Little Junior Sister Society fears but draws sword

Chapter 229 Meeting the White-haired Immortal

Compared to humans who are reserved, most monsters are fierce in their style, and their fighting style will also be affected. They can't use any fancy moves. If they can kill people, they are easy to use.

As the ice spikes on the ground attacked, a stream of cold air turned into water and wrapped around Lu Yun's legs. The air of frost and snow filled the tip of her nose and chilled her heart.

The spiritual energy vibrated, shattering the ice on his legs.

Lu Yun took out something, which was a shadow stone.

There was more than one image stone in the storage bags she had found before. The records contained in them might be what the Silver Fox clan needed.

A small piece of stone, unremarkable, but Hu Yao recognized it.

As the leader of the Silver Fox clan, she has had many interactions with the human race and is aware of their cunning.

"what do you want?"

Hu Yao stopped counting, but the cold aura around her body did not dissipate.

"This is what I picked up."

Lu Yun reported a rough direction.

"A group of people died there, and the one who did it was the person you are looking for."

Throw the stone over, the image stone is activated, and the scene reappears.

In this scene, there is a human figure. A man wearing a fox fur and tightly wrapped up is walking from not far away, only revealing a pair of sinister eyes.

The visitor threw over a storage bag: "The rest of the money is here."

In the picture, the found white fox is sent out, and the boss's cheerful laughter can be heard.

"Well, money and goods are both in order."

The visitor did not answer. After carefully checking the goods, he put them away and prepared to leave.

At this moment, a sudden voice appeared.

"Are you Dr. Huang?"

"What are you talking about?" his companion asked.

"Ah, I heard someone say before that Dr. Huang is dressed like this, so I asked out of curiosity." The man's voice sounded a little confused.

The visitor who was supposed to leave sighed deeply after hearing these words.

"I guessed it, why do you have to say it?"

Then, there were all kinds of screams. The person holding the recording stone could only put it away in a hurry, but at the last moment, the recording stone recorded a vague shadow.

Beast eyes, claws, and fluttering hair.

That's a silver fox.

Those people did die in the hands of the silver fox, but the silver fox didn't seem to belong here, but was Huang Yaoshi's monster.

This is what she later discovered.

"It's my sister."

A male voice appeared, and it sounded like a child.

The silver fox walked up to Hu Yao and lowered his head slightly: "Clan leader, it's my sister. Can I still see my sister?"

The sad tone makes people feel sympathy.

"Will do."

Hu Yao touched the male fox's head, her voice full of determination.

After seeing that the mood of the silver foxes had eased slightly, Lu Yun took out something else.

It's the piece of blood jade.

As soon as the jade pendant was taken out, a strange wave of spiritual power spread out, and the cold air that originally lingered on Lu Yun's body completely disappeared.

My whole body felt as if I was soaking in a hot spring, so warm.

This jade pendant is really awesome.

But Lu Yun didn't put it on, and touched the drop of blood in the middle of the bloody jade pendant with her finger.

"This jade pendant was also made by Dr. Huang, right? Is it made from the essence and blood of your fox clan?"

The Silver Fox clan is a unique race in Hanshan. For them, the cold air is probably the same as the spring breeze blowing on their faces.

Someone took advantage of this characteristic to create this kind of jade pendant.

The fox tribe will definitely be able to sense the essence and blood of their own tribe. People who wear this kind of jade pendant can indeed withstand the coldness of the inner mountains, and will also become the most precise target in the eyes of these fox tribes.

This thing, once taken out, is a suicide weapon.

Then you really need a team to "collect the corpses" behind you.

Lu Yun glanced at Yu Tian. He was not dead yet, but he was seriously injured and fell to the ground. He would not die soon.Seeing Lu Yun's eyes, Yu Tian knew that his whereabouts had long been exposed.

He coughed, pain in his chest.

Under Lu Yun's cold gaze, he could not utter any words to beg for mercy.

As the life flowed from his body bit by bit, a beautiful silver fox came to him and gave him the most merciful blow.

The heart was ripped out and the eyes became empty.

Yu Tian's life has come to an end.

Those who followed Yu Tian turned into ice sculptures again, but this time, the Fox Clan showed no mercy.

In the ice, hot tears flowed from the eyes of those people. The moment the tears seeped out, they condensed into ice.

In an instant, the breath died.

Hu Yao waved his hand, and all the ice sculptures shattered into ice crystals, and the blood-colored ice crystals fluttered in the ice city, adding to their beauty.

"Is there anything else you want to say?"

Hu Yao was satisfied with what Lu Yun took out.

It's a pity that the opponent is the human race, and the fox race and the human race have long been at odds with each other.

But she can be gentler when she does it later.


Lu Yun answered straightforwardly, holding Wu Zhu's hand and never letting go.

"My friend, do you want to cooperate?"

A middle-aged male voice appeared, it was Uncle Tian from the Hehuan Sect.

Uncle Tian has been staying by Gong Shuya's side, and did not look at Lu Yun when transmitting the message.

Lu Yun did not answer for the time being.

Although at this time, the strength of one person is too weak, and if you want to leave here, working together is indeed feasible, but she doesn't understand this group of people.


A contemptuous laugh came from Hu Yao's mouth, as if she had discovered Xiao Jiujiu between Lu Yun and Uncle Tian, ​​and the murderous intent in Hu Yao's brows was no longer concealed.

The air seemed to freeze.

The flying snowflakes danced wildly in the strong wind, swirling around everyone.

Lu Yun stretched out her hand tentatively, but her fingertips were cut by snowflakes.

Blood dripped on the ground. Lu Yun squinted her eyes and was about to take out Han Jiangxue when she heard a voice.

"Miss Lu?"

A man's voice can also be described as the voice of jade.

The wind and snow suddenly dissipated. Lu Yun looked forward and saw an extremely weak figure appearing in front of her.

It was Wen Ruyu.

Their eyes met, and they all looked confused.

Wen Ruyu coughed a few times, walked to Hu Yao and said something. After Hu Yao glanced at Lu Yun coldly, the snowflakes returned to normal.

Exhaling slightly, Lu Yun gave Wen Ruyu a grateful look.

"How did you come?"

Wen Ruyu walked up to Lu Yun and asked funnyly.

During this period of time, the Fox Clan has been thoroughly investigating the disappearance of the clan members. Although some people have been poaching the Fox Clan in Hanshan, recently, some people have also taken action against the Silver Fox Clan.

And every time those silver foxes were caught, the traces quickly disappeared, as if they had never existed.

After further investigation, it was discovered that a force from outside Baixue Town was targeting the Fox Clan, which made Hu Yao furious, leading to the current thunderous method.

"I'm here to practice."

Lu Yun explained that she was indeed forced into this muddy water.

"Well, I guessed it."

The immortal with silver hair and silver eyes was as gentle and humble as when they first met, and the eyes he looked at were as gentle as water, crushing the sunlight into pieces.

This is a very nostalgic look, and the scene of fighting side by side is still vivid in my mind.

"What's going on with your body? Where's the Marrow Cleansing Pill?"

In Wuwang Valley, it was not easy to get the Marrow Cleansing Herb. With the importance the Shen Zhen Sect places on Wen Ruyu, it is impossible to refine even one Marrow Cleansing Pill.

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