The conversation between these silver foxes did not avoid Lu Yun and the ice sculptures.

It was obviously meant for them to hear.

The power of the ice was weakening, and the body gradually gained the right to move. As the conversation took place, the changes in the monks' expressions were all seen by the transformed silver fox.

Lu Yun felt no shame and remained unmoved.

After this wave of temptations, Yu Tian was the first to be hit.

His neck was strangled, and his whole body was suspended in the air. Yu Tian grabbed the arm of the person in front of him, and a broken sound came out of his throat due to suffocation.

"Where is that person?"

Silver Fox asked.

The hands, which are as slender as human beings, are extremely beautiful, but Yu Tian, ​​who is controlled by these hands, has no intention of appreciating beauty.

"I, I don't know what you're talking about."

"I have no intention of catching a silver fox."

When he entered the mountain, he came for the big fish like Lu Yun.

Their idea was simple, follow Lu Yun and pick up the slack behind her. After all, they had seen too many stupid monks who thought they were powerful and wanted to conquer the Cold Mountain, but eventually withered in the Cold Mountain.

Lu Yun was classified as such a person.

They came here for Lu Yun's legacy.

As for Silver Fox, their hearts are moved, but they are self-aware and don't dare to enter the inner mountain rashly.

Not to mention, they were now in Silver Fox's base camp.

Looking around, there were silver foxes in the village, surrounded by beasts of all sizes.

In the eyes of these emotionless beasts, Yu Tian couldn't imagine how he could escape, let alone hide anything.

"Doctor Huang, where are you?"

Silver Fox did not relax his grip on Tian's explanation, but continued to ask.

After this name appeared, Dajun and others who had been waiting had strange expressions on their faces.

The next second, the army flew out.

A silver fox stepped on him, its huge claws pierced into the opponent's abdomen, his internal organs were stirred, and blood spurted out.

The murderous intention belonging to the silver fox put the army into a near-death situation in an instant.

This village is shrouded in the power of the silver fox, and the extreme cold in the inner mountains cannot penetrate.

But at this moment, that protective power was deliberately weakened.

Dajun heard the sound of his soul freezing, bit by bit, inch by inch, from bottom to top, trying to erase all traces of him in this world.

"I, I don't know where Dr. Huang is, I just heard of his name."

The army shouted miserably, and the voice of explanation became extremely weak and guilty.

In the face of death, all illusions are given up, and only the most instinctive face is revealed.

He wanted to live, so he raised his hand without hesitation and pointed in Yu Tian's direction.

"He, he knows."

"He's our boss, he knows better."

Yu Tian, ​​who was hanging in the air, stared angrily at this identification.

This unexpected betrayal was unexpected for Yu Tian.

The fingers on his throat tightened again, and the sound of bones breaking could be heard in his mind.

He seemed to see tiny cracks appearing on his throat, and those cracks were quickly filled with ice, keeping his body in optimal condition.

The cold air accumulated in his throat, which turned the blood Yu Tian vomited into ice slag.

"Let me go. I really don't know. I just follow orders."

The instinct of survival made Da Jun lower his posture to the lowest level. He lowered his head and kissed the silver fox's paw, his expression becoming obsessed.

"As long as you let me go, I can do anything. I can help you find that Dr. Huang."


He constantly emphasizes this point, and the ugliness of human nature is undoubtedly exposed.

"Haha!" "Traitors have no right to live."

The mocking laughter wiped out the last hope of the army.

The silver fox stepped on him, raised his paws, and took out the heart that was still beating in the opponent's chest.

Plop, plop...

The sound of drumming was so clear in the extreme cold, and the heart was covered with layers of hoarfrost.

The frozen heart will remain the most alive.

And the owner of this heart was shattered into thousands of ice fragments.

After a wave of spiritual power, the ice slag was sprinkled on everyone's bodies.

The smell of blood hits your nose, making you feel uncomfortable.

Lu Yun wiped the blood from his cheeks expressionlessly, once again feeling the teasing and evil intentions of these silver foxes towards humans.

The purest malice makes these silver foxes appreciate the helplessness and despair displayed by humans when facing them.

They are taking revenge.

They used the same methods that the humans had used against them to take revenge on the humans.

The army died, but the interrogation continued.

As the person who received the most attention, Yu Tian racked his brains to tell what he knew about Dr. Huang.

He really had no contact with Dr. Huang.

All I know is that the other person is a person with no end in sight. He has been walking in the cold mountains all year round. He has the advantage of possessing a large number of white fox resources, and his medical skills are also very good.

"The white foxes Dr. Huang sells are all cubs, and some are still newborn cubs."

Yu Tian was thrown to the ground. He coughed and dug this sentence out of the depths of his memory.

At first I just heard someone say it.

And when he finished saying this, everyone noticed the silver fox's violent murderous intent.

The flying snowflakes became a sharp weapon for harvesting human lives. A head flew up, it was a monk trying to escape.

The blood kept gushing out and condensed into ice in the air. The bloody ice embellished the white snow, and the red plum blossoms fell on the snow, making it extremely weird.

Yu Tian flew out and hit a house, breaking several bones.

"Did you catch the wrong person?"

"Then what should we do? It will be too late."

These sounds were caught by Lu Yun, who looked at the transformed silver fox.

Her long silver-white hair was spread behind her, swaying gently with the wind and snow. Her face was so beautiful that it made people forget about the world at a glance, and the corners of her mouth were evenly curved.

The murderous aura floating in the silver pupils couldn't be more real.

Yu Tian is not dead, but he is about to die.

As the rumors say, the Silver Fox's hatred for the human race causes them to show no mercy when they see the human race.

"Are you looking for Dr. Huang?"

She spoke.

The cold female voice startled all the silver foxes.

For a time, many eyes were on Lu Yun, and the silver fox immediately grabbed Lu Yun.

Before the extreme cold appeared, Lu Yun twisted her body to avoid it.

His fingers grazed his cheeks, leaving burning marks. Lu Yun knew without looking that her face was disfigured.

In this low temperature, the wound will freeze quickly, and there is no need to worry about blood loss.

Taking advantage of You Longying and the opponent's slighting, Lu Yun immediately distanced herself.

The silver fox's eyes, which Lu Yun had avoided, finally landed on Lu Yun.

Silver-white eyes as calm as dead water, like the cold snow on the sky, untouched by the dust of the world.

As the silver fox took a step forward, the ice spikes that penetrated from the surface wanted to stab Lu Yun directly into candied haws.

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