Little Junior Sister Society fears but draws sword

Chapter 246 How dare you give up when she is in front of you?

Under the heavy pressure, the meridians flowed backwards, and spiritual energy collided in the body.

With just one move, Lu Yun's attack collapsed before her sword even touched the mountain of corpses.

The crushing force brought by the absolute strength left Lu Yun lying on the ground and almost unable to get up.

A large amount of blood smeared under her body and piled up into a small piece of water.

The pupils soaked in blood were as bright as ink and opaque. Lu Yun's eyes were filled with thousands of thoughts, and her fingers were twitching.

She supported her body with her arms and tried to stand up against the strength that had not disappeared.

At first, he only raised his head slightly, and then was hit by the force again into the cracked floor, unable to resist, but Lu Yun did not give up.

The body became the toy of the mountain of corpses, getting up again and again and being smashed down again and again.

The other party is using his strength to tell himself that he is just an ant lying on the ground and being slaughtered.

But ants also dare to compete with the sky.


The body flew backwards and hit the wall. The sound of the wall cracking was in his ears.

Blood stained the red stone bricks, and amid the smoke and dust, someone dragged his tattered body to stand up again.

Lu Yun turned into a bloody person, with no intact part of her body.

She relied entirely on the powerful spiritual power brought by the Ascending Spirit Pill to support the movements of this body.

In the dantian, the fragments that had been dormant were humming softly.

At first, it was very weak, almost inaudible.

Until now, every time Lu Yun stood up, the buzzing sound of the fragments became louder and clearer.

It is like a bell ringing in the ears, dispelling some fog and guiding travelers to find their own direction.

A silent but powerful force slowly appeared in Lu Yun's body as the fragments resonated with Lu Yun's soul.

That power, gentle and harmless, constantly transformed Lu Yun's body.

It was after realizing this that Lu Yun got up tirelessly.

She pushed aside the smoke and stood in front of the mountain of corpses again.

Lu Yun's face was covered in blood, her hair was messy and her expression was hidden, but those eyes were piercing through the dark night.

She raised her sword.

In the face of the invincible enemy, Lu Yun's sword power retreated without even noticing, facing the huge enemy and constantly tempering himself.

Han Jiangxue made a majestic sound, and the needle behind its tail trembled slightly hidden in its sleeve.

Wu Zhuo stood beside Lu Yun and became the backbone supporting his master. The thick sword body was filled with a layer of green fire, and the flames were vigorous and showed no sign of decline.

In the dantian, one petal of the Bishengvine was consumed again, completing the repair of Lu Yun's injury.

Lu Yun twitched the corners of her lips. She looked at the mountain of corpses without saying a word.

Just being stubborn, he swung his sword again.

Even though it was still untouchable, the sword blade was now an inch closer to the mountain of corpses.

The battle between Lu Yun and Corpse Mountain was not very exciting. From the beginning, it was a one-sided situation.

Lu Yun was just repeating the hopeless behavior of being knocked down, getting up, attacking, and then getting knocked down and getting up to attack again.

The lightless city destroys not only the light in the world, but also the light hidden in human hearts that should have erupted in desperate situations.

From Madam Furong's point of view, there was no need for them to struggle. Lu Yun's behavior was just making her death more miserable.

She looked at Lu Yun who was committing a suicide attack, and then at Wen Ruyu who ignored Lu Yun's dying situation and focused on exploring the teleportation array.

Compared to Lu Yun, who was facing the mountain of corpses, Wen Ruyu's situation seemed to be better.

But that's just a seeming thing.

Corpse Mountain did not attack Wen Ruyu, but Wen Ruyu still felt a force locking her.

It was the death sickle hanging above his head. As he slowly turned Doctor Huang's teleportation array into his own, the butcher's knife descended little by little.

The invisible force was warning him.

stop, stop!
The soul was screaming, and the desire for life made Wen Ruyu want to stop what she was doing.

Stop, stay here, worship the image and become a living corpse.

As long as the Corpse Mountain exists, Sunless City will exist forever, and he will have eternal life here.Compared with dragging a sick body, being worried about by people around you day and night, and worrying about who you will be a drag on, if you stay here, all your worries will disappear.

This is what he has always wanted.

As long as he surrenders, as long as he kneels down, everything he desires will be at his fingertips.

What a great temptation, placed in front of Wen Ruyu.

Behind him, those fox tribesmen who were not targeted by the mountain of corpses probably saw the impending death ending with their keen intuition.

Because of fear, because hope has never been touched.

Just like they were in the palace, they knelt down, lowered their heads, and surrendered everything like a sacrifice.

He can understand the language of the Fox Clan.

They were persuading themselves to let him give up.

give up!

There was sarcasm on Wen Ruyu's flawless face like a saint.

Silver hair danced wildly, and blood oozed from the corners of Wen Ruyu's mouth.

Reflected in the silver-white pupils was Lu Yun's fearless back, which was slender but enough to stand tall against the sky and the earth.

The shadow of the sword shines like the bright sun, so bright and dazzling.

With her in front of her, she never gave up, how could she fall here.

Spitting out a mouthful of blood, Wen Ruyu wiped away the blood, her eyebrows were cold, and a gentle and cruel smile appeared on the corner of her mouth, and this cruelty was directed at himself.

The essence and blood are drawn out and condensed on the fingertips.

Golden runes danced on his fingertips, following his thoughts and sinking into the teleportation array below.

The power that belonged to Dr. Huang was being wiped away by him.

Just hold on for a while.

He prayed silently.

"Cough cough!"

Wu Zhuo is inserted into the ground, three-thirds of the way into the soil.

Lu Yun, who relied on Wu Zhu to support her body, coughed hard.

The ribs pierced her lungs, making it difficult for her to breathe.

She pressed her chest, inserted her fingers into it, and forced the bones back into place.

His lungs, which had been traumatized for the second time, spit out blood along with his breathing.

In the dantian, on the bisheng vine, two of the five-petaled flowers have gone away, and the third petal is slowly disappearing.

The gift from Qingmu gave Lu Yun the courage to fight until death.

The powerful vitality quickly repaired the injuries in her body, the bones were healing, and the flesh and blood were bonding.

The sound of the healing process is like the sound of nature playing.

The pain and soreness in the body are swept away.

Lu Yun, who was constantly overstretching her strength, looked at the mountain of corpses.

She bared her teeth, her teeth stained red with blood, and her tongue stretched out to lick the bright red at the corner of her mouth.

The sweet smell of blood made Lu Yun's heart surge.

Han Jiangxue gained momentum and launched his sword light to attack Corpse Mountain as before. This time, Lu Yun followed behind.

The clothes soaked in blood dried instantly under the evaporation of spiritual power. The mottled blood stains were like solidified ink, so dazzling and bright.

The figure swims between heaven and earth, like a dragon, elusive.

The sword light was swung away by Zishan, and Lu Yun smashed Wuzhuo down hard. The move from Heishan made Zishan's face waver slightly.


The word "too arrogant" was Zishan's evaluation of Lu Yun.

In the next moment, Wu Zhuo was forced to get out, and Lu Yun, who was floating in the air, used his strength on the roof. Like an arrow from a string, he shot through the air and reached the enemy.

At this point, the edge is revealed.

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