Little Junior Sister Society fears but draws sword

Chapter 235 Ancestor of Corpse Mountain

There was no sound in the courtyard where Lu Yun came in.

Putting Wen Ruyu in the corner, Lu Yun carefully opened a door.

According to the structural design of the house, the room she pushed open was a kitchen.

You can see the stove and some tools inside. The place where the smell of fireworks is supposed to be the strongest is extremely neat.

The owner of the house must also be a monk.

Guessing, Lu Yun moved towards the other rooms.

She moved very gently and didn't make any noise when she opened the door.

There are two rooms. The first one opened has no bed or anything like that. There is only a desk with many candles placed on the desk.

There were traces of melted candles left on the table.

The color of the entire table has changed somewhat. It is often used by people, and the room is filled with the unique smell left by burning candles. It is long-lasting and very pungent.

Lu Yun's eyes were on the center of the desk.

There was something there, like a statue, covered with black cloth, making it hard to see clearly.

It is impossible to say that the owner of this courtyard is worshiping this thing.

People in Wuguang City may not worship simple gods and Buddhas.

What's inside may be important.

Do you want to go and have a look?
It’s a new arrival, so it’s good to know more about it.

For a while, these thoughts kept popping up in Lu Yun's mind.

She raised her hand and reached for the black cloth, trying to uncover it to see what was inside. The moment she touched the black cloth, the fragments buzzed in her dantian.

The crisp voice reached straight into his mind, making Lu Yun retreat in horror.

The desire to see the object in the black cloth subsided like a tide.

Lu Yun looked away, not daring to look at that thing again.

By accident, I almost got seduced by that thing.

She had a feeling that once the cloth was uncovered, she might be doomed today.

This is the territory of demonic cultivators, and there are monsters and monsters everywhere, so she has to be careful.

After warning herself, Lu Yun turned around and went back, carrying Wen Ruyu to a corner of the kitchen to settle down.

In the dark place, Lu Yun couldn't tell the current time.

Wen Ruyu's breathing became steady beside her, and she let the other person lean against her. Lu Yun opened her eyes and looked out the window.

The night is almost solid.

The whole city was silent, as if dead.

Time passed quietly, and Lu Yun felt that Wen Ruyu's breathing frequency had changed.

"woke up?"


Wen Ruyu rubbed her brows after her hazy mind came back to consciousness and remembered the last thing that happened before she fell into coma.

"Where is this place?"

"Is it evening?"

It was too dark. He wanted to pinch it to get some light, but Lu Yun held him down.


"This is the Lightless City."

Lightless City, whether it is the name or the darkness without any light, is telling Lu Yun that it is not appropriate to bring out the light now.

"Lightless City!"

Wen Ruyu's voice was unsteady, and she said after a long time: "I'm sorry, it was me who caused you trouble."

He was a little too confident and didn't notice that there was a teleportation array hidden in that room.

But the teleportation array itself didn't actually have any threatening capabilities, and it was deliberately covered up by the opponent. At that time, his attention was all on Dr. Huang.

Before the teleportation array was activated, he found no clues.

"It's okay."

Lu Yun didn't care about this.

Lu Yun, who still wanted to say something, pursed her lips and covered Wen Ruyu's mouth. In the confused eyes of the other party, Lu Yun motioned for the other party to listen carefully.A thin voice sounded.

Like a stone thrown into a calm lake, the ripples spread out as the water waves sway.

The entire lake became undulating because of this small stone.


Bursts of rooster crows were heard throughout the city, and this "stone" broke the tranquility of the city.

The darkness...came alive.

Looking out the window, little sparks emerged in the darkness. They were not natural lights, but candles.

Candles were lit one by one, and the weak light seemed to be extinguished at any time, but it existed tenaciously.

The crowing of the cock means the arrival of day.

Is the day in the lightless city the time when candles are lit?

Thinking of the strange room she entered before, Lu Yun motioned for Wen Ruyu to follow.

The crowing of the cock became louder and clearer.

The owner of this small courtyard also woke up, and Lu Yun took Wen Ruyu and hid under the desk in that room.

A long red cloth covered their figures.

Just after hiding, there were pairs of footsteps coming from the door.

The candles were lit, and the room became brighter. Through the gap, what they saw were two pairs of shoes.

The style of one man and one woman should be a couple.

The two of them stood in front of the desk, lit incense and kowtowed devoutly.

"Master Corpse Mountain, please have a meal."

The sound of cloth rubbing against each other was heard, and the two kowtowed again and left the room without staying long.

After waiting for a while, Lu Yun led the people out.

The two of them turned their backs to the desk. Lu Yun felt carefully that the sense of danger she felt when she came alone was no longer there.

She turned around first and saw the true appearance of the person on the desk.

It is a pitch-black statue as high as an arm.

The facial features of the portrait are blurred, but one can feel its majestic momentum.

Thinking about the names of the two people for this figure, it is not difficult to know that they are worshiping the lord of Wuguang City, the ancestor of Corpse Mountain who is notorious in the world of cultivation.

When Corpse Mountain was in despair, he was rescued by a small sect. After recovering, he not only took away the inheritance of that sect, but also slaughtered the entire sect.

Enyi said that it never existed for Corpse Mountain.

He does whatever he wants, and the Sunless City he built is the freest and most dangerous place on the West Bank.

In this city, the only light that can be tolerated is the candles lit by residents to worship the mountain of corpses, which can give a glimpse of his tyranny and dictatorship.

Looking at the portrait carefully, Lu Yun didn't notice anything wrong.

The black cloth on the desk is still there.

This family enshrined a statue of a mountain of corpses, but covered it with a black cloth at night. Thinking about the danger she encountered last night, Lu Yun guessed how the statue might change at night.

After informing Wen Ruyu of their concerns, the two of them planned to go outside to take a look.

After changing her clothes, she also changed her face. Wen Ruyu's overly obvious silver hair and eyes turned black.

The ink-like hair and the ice-like face complement each other, making a gentleman as beautiful as jade.

Wearing coarse linen clothes, the two dressed up as an ordinary couple and merged into the streets of Sunless City from an alleyway.

This city has gained popularity since the cockcrow.

Shops on the streets are open, and various lanterns are hung on the eaves, illuminating the entire city.

Crowds of people passed by one after another.

The cries are no different from the outside world.

Looking at it this way, apart from the darkness, this place is just an ordinary city.

However, the people coming and going around were full of demonic aura, either strong or weak, showing their differences in status.

The two of them restrained their breath and groped carefully, not daring to be careless at all.

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