Chapter 234 The City of No Light
Thick chains were wrapped around the woman's neck and limbs.

These chains restrained the opponent's power, making her a prisoner here, allowing others to humiliate and mutilate her.

There were many traces of crime left on the other party's perfect body.

Among the bruises, some wounds were still bleeding.

For the likes of them, it's easy to tell how those injuries were caused.

Many of them were wounds caused during the fight, which also meant that the other party was still alive.

"What are you doing? If you come near me again, I will kill her!"

After the initial panic, Dr. Huang calmed down. He took out a sword and pointed it at the silver fox on the bed, his voice becoming proud.

His plain face looked excited because of desire.

"Four silver foxes, hahaha, I've been here for so long, and I only know one purebred silver fox. Now that there are four, it's so generous."

"In this way, if you want to take her away, you can just exchange her for one."

"I'm tired of this anyway."

Licking his lips with his tongue, Dr. Huang's face turned red. Because of his obscene thoughts, his ugly appearance was once again exposed in a certain area that was only covered by a layer of leather robe.

Such a disgusting and despicable person can still be in heat under such circumstances. It is difficult not to think that there is something wrong with the other person's mental state.

In the spacious room, there were only Dr. Huang and the white fox.

In this way, there are more people on their side, and there is no need to negotiate at all against the other party.

In fact, Hu Yao took action before the other party could speak.

But with a flash of silver light, the other party came to Dr. Huang.

With Hu Yao's strength, it would be a crushing victory against Dr. Huang.

Dr. Huang, who still wanted to use the silver fox as a hostage, was forced to stay away from the bed. As soon as he faced her, he knew that he was no match for Hu Yao.

Perhaps after he understood that it would not be possible this time, the strange smile on his face disappeared.

Dr. Huang is called a doctor because of his good medical skills, which saved many people who almost died in the cold mountains.

But people who are good at medicine have some knowledge of poison.

And Dr. Huang is one of the best.

There were sounds of machines opening and closing in some places in the room, and large amounts of powder spewed out.

Lu Yun waved her sleeves to separate the powder. Not long after holding her breath, she still felt dizzy.

There are so many medications that don’t require breathing to be effective.

Faced with these people, Dr. Huang naturally did not dare to make excuses and used extremely poisonous things.

The two white foxes that had not yet transformed fell down as soon as they jumped into the air, with black blood oozing from their mouths and noses.

Wen Ruyu, whose body was already weak, would inevitably come into contact with some powder even if she reacted quickly.

As the poison coursed through his body, Wen Ruyu groaned, and after meeting Lu Yun's eyes, he smiled.

"do not worry."

His health is indeed very bad. It can be said that he grew up in a medicine jar and took too many medicines, which also caused his body to have a certain resistance to medicines.

These poisons can't kill him.

Among the two and three foxes, Hu Yao was not hit because of his high level of cultivation, but because of the poisoning of his own kind, his movements became more violent.

"If you want them all to die here, just keep doing it."

Doctor Huang shouted confidently while avoiding the attack.

He was confident that his poison was insoluble to these foxes.

"Senior, leave these poisons to me."

Lu Yun's voice seemed too unexpected in this situation.

After a few glances, she first walked up to Wen Ruyu who was holding on, gave him a pill, and then saved the two foxes in the same way.

"Unfortunately, my third senior brother is from the Valley of Divine Doctors."

Seeing Dr. Huang's suddenly distorted expression, Lu Yun added in a good mood: "Also, he is good at medicine and poisoning." Her senior brother was good at medicine and poisoning.

Among the medicines given to her, there were countless ones that healed wounds, replenished Qi and blood, and replenished spiritual power, not to mention detoxifying pills.

The antidote pills produced by Baiyao are all refined against his own powerful poisons.

Against Dr. Huang, even if he can't detoxify, he can definitely suppress it.

Lu Yun had never doubted Baiyao's talent in this area.

But looking at the reactions of the two foxes, you can tell that this detoxification pill is also very suitable for the situation.

The poison that Dr. Huang relied on the most was easily resolved.

His poisonous skills were not impressive enough in front of Hu Yao. Within a few moves, Hu Yao trampled the person under his feet.

Doctor Huang, who was vomiting blood, had extremely cold eyes.

"Cough cough..."

He coughed hard and laughed wildly.

That smile sent chills down the spine, it shouldn't be the reaction of someone about to die.

"Be careful."

It was Wen Ruyu.

"The formation here has been activated. It's a teleportation formation. Move quickly!"

He shouted, grabbed Lu Yun on one side, and was about to leave, when Dr. Huang, who was standing with his body on the ground, pressed a certain mechanism and a chain grabbed Wen Ruyu's ankle.

After just such a delay, the formation was activated.

Lu Yun's last vision was to see Hu Yao hugging the silver fox on the bed and jumping out of the cave with the other two foxes.

Only she and Wen Ruyu were hit.

The light swallowed up all the darkness. In the dazzling white light, Lu Yun's eyes were unable to see for a moment.

Lu Yun, who was blind for the first time, supported Wen Ruyu with her backhand.

I don't know the surrounding situation yet, but there seems to be something wrong with Wen Ruyu's body.

The breath of Wen Ruyu's blood rushed into Lu Yun's breath. She half-hugged the person and felt that the other person's body had completely softened.

Her spiritual sense probed out, and her perception told her that the surrounding environment was dark and humid, but silent, and there was no danger for the time being.

She simply didn't move, waiting for her eyes to recover.

The spiritual power washed his eyes, and the moment his vision returned, Lu Yun saw that she was in a lightless city.

It was pitch black above the head with no moon visible.

In the city, buildings are lined up in rows with varying heights, forming an ups and downs picture.

In this painting, the only color used is monotonous black.

The unique environment and the demonic energy that could drown people told Lu Yun that she was now on the territory of the demonic cultivator.

The west bank is where the five sects of the Demonic Path are located in the Lightless City.

So, the person behind Dr. Huang is Wu Guangcheng?

Thinking about this now, it seems to be of no use.

Lu Yun grabbed Wen Ruyu's wrist and inspected her.

It was probably because of the huge fluctuations in the teleportation array that Wen Ruyu, who was already in poor health, suffered a huge impact and fainted.

Supporting the person, Lu Yun looked around.

Now she was in a small alley, in a dark environment, unable to see her fingers. The monk's eyes provided her with a field of vision.

Haven't seen the others yet.

Lu Yun led people and carefully climbed into the backyard of a house.

Rather than standing outside, it was better to hide first. The follow-up would have to wait until Wen Ruyu woke up. It would be difficult for her to do anything with the unconscious Wen Ruyu.

(End of this chapter)

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