Before coming out, Wen Ruyu placed a formation on both of them that could simulate aura.

Now they looked at him as an ordinary demon cultivator.

The faint demonic aura on their bodies allowed them to not be too constrained in a place like this.

The first night was frustrating, and Lu Yun was ready to find a place to stay.

After walking a few streets and meeting many people, Lu Yun found an inn.

From the outside, it seems that this inn has been out of business all year round. After not operating for a long time, the signboard is crooked and cannot be removed.

Walking in, the furnishings inside are very simple. Some table corners are broken and are padded with bricks.

There are cracks on some tiles on the roof. As long as there is a little bit of wind and rain, those tiles will break.

There is a lot of dust in the corners.

Looking at it this way, this place doesn't look like an inn, but a dilapidated house.

Standing at the door, Lu Yun and Wen Ruyu's eyes met, and they didn't know whether to go in or not.

"Hey, are the two guests coming to stay at the hotel?"

A voice came out, it was a woman.

The other party got out from under the counter, rubbed his oily mouth, and gave the two a cracked and too greasy smile.

Hiding under the counter to eat?

Lu Yun thought to herself, but looked at the environment here and did not speak.

"You two are from outside."

The woman noticed the hesitation of the two people, wiped her mouth with a handkerchief, and then put on an elegant smile.

The other party walked out, a thin gauze dress covering his body, and his beautiful figure was looming.

The delicate skin and slender waist float under the gauze that can barely cover anything, exuding a charm that makes people's blood flow.

The woman's appearance is not a beauty, but the other party's dress is

Seeing no evil, Lu Yun's eyes fell on the other person's face, but Wen Ruyu had already turned her head away, and her pink and white earlobes were the color of fire.

"Don't be shy."

The woman covered her mouth and smiled.

"To be honest, there are very few outsiders coming here, because they all know that once they enter here, they can never get out again."

"So my inn has not been open for many years."

"One more thing, I am very familiar with most of the people nearby, but I am very unfamiliar with these two people, so I made this guess."

"Don't worry, you two. I'm open for business, and I'm very friendly to my customers."

The woman walked up to the two of them, her seductive eyes carefully looked at Wen Ruyu for a while, and then she gave him a flirtatious look.

Wen Ruyu trembled and simply hid behind Lu Yun.

The Heavenly Man, who has always been pure and stoic, really couldn't cope with this lively scene.

"Sister, you scared my husband."

Lu Yun stood with a smile on his face and vigilance and suspicion in his eyes.

"My husband and I entered here accidentally. We just wanted to find a place to stay. After walking for a long time, we found my sister's place."

Lu Yun's appearance was cold, and when she smiled, there was a slight tenderness, like a pear blossom blooming on a branch, without any aggression.

"It's normal, because my sister and I are the only inns in the entire Sunless City."

The woman blinked, feeling good.

"For the sake of calling me sister, I will clean up a nice house for you and make sure you are satisfied."

He hooked his fingers and motioned for the two of them to follow.

Lu Yun believed half of this man's words.

At the very least, she believed that there were no other inns in Wuguang City.

When heading to the second floor of the inn, Lu Yun saw the dim light of a candle coming from a small room behind the counter.

There is a familiar smell in the air.

"Oh, um, the one who is worshiping is our Lord of the City." Seeing Lu Yun's gaze, the woman did not hide anything: "Little sister, remember clearly, when the candles in the city go out, it is night. Don’t go out and run around, let alone touch anything.”

When the woman said "touch", she looked at the portrait in the room.

Lu Yun nodded naturally because of the previous lesson.

"I don't know what my sister's name is?"

The door opened. Compared to the shabby room below, the room looked clean, tidy and spacious.

It's because it's been uninhabited for a long time and it's too lonely.

"They all call me Boss Hua."

Standing in front of Lu Yun, Boss Hua's floral fragrance was rich but not cloying.

The close distance made Lu Yun feel that she was also tainted with the fragrance of flowers.

"Sister Hua."

she shouted obediently.

"Good sister."

Boss Hua raised his hand and touched Lu Yun's head, and said with a smile: "Go in, no matter what, don't call me sister."

After closing the door, Lu Yun checked the room and found that there was nothing wrong.

Wen Ruyu formed a formation and enveloped the entire room to ensure that the outside world could not spy here.

Behind the counter on the first floor, Mr. Hua took out a roast chicken. At this moment, he looked towards the room on the second floor, with an intriguing gloom in his eyes.

"If what the other party said is true, then it is not advisable to leave Sunless City directly."

A place that cannot be entered or exited. Even if you find the city gate, you may not be able to leave.

Another one, this is the West Bank, the base camp of the demonic cultivators.

Even if they leave the Sunless City, they are still in the territory of the demon cultivator. Once their identities are exposed here, death is the simplest outcome for the two sect disciples.

"Can I use the teleportation array to go back?"

The teleportation array in the cave is definitely not a decoration. Doctor Huang said that he is not allowed to travel between the two places frequently.

That means that there is a teleportation array hidden somewhere that can go back.

If we find it, we can go back smoothly without disturbing the demon cultivators here.

But the premise of everything is to find a place.

The place where they teleported was an ordinary alleyway. Doctor Huang was vigilant enough to prevent others from entering the Lightless City from the Hanshan teleportation array, so he did not set his foothold in another teleportation array.

"Or, can you build a teleportation array?"

Lu Yun looked at Wen Ruyu.

She was not familiar with the battle method, but the other party was an expert on this.

"Yes, but it requires time and a safe location."

Once the teleportation array travels, it will interfere with the nearby space power. Under the turbulence of space, some monks with high cultivation level will definitely be able to detect it.

In Wuguang City, the ancestor of Corpse Mountain was one of the giants of the demonic path, and his cultivation level was probably on par with the leaders of various sects.

In this case, the unfamiliar fluctuations in the teleportation array will definitely make the other party alert.

If they are not careful, they will face a mountain of corpses.

The idea was put aside for the time being. After the two were silent for a while, Wen Ruyu spoke softly.

"I'm wondering if the fox tribe that disappeared before were brought to the Lightless City in this way."

They had tracked down those fox tribes, but there was no news about those fox tribes in Baixue Town. Their sudden disappearance might have an explanation at the moment the teleportation array was opened.

Dr. Huang is a person who travels between Wuguang City and Hanshan. The other party captured those white foxes. In addition to using them for research and breeding, he should also bring them into the Wuguang City.

"You want to save them?"

Lu Yun asked, but saw Wen Ruyu shaking her head.

"You and I just do what's feasible."

They can't protect themselves, so what ability do they have to save the Fox Clan?

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