Before it got dark, the two went out again hoping to find out more information.

The city was shrouded in dim lights, and in the dark environment, it looked like a will-o'-wisp from hell, giving it an eerie feel.

However, the people living here still have a fresh breath on their faces, which is incompatible with this place.

In the perception of outsiders, Sunless City is not a happy place. It is filled with darkness and distortion, control and desire.

In the lightless city "in daylight", you really can't see this.

The two of them sat in front of a tea stall, listening to the gossips of the people around them.

There were several big men sitting on the next table. Look at the bulging muscles, the strength of the foundation building stage, and the loud voices.

"It will be my ancestor's birthday in two days, and my ancestor will wake up again."

"Yeah, I don't know who was invited to attend the ancestor's birthday this time. I heard that the people who were invited last time got a lot of benefits, and their cultivation level improved greatly after they came back."

Someone echoed, with envy in their tone.

"I heard that there will be countless spiritual elixirs and spiritual fruits, and they are said to come from the furnace of the Fox clan."

"Those cauldrons have been carefully trained. If you eat one, your cultivation level will increase. Tsk, tsk, tsk, I'm so envious."

Thinking of that scene, this man's words started to float.

The topic of the Fox Clan that was brought up fell into the ears of Lu Yun and the others.

"If you ask me, if I can get a Fox clan furnace in this life, I will die without regrets."

"Haha! Look at what you said, you have the ability to do the same sneaky things as that old man Huang."

Someone teased that the Mr. Huang they were talking about, Lu Yun and Wen Ruyu made eye contact and confirmed that it was Dr. Huang.

"Bah, that Mr. Huang's cultivation is not very good. He is just good at some crooked kung fu. His formation is as slippery as a fox. No wonder he can hang out in the territory of the fox clan."

"I'm not jealous. Anyway, he's the one who's guaranteed the position this time."

A few people chatted for a while, becoming more and more envious as they talked, drinking tea to calm down their anger.

"Do you really want to go in and learn more?"

At another table, a person sitting alone spoke. He was an old man with an old face, and wrinkles accumulated on his face, making his eyes too cloudy and narrow.

He doesn't look easy to get along with.

Suddenly he interrupted, his voice was sinister.

"Yeah, what, do you have any idea?"

The man answered and looked at the old man with interest.


As soon as he said this, the people around him laughed.

"Old man Ouyang, you haven't given up yet, and you haven't even looked at it. How many years have you found the forbidden technique, and no one has come up with a result yet? It's up to you, so don't have any wishful thinking."

The sarcastic man was relatively thin and sat on the side next to the old man.

This bossy attitude was obviously not the first time he had spoken to Ouyang.

"Ha ha!"

Old Man Ouyang smiled, his voice not filled with resentment at being insulted, but with a sense of joy.

He opened his hand to the man, and with a squeeze of his fingers, the man who was supposed to be sitting on the chair was sucked to the old man's side.

He pressed the opponent's shoulders, and his arms covered with chicken skin were as strong as a thousand pounds, so that the man couldn't move.

"You, what do you want to do?"

While exclaiming, the man felt that the spiritual energy in his body was being sucked out of his body uncontrollably, and then followed the arm and reached Old Man Ouyang's body.

Many years ago, someone in Wuguang City discovered a forbidden technique called "Ascension to Immortality".

If you can master this forbidden technique, you don't need to practice to modify it. You can completely increase your own skill by forcibly absorbing the spiritual power of other monks.

However, the forbidden technique was incomplete at that time. Some people paid a lot of money to obtain it, but they could not find the remaining part.

Naturally, there were also people who tried to complete it on their own, but in the end, those people either got kicked back in the process or felt there was no hope and gave up on their own.Old man Ouyang is also one of them.

But unlike those people, he persisted.

Old Man Ouyang's wish is to complete this forbidden technique, and then use it to become the guest of the ancestor of Corpse Mountain, and from then on he will be superior to many demonic cultivators.

When he expressed this idea, countless people laughed at his ignorance.

Year after year, old man Ouyang never gave up. Every year on his ancestor's birthday, people who met Ouyang would tease him with such things.

As for Ouyang himself, his cultivation level is very low, only in the early stage of foundation building.

The opponent's talent is average, and his body and bones were broken when he was young. His cultivation will never improve in this life.

In the foundation-building realm, the lifespan is less than three hundred.

Today, old man Ouyang has half his foot in the coffin and is about to die.

Some people think that Old Man Ouyang is possessed by a demon, so he indulges in this impossible forbidden technique and deceives himself and others all day long.

There are never a few sarcastic words.

But now, it's right in front of you.

In front of everyone, Old Man Ouyang absorbed the man's spiritual power.

Under his hands, the strong man gradually turned into a skinny mummy.

The fear before death still remained on the other person's face.

Old Man Ouyang's behavior was too quick and shocking. By the time some people came to their senses, the man was dead.

The corpse fell to the ground. Old Man Ouyang stepped on it, crushing it with spiritual power, and trampled it into powder.

No real bones remain.

With Old Man Ouyang at the center, this area was extremely quiet, but the rapid and frightening breathing could not be hidden.

The old man Ouyang, who shocked everyone, put an invitation on the table with an expressionless face.

It was an invitation from the ancestor’s birthday.

"Guests can bring a few followers. If you want to go in, you can, come and beg me."

Harsh words are full of malice.

Everyone who saw the invitation knew it was a trap. If you could go to the ancestor's birthday, it would be a matter of honor for the ancestor.

No one could grasp the thoughts of old man Ouyang. Some people swallowed their saliva and looked fiercely.

A hand reached out from the side of old man Ouyang and grabbed the invitation.

Birthdays do not recognize people, only invitations.

Anyone can get in as long as they get an invitation.

They didn't dare to deal with Ouyang, so they did the opposite and prepared to steal the invitation.

The intention is good.

There are just too many people taking action.

Before one of them could leave after receiving the invitation, others attacked him and started fighting in order to get the things.

The originally peaceful street was suddenly thrown into chaos.

This is a situation not unfamiliar to people here.

They are demon cultivators who do whatever they want.

Even if you are trapped in this lightless city, it does not mean that you have wiped out your own nature and really treated yourself like a weakling.

If you can't get it, grab it; if you can't get it, kill those who can get it.

Their strength and cultivation were gained from fighting.

In the blink of an eye, chaos descended.

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