Chapter 233 Mercy for Death

The other party was still alive, and his breathing was very weak, mixed with painful moans.

This fox was skinned while still alive, and because of the monster's powerful physique, it was not dead yet.

Every breath was a powerful and severe torture for this fox.

The rich blood vapor pierced the nasal cavity, making it nauseating.

Every fox here is heading towards the end of despair.

Seeing this scene, the light in Lu Yun's eyes was as bright as the cold abyss. The person who did such a thing was worse than an animal.

A sword energy was thrown over, ending the life of the fox. Death was the happiest thing for the other person.

Neither the man nor the fox stopped her movement.

The appearance of outsiders made those foxes raise their heads slightly.

The moment she saw Hu Yao, Lu Yun saw the eyes of those foxes light up and then dim.

It is the perfect expression of a dying thing before embracing death and after seeing the regrets in life.

Fox sounds of different levels sounded.

This is the communication method belonging to the fox tribe. Lu Yun can't understand it, but she can feel the deep sadness and pain in it.

"They want relief."

Wen Ruyu whispered.

Perhaps it was because half of the fox clan was in his body. In Wen Ruyu's eyes, these fox clans were never "them" but "them".

This is his kindred.

At this moment, these same clansmen are begging for mercy from the clan leader.

Even if they were taken out, the fox clansmen who had been drained of their essence and blood and whose bodies were in tatters could not be saved.

Every minute and every second that they can still open their eyes is cruel to them.

They are longing for relief all the time!

The sound was squeezed in Hu Yao's throat, making a broken growl.

Lu Yun didn't know what the other party said, but she saw those tired fox tribesmen raising their heads one by one.

Among the messy hair, those beast eyes were so happy.

A handful of ice blades were condensed and hung in front of the fox clan. Hu Yao closed her eyes tightly, and her clenched hands were not enough to cover up her struggle.


The low hum of the fox was like a signal, and one fox clan after another joined in.

The thin and pitiful white foxes invited their clan leader to show them his last mercy.

"damn it!"

Amidst the almost inaudible curses, the ice blade fell.

It penetrated the heart of the Fox clan neatly and without leaving any chance for them to struggle.

Blood is flowing.

The blood of the fox clan never froze in the warm room, but gurgled on the floor.

That kind of bright red, so eye-catching, so bright, it turned into a bloody mess.

Hu Yao bit her lips tightly, her face as cold as frost.

After feeling that the last white fox had lost its life, she took a step forward.


She wants to go in.

She would personally catch the beast who dared to treat her own kind like this.

At that time, she will let that person know how cruel the Fox Clan is.

The whole process was silent.

The white foxes groaned in pain and chose to smile in the face of death.

Keep moving forward, looking away from those cages.

Lu Yun's heart was not as calm as on the surface.

This kind of place is like some kind of shady laboratory. Not surprisingly, the master here is Dr. Huang, who has never seen the light of day.

In the mouths of those people, Dr. Huang is mysterious and powerful.

But looking at the scale of this place, Dr. Huang couldn’t have done it alone.

Is it the force behind the other party?Lu Yun, who kept an eye out, followed through the outermost cage and entered a deeper hell.

Still a cage.

What was imprisoned was not the broken and dying white foxes, but the cubs.

The weak cub huddled in the cage, its weak body relying on curling up to gain some strength.

The monsters and beasts are naturally physically stronger than humans. Even hybrids have a physique that can crush ordinary humans.

But among the cubs here, some are as small as fists and can cause trouble if touched.

It was so fragile that, from Lu Yun's perspective, it looked more like an ordinary cat cub than a monster cub.

Some of the cubs were still stained with a faint smell of blood, as if they were just born.

Even if they get close, these cubs don't react at all.

Lu Yun touched one of the cubs with her finger and frowned.

"They're not born naturally."

Weak and congenitally deficient, this situation is almost impossible to appear in monster cubs.

Unless there is a congenital problem with the mother, or there is an accident during birth.

These cubs are more like products that were spawned.

"They have residual drugs in their systems."

It's not poison, but some intoxicating drugs, the kind that can keep people quiet, and they are very powerful.

If you encounter an adult monster, you will be attacked even if you are not careful, let alone these little ones.

Under the influence of the drug, they became extremely quiet. Just like this moment, some cubs opened their eyes and saw them without making any sound.

Similarly, their bodies were eroded by drugs, but they were fine in this warm place protected by the formation. Once they were released, with the talents of the fox clan, they would die if they came into contact with the cold mountain environment.

These cubs are worthless experimental products.

The fox that transformed from the formation to lead the way, after circling here for a week, suddenly landed on the head of one of the cubs.

The cub was relatively large, but only the size of a newborn human baby.

The body is curled up together, and the silver-white fur is particularly dazzling among a kind of fox.

That kind of crystal white color is like the falling moonlight.

"This is the offspring of a silver fox."

It is the descendant of the silver fox they are looking for, coming from the same blood essence, so the formation can react.

Hu Yao walked over numbly and touched the fox with her finger.


Her coquettish voice was enough to melt all the ice.

Hu Yao's face softened slightly, and she said subconsciously: "Don't be afraid, don't be afraid."

The power of the same origin soothes the cub's mind.

In the silver-white beast eyes, there is the clarity and ignorance of a newborn.

She snuggled into the warm spiritual energy and fell asleep again.

Putting it away carefully, the anger in Hu Yao's pupils has become a prairie fire.

There was another passage ahead. Hu Yao strode forward, her whole body momentum rising sharply.

Wen Ruyu squeezed the spells in her hands and set up several formations here to avoid being affected by the next two battles.

The two chased after them.

The cave in front is a little less evil than the outside.

This should be where Dr. Huang lives.

"How did you get in?"

Before reaching the place, Lu Yun heard Dr. Huang's voice, dry and a little frightened.

The night pearl illuminates the cave, and all the filth can be seen in the light.

Lu Yun paused as she stepped into this place.

In the dark room, Dr. Huang got up from the bed naked, shivering and wearing a robe.

And on the bed, lay a beautiful woman.

The silver hair has already revealed the identity of the other person, but the other person seems to be asleep, half-clothed, and not sure whether he is alive or dead on the bed.

(End of this chapter)

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