Chapter 239 The ancestor arrives

When the rooster crows, there are longing figures in the rooster alley.

In this shabby alley, in addition to the rancid smell of garbage, there is also the unbreakable smell of blood.

In just a few days, many people died here.

There are several closed houses in Jiming Lane. The middle one is where Old Man Ouyang lives. There is a person standing at the door.

When Lu Yun and the two came, they could feel many eyes on them in the dark, with annoyance.

Not surprisingly, in the past few days, people have been looking for their traces, but to no avail.

Under so many eyes, Lu Yun calmly walked to the door.


The first person to come had an unfamiliar face.

Smelling the blood on the opponent's body and looking at the unhealed wounds on the opponent's body, it is not difficult to imagine that the opponent has just experienced a tragic battle.

We fought to the end, so we stand here.

He nodded as a greeting, but the last person didn't come.

With a grinding sound, the courtyard door opened.

Old Man Ouyang came out. Compared with his previous appearance, Old Man Ouyang had changed a lot.

Although he still looks old, his body has more vitality, as if he has a second spring, and his eyes are much brighter.

And his cultivation has also entered the Nascent Soul stage.

If before this, anyone said that someone could rise by three major levels in three days, they would think it was a fantasy.

But the facts are in front of you.

Old man Ouyang, who had "fed and drank enough" these past few days, looked at them with amiable eyes.

And behind him, there was another person.

The man lowered his head and was very respectful.

"Everyone is here, let's go."

The fourth person arrived before anyone else.

Their eyes met each other, their sharp edges clashed and then converged.

No matter how unwilling the prying eyes were in the shadows, he didn't dare to take action anymore.

Walking out of Jiming Alley, under the flickering lights, Old Man Ouyang walked in front, followed by the four of them, towards the palace in the lightless city.

That is where the ancestor of Corpse Mountain retreats.

Every year, it is only open on birthdays, and only at this time can you see the true face of the ancestor of Corpse Mountain.

Rumor has it that the ancestor of Corpse Mountain was seriously injured many years ago and has been sleeping in order to heal his wounds. He appears once a year to scare those ambitious people in Wuguang City.

The palace is majestic and the buildings are numerous.

There were many people waiting at the brightly lit door, and a long queue was waiting for the door to open.

Some people are acquaintances and chatting freely, while some are strangers and have cold eyes.

There are many people who have participated in birthday celebrations many times, and they are showing off their superiority between the lines.

As a new face, Old Man Ouyang was ignored among the crowd.

In the midst of the noise, the weapon penetrated the flesh and blood, dull and clear.

Looking over, he saw a small chaos in front of him. Someone sneaked in. At the last moment, he killed a person holding the invitation.

The body was thrown aside, and the person who got the invitation stood in the position that belonged to the original owner, looking at everyone expressionlessly.

The evil spirit all over the body makes people dare not make mistakes.

As a follower, Lu Yun just glanced at him and then withdrew his eyes, lowering his head and feeling particularly good-tempered.

I don't know how long it took.

The heavy door of the palace slowly opened, and a road appeared in the bright light. Everyone stepped on that road and walked towards the place where the birthday began.

With candlelight as a guide, no one dared to leave the team at will during this process.Even when they whisper, their voices are kept low.

On his birthday, the ancestor of Corpse Mountain must have woken up.

"I wonder what the theme is this time?" Lu Yun heard someone talking behind her, and the voice was full of expectation.

"The silver fox was so delicious last time, and I don't think it will be the same this time."

"Tsk, tsk, you will get tired of it after eating it again and again. It's a pity that few outsiders come here, otherwise you can still taste fresh tastes."

"Look, that's Mr. Huang's old friend, and he's going to take advantage of it again this time."

Looking in the direction those people said, you can see a woman who still has charm. She looks beautiful, but her face is full of worry.

"Speaking of which, I haven't seen where Mr. Huang is yet. Maybe he has already gone in."

"Who knows, no one will be missing him anyway."

The sneers gradually dropped, and the topic changed. The chat was all about trivial matters. Lu Yun withdrew her eyes from the woman, and gave Wen Ruyu a tacit look.

Dr. Huang is an old friend, so the other party is likely to know where Dr. Huang hid the teleportation array.

However, at first glance, the woman was a guest, and their followers could not leave their "master" at will.

"Just be careful with me."

The banquet hall was in front of us. Old man Ouyang warned four people, and all four of them agreed.

Unlike outside where you can only rely on the light of candlelight, the light in this hall is as bright as the sun.

The table had already been arranged, and everyone sat according to the positions on their respective invitations. Surprisingly, Old Man Ouyang's seat was in the middle, near the front.

Old man Ouyang sat down, while Lu Yun and the other four could only stand behind each other.

Most people were talking about the reasons why they came to celebrate their birthdays. As a new face, Old Man Ouyang was also tested several times, but was turned back with great force.

My own things are used to please the ancestor of Corpse Mountain. How can I explain it in just a few words?

In the noisy hall, there were a lot of people talking, and everyone had their own agenda.

Even these inconspicuous followers received a lot of looks.

Here, as a follower, if you can get your stuff and be favored by the ancestor of Corpse Mountain, then the opportunity to leap over the dragon gate is just around the corner.

And this is the mentality of most followers.

In the panic-stricken mind, the lights at the door went out, and a voice came, resounding throughout the house.

"The ancestor has arrived..."

As the song was being sung, everyone stood up and saluted. Lu Yun then bent down and bowed. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw a streak of black embroidered with dark gold passing in front of his eyes.

The hem of the clothes was made of fine silk, flowing like water.

The sound of very light footsteps showed the person's presence. Every step was firmly on the ground, but it was like a heavy hammer hitting the heart.

Some people tried to spy on the ancestor at this time, causing their own blood to flow backwards.

The weaker ones fainted immediately.

Someone will soon come and carry him away. If nothing else, he will never be able to leave here again.

Some people were secretly thankful, while others were even more alarmed.

Everyone kept bending down until the mountain of corpses sat in the highest position.

"Get up."

This was a very young voice, full of anger and majesty.

After saying this, everyone stood up. As their clothes overlapped, Lu Yun looked at the person above him out of the corner of her eye.

He looks about 20 years old, and his cold face is like the ice and snow of Kunlun, without any trace of warmth.

Especially those eyes, which were as dark as ink. Looking into them, it seemed as if they were falling into an abyss, with no hope left.

Those were a pair of eyes belonging to death, dead and cold, making one look frightened at a glance.

(End of this chapter)

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