The center of all the chaos was the old man Ouyang, who was sitting steadily on a chair, drinking tea and looking very relaxed.

He is in no hurry.

The feeling of sitting firmly on the Diaoyutai makes some people with sensitive minds dare not act rashly.

The fighting continued, and some people who did not want to participate were accidentally involved and forced to participate.

Lu Yun and Wen Ruyu retreated to the edge, looking at the chaotic scene and looking at each other.

To be honest, they were also excited.

If you can go to the birthday party, you may not know what happened to those fox tribes.

Even if we can't rescue, we can still find out the situation and go back to discuss it.

But this Ouyang was obviously not easy to get along with. The other party took out the invitation and deliberately caused a dispute, and then sat back and watched the fight between tigers and tigers.

When dealing with this kind of person, if you are not careful, you will step into his trap.

At this moment, the invitation had passed through the hands of several people.

Everyone who got the invitation would either miss it and be snatched away by others before they could even whistle it, or they would be seriously injured and had to hand over the invitation to save their lives.

Lu Yun counted and the tenth person happened to take over.

"Ah, my hand!"

Screaming is nothing new here.

But the man who screamed was not in a melee position. He was the loser and had retreated long ago.

He would cover his fingers as black as ink, looking extremely miserable.

One look at that hand showed that it was quite poisoned.

The ink is climbing up the arms and reaches the neck at an extremely fast speed. Then the lips are black and the pale face is filled with black energy.

The man realized something was wrong and swallowed the antidote.

The poison's properties seemed to be relieved for a moment, but the toxicity that came back immediately killed the man.

His body went stiff and fell to the ground, black blood seeping out of his seven orifices.

He will not rest in peace.

"His hand... seemed to have touched the invitation."

Someone told the truth, and the trembling voice was very soft, but it was enough for those who were still fighting to hear it.

They stopped.

Everyone was wearing colorful clothes. The person holding the invitation should have been happy, but under the sympathetic eyes of the onlookers, he threw the invitation away.

But it was still too late.

There were screams one after another, and no one who had touched the invitation could escape the violent poison.

Swallowing the detoxification pill has no effect at all.

Death is approaching.

In the face of death, any dignity or respect is a trivial matter.

They knelt in front of old man Ouyang.

"Master Ouyang, sir, please, we don't dare anymore. We didn't mean it. We are willing to compensate you. Please save me."

"Sir, you don't remember the faults of villains, please let us go."

"It's our fault, we are worse than animals, we are sorry for you!"

Someone slapped himself, and the sound was loud.

It's a pity that real crying and begging can't awaken old man Ouyang's conscience, or in other words, his conscience has long since disappeared.

He just sat there happily, watching those people begging for mercy.

Taking the pain of these people as delicacies, Old Man Ouyang drank tea and smashed his mouth, as if he was tasting some delicacies from the mountains and seas.

No one intervenes, no one takes advantage of the injustice.

Here, in this lightless city, all the brilliance of humanity is not a beautiful and kind existence, but a self-destruction caused by moths rushing into the flame.

Some people even laughed at how ridiculous these people were.

The toxin quickly killed those people.

After the corpses lay in a pile, Old Man Ouyang slowly took action and absorbed all the spiritual power that had not dissipated into his body.

In the blink of an eye, the opponent's cultivation jumped from the foundation building stage to the golden elixir stage.This big jump makes many people excited.

But because of fear, those people were ready to move in their hearts, but they remained calm on their faces.

Someone came out, he wrapped his hands in cloth, picked up the invitation and put it in front of old man Ouyang.

"Sir, I want to go to your birthday party with you."

After a lot of people died, this man's sudden behavior was seen by others as seeking death.

Under the gaze of everyone, the man maintained a respectful posture and continued to watch.

Lu Yun pulled Wen Ruyu out. She placed a storage bag on the table containing her "tribute".

"Sir, we also want to go together."

"Ha ha!"

There was another smile. Compared to the murderous look just now, this smile was much more like a spring breeze.

"You are still sensible."

After taking the invitation and the storage bag, Old Man Ouyang took a look and motioned for Lu Yun and Wen Ruyu to stand behind him.

The deal is done.

Lu Yun's behavior gave the others a wake-up call.

Demonic cultivation focuses on desire, murderous desire, lust, greed...

They will not deliberately cover up every point, so sometimes, compared to using force to solve the problem, a small amount of willingness can be rewarded.

Trading things was the way of survival that Old Man Ouyang left for those people, but when those people were about to die, they didn't notice it. Instead, they wanted to gamble on the other party's conscience.

How interesting and boring.

Thinking about it, old man Ouyang smiled.

He took out another storage bag, selected a person, and stood up.

An invitation, a master, and four followers are all chosen now, and the competition for the rest is over.

"In two days, you can come find me in Jiming Lane."

After leaving these words behind, Old Man Ouyang walked out with his hands behind his back. Wherever he passed, the crowd made way for him.

There are still people with evil intentions, but no one knows if they have any back-up plans.

In hesitation, Old Man Ouyang could only be allowed to leave safely.

The dead people who stayed there were baptized by the knife-like eyes of the others.

If the master cannot be replaced, can the follower be replaced?

If a follower dies, the position will naturally become vacant.

"Kill them."

Some smart guy said this.

Lu Yun had no intention of fighting these people, and Wen Ruyu reacted quickly, activating the formation she had prepared long ago, creating a demonic wind and mist.

The world is plunged into thick fog.

When the fog dissipated, the shadows of the four people were long gone.

After leaving the place of right and wrong, Lu Yun and Wen Ruyu decisively returned to the inn.

These two faces of theirs have probably been remembered by many people for a long time, so it is better not to make them irrelevant.

In the inn, Boss Hua still hid behind the counter to eat secretly, this time it was a roasted suckling pig.

Boss Hua, whose mouth was full of oil after eating, smiled brightly when he saw the two people appearing: "Oh, you're not dead yet."

"Hello, Sister Hua." Lu Yun adapted well to this joke.

She couldn't see through this flower sister, but the other party didn't mean to hinder them. In this default peace of mind, Lu Yun would not break the surface calm.

Returning to the room, the formation was activated to block any prying eyes from the outside world.

Just in case, Lu Yun threw out an umbrella.

The power of the spiritual weapon successfully sealed this space.

The flower lady who was chewing the pig's trotters made an unclear smacking sound, which seemed to be a complaint, but also seemed to be a compliment.

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