Chapter 226 The bitten corpse
Lu Yun raised her head, looked at the thick white sky, felt the increasing chill, and walked calmly.

She took out Wuzhuo and carried it on her body to add weight to her practice in Hanshan.

The pace is very steady, one step at a time, but soon the footprints will be covered by the heavy snow falling like free money.

This piece of snow can easily cover up all evidence of crime.

But covering up is not disappearing.

Hearing the crisp cracking sound under his feet, Lu Yun's eyes twitched.

She moved away, using her palms to bring up a gust of wind, blowing away the thick snow covering the ground, and then she saw a human-shaped ice sculpture downwind.

In the crystal clear ice sculpture, you can still see the vivid features of the man.

The body of a dead person will decompose, and the same goes for the body of a monk if it is not treated.

But here, the body of a dead person will always remain at the moment of death. Even if you look at it through the ice, it will be weird no matter how you look at it.

This person should be someone who entered Hanshan before and died here. His body was frozen and covered.

She accidentally stepped on this man's waist just now. She was carrying Wu Humbless, and her steps were not light.

The force caused her to crush the body.

Cracks appeared on the ice sculptures, and the crackling sound made people's scalp numb.

When Lu Yun faced him, the gap opened up to his head, and the body shattered into pieces, revealing the bright red flesh and blood sealed by ice.

No blood flowed out.

Everything here remains eternally unchanged in the extreme cold.

It's this scene that looks a bit like a murder and dismemberment scene.

Lu Yun exhaled, and the air condensed into ice crystals, blending with the surroundings. She waved her hand, dug a snow cave, and buried all the broken corpses in it.

For the sin she had committed, giving this predecessor a grave was considered karmic retribution.

After doing this, Lu Yun picked up a storage bag on the ground.

After the owner died, the storage bag became an ownerless thing. Lu Yun's spiritual consciousness easily entered it. Looking at the contents inside, Lu Yun raised her eyebrows and showed an interesting smile.

She took out a picture stone and opened it.

The pictures taken are from Hanshan. Judging from the environment inside, it should be deeper.

There was no one inside, but voices could be heard.

"We caught this batch. The old rule is to deliver the goods in three days. Time is running out, so get out quickly."

"Okay, by the way, these white foxes are so damn pretty."

"Come on, you can even go into heat with a beast."

"Why not? Just tell me, if those silver foxes inside come out, do you want them?"


Amidst the sound of gagging, someone scolded, it should be the leader of this group of people.

"Okay, there are a lot of women. Let's go back to the town and have some fun. This batch of goods was chosen over there, and no one can touch it."

"Okay, listen to the boss."

"But boss, this is the third time we have come in this year. These white foxes are becoming more and more cunning, and it will be difficult to catch them again in the future."

"What are you afraid of? At worst, you can find Dr. Huang. Isn't there a way there?"

"That's right. I don't know how Dr. Huang can supply white foxes stably. Tsk tsk, it's much more convenient than us."

"I don't know where Dr. Huang is. He can catch white foxes and make that kind of jade pendant. He must be a senior."

"What's the matter, you still want to hug your thigh, hahaha."

"Stop talking so much, let's go when you're full."

In the scattered news, the voices fluctuated, and it was clear that there were many people.

From these sounds, Lu Yun learned that someone was hunting white foxes in Hanshan and selling them.

Look at the time in the image stone, it’s this year.

These people should have come out from inside. I don’t know what happened here. Some people will stay here forever.

After thinking for a while, Lu Yun stood at the place where the body had just been found. She picked up Wu Zhuo and used her spiritual power to create a storm of snow.

Large areas of snow were stirred up by spiritual power, and among the falling snowflakes, Lu Yun saw the rest of the corpses.Dragging out all the corpses, she was careful enough not to break them this time.

Upon closer inspection, Lu Yun discovered that these people died strangely and miserably.

Some of them had half their heads missing, and some of their bodies were broken. If they hadn't been frozen, they would have been broken into several pieces.

The bloody death was preserved in the ice. Lu Yun turned a corpse over and saw a torn wound on the back of the corpse.

The wound was very deep and hideous, and you could see the bones beneath the flesh and blood.

But this wound was not caused by any weapon, it looked like the bite of a wild beast.

There were also such marks on the other corpses.

On their way out of Hanshan, this group of people was attacked by some monster.

The fox tribe is not the only monster beast living in Hanshan, but due to the power of the fox tribe, the other monster beasts rarely appear in places where the fox tribe exists.

Comparing the scars caused by this monster, Lu Yun could tell that these people died at the hands of the Fox Clan.

Is it a white fox or a silver fox?

There were still some hairs left in some wounds. Using spiritual power to melt the ice, Lu Yun picked up a piece of hair.

Even if there is no sun, you can still see the gleaming light emitting from this hair, like a silver moon, bright and clear.

This kind of fluorescence is not something that white foxes can have.

It was Silver Fox who took action.

But if the silver fox appears in the periphery, there will be no news in Baixue Town, unless this group of people is completely wiped out.

Unfortunately, it is impossible to tell how many people there are from those image stones.

After taking away the storage bags from these people, Lu Yun buried the bodies under the snow again.

The thief who dies at the hands of the person from whom he is stolen is a well-deserved death.

With a sarcastic smile, Lu Yun looked behind her from the corner of her eye.

While she was doing this, the group of people kept watching silently. She deliberately did not completely bury some corpses and continued walking.

A moment later, Yu Tian and his men appeared at the place where Lu Yun stayed. It didn't take much effort to find the existence of the corpses.

And someone recognized a few of them.

"It's the Fox Hunting Team!"

someone exclaimed.

There are many teams operating in groups in Baixue Town, as if they are army-breaking squads.

These teams were walking in the cold mountains, doing various things.

Among these teams, the Fox Hunting Team is very famous. They are the team that goes the deepest into Hanshan, and the people inside are not bad at all.

Just half a year ago, the fox hunting team lost all traces.

Some people think that they quit the job, while others think that they are dead. No matter which guess, there is no evidence.

And now they finally know the truth.

"Weren't they looking for a group of white foxes?"

"I remember they spread the word that it was completed."

The news is common. They know it more or less, but if it is completed, how can they die here? Looking at the traces, it is obviously not man-made.

"They caught the white fox, but they couldn't bring it out of Hanshan."

Yu Tian rubbed his fingers.

Even though he has long been accustomed to going in and out of Hanshan, the cold air here still makes him shiver from time to time.

The coldness coming from his bones made Yu Tian feel very heavy.

He was wondering if the little girl had discovered anything just now. All the storage bags on these people were gone.

"Be careful next time, that little girl may be unusual."

Yu Tian reminded, the others should be nonchalant, they have a large number of people, who is afraid of a little girl.

(End of this chapter)

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