. After standing here for a long time, I couldn't tell the difference between east, west and north.

The only thing that can serve as a symbol is the snow-capped mountains deeper inside.

On the top of the towering snow-capped mountains, there is ice that has never melted for thousands of years. No monk would dare to challenge that kind of place.

Walking into the wind and snow, Lu Yun continued walking inside.

Her current location is on the outskirts of the outer mountains. If it is sunny, she can see the existence of Baixue Town from here.

The cloak blocked the heavy snow, and Lu Yun's pace quickened a lot.

"Damn it, that stinky girl is out, hurry up and follow her."

Yu Tian took a breath and saw Lu Yun appear. He trembled all over, pushed the others awake, and got out.

They were not too far apart, so even if they were discovered, it would be easy to explain.

It just seemed like the little girl in front didn't notice anything.

"Let's go. Is there any news from the army?"

Yu Tian smacked his lips and asked, "There is one thing you have to learn in the cold mountains, and that is patience."

The army and others followed that group of people for a long time.

However, those people are still wandering around in the mountains. During this period, they encountered some white foxes. They caught a few and they haven't left yet.

"Here he is, saying it's the same as before."

"Okay, let's go."

Compared with our own side, the army's side is obviously much more difficult.

During this month, Dajun and others tried to contact those people, but they were harassed every time by those people.

If you can't get in, you have to follow the old method.

The only thing I knew was that the group of people came from the Hehuan Sect.

Hehuan Sect is still very famous in the world of cultivation, and the men and women in it are best at dual cultivation methods.

He also said that the cultivation of Hehuan Sect disciples all grew on their beds.

Vaguely, Yu Tiancai came to this group of Hehuan Sect's thoughts.

For the skill of Furnace and Cauldron, the animal form will suffice. If you practice dual cultivation, you will get the human form.

I guess those people were looking for a white fox in human form. Some people have done this before.

But those people are destined to be disappointed.

The hatred of those silver foxes towards the human race was so strong that they would kill anyone they saw, let alone give birth to offspring when they were with the human race.

(End of this chapter)

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