Chapter 247 Leave
The dagger brought up blood drops. This was the first time Lu Yun encountered a mountain of corpses, even if he only scratched the opponent's arm.

Brutal power rushed out of Corpse Mountain's body, enough to tear everything apart.

Before Lu Yun was about to be entangled by the force, a hand stretched out from her side and caught the blow from the mountain of corpses.

The moment she saw the visitor's face, Lu Yun's pupils flickered.

"Little girl, go down."

Boss Hua enjoyed Lu Yun's shock. She waved her hand and motioned for Lu Yun to go aside.

Boss Hua, whom Lu Yun had never seen clearly, caught Corpse Mountain's move head-on.

Several people came to the side, and Lu Yun saw Hualiu among them.

Lu Yun simply evacuated to Hua Liu's side. Seeing Lu Yun's confused eyes, Hua Liu took out a token.

On the white jade identity token is a fluttering butterfly, which is the symbol of Li Shuijian.

"Are you from Lishuijian?"

Lu Yun didn't have much contact with this sect. Thinking about the surnames of these two people, Lu Yun had a little idea.

Most of the people in Lishui Gorge are female cultivators. After entering the school, they all take Hua as their surname and are renamed by the elders in the sect.


"A few months ago, our Lishuijian disciples disappeared without any reason. Even the investigating team lost their traces. Later we found out that they were in Wuguang City."

"These are the only ones we can find alive." The expressions of the people standing behind Hua Liu were extremely complicated.

"Who is Sister Hua?" Lu Yun asked.

She couldn't figure out Boss Hua's state.

"It's our stream master's sister. This time she led the team to Wuguang City to save people. We have also been looking for the teleportation array."

Madam Furong is very cautious. Before her birthday, she will be indifferent to anyone who contacts her, making it difficult to dig out information from the other person's mouth.

It's not that you can't use violent means. One can easily alarm the mountain of corpses, and the other two, once Dr. Huang comes back on his birthday and discovers something happened to Lady Furong, he may be alert and destroy the teleportation array.

They have been waiting here for several months for today's birthday.

The original plan was to use Madam Furong as a bargaining chip to get Dr. Huang to tell where the teleportation array was, but the appearance of Lu Yun and the others broke the plan.

Even so, Madam Furong came to their side by accident.

"Have our identities been exposed very early?" She asked the boss and others.

"Yes." Hua Liu glanced at Lu Yun strangely: "You are now a celebrity. Our stream master is very sorry that we could not accept you as a disciple of Lishui stream."

"As for Fellow Daoist Wen, his physique is no secret among the various sects."

This meant that the moment she and Wen Ruyu stepped into the inn, Boss Hua recognized them. No wonder she felt that the other party's attitude at that time was too gentle and friendly.

Lu Yun felt much calmer looking at the person who fought against Corpse Mountain without falling behind.

The effect of Shengling Dan was disappearing and her body began to feel weak. She supported her body with Wu Zhu and waited silently.

There wasn't much time left before the quarter of an hour Wen Ruyu said.

The light of the teleportation array below gradually brightened, and only the last part of the golden runes was left incomplete.

Wen Ruyu's face turned pale, and the loss of a large amount of essence and blood made his seriously ill body almost exhausted.

Lu Yun came to Wen Ruyu's side, mobilized the power of Bishengvine in her body, and poured it into Wen Ruyu's body.

The third petal has completely withered.

Feeling the new power, Wen Ruyu looked deeply at Lu Yun, without saying thank you, he smiled, and then drained his power without any scruples.

The formation lines continue to intersect.

An ordinary teleportation array, after Wen Ruyu's improvement, is enough to teleport more people, but after this use, the teleportation array will completely collapse.

"All come in."

He whispered, and the others stepped into the teleportation array.The fox clan was being protected, and Lu Yun stood in the middle, looking up at Boss Hua who was still fighting against the mountain of corpses in the sky.

Her attention finally focused on the mountain of corpses.

There is no doubt that Corpse Mountain is powerful. If the opponent was just teasing her and did not use his spare strength, then now facing Boss Hua, Lu Yun clearly felt that the opponent was unable to succeed.

That feeling is like a mountain of corpses with empty power, but that power cannot be used perfectly, like a castle in the air, illusory and impossible to master.

It seems that the news that Corpse Mountain has not recovered from his previous injuries is true.

"Okay, I won't play with you anymore."

After the two of them stepped back a few steps, Boss Hua smiled and winked at Corpse Mountain. Before the other party could counterattack, she ducked back into the teleportation array.

At this moment, the last line fit into the teleportation array.

When the formation was activated, the ground shook.

Above the head, the eternal day began to turbulence, like a mirror, and there was a sound of breaking.

Cracks appeared one after another, tearing apart the night.

The West Bank is a place belonging to demon cultivators, and is shrouded in miasma all year round, but the power of the sun, moon and stars is enough to penetrate the miasma.

At this moment, there is a clear moon above the head.

The light of the moon shines on this lightless land, making some residents who stayed at home and dared not come out after hearing the commotion show expressions of yearning.

The moonlight poured down like water, dispersing the darkness.

The faint light means that there is a crack in the spiritual weapon of Wuhuang City.

The realm belonging to Corpse Mountain was broken by Wen Ruyu. He used the teleportation array's ability to tear apart space to tear a hole in the Lightless City.

If left alone, an irreversible gap will appear inside this closed spiritual weapon. At that time, the Lightless City will no longer be able to "only enter but not exit".

Choose to protect the spiritual weapon or prevent them from leaving.

This was the choice Wen Ruyu gave to Corpse Mountain.

Corpse Mountain, who was supposed to be chasing Boss Hua, looked at the people below indifferently, pinched his fingers, and knocked down a ball of black energy, then stepped out and returned to the hall.

In the next moment, huge power enveloped the Lightless City, and Corpse Mountain once again gained control of the spiritual weapon.

Those cracks in the sky are beginning to heal.

Everyone heard the teleportation array making an overwhelmed creaking sound.

If you want to activate the teleportation array here, you need to break the space that the spiritual weapon of Lightless City has, and you need to connect with the outside world.

The teleportation array in Hanshan simply echoes this one. As a fulcrum, it is enough to point out the direction for Wen Ruyu.

A burst of white light covered everyone, and when they stood still, they were already in the cold mountains.

The location was a bit off, not inside the cave. Some people who didn't know why, their bodies began to freeze after being exposed to the low temperature of Hanshan.

Fortunately, we are on the outskirts of Hanshan Mountain, so we won't be killed by the cold air.


Boss Hua snorted, his face as pale as paper.

A cloud of black energy could be seen between her eyebrows.

Before they left, Corpse Mountain tried to plant inner demon seeds for them, but Boss Hua took it on his own.

This also caused the demonic energy to invade her body.

Hua Liu supported Boss Hua and looked worried after feeling the two chaotic forces in the other person's body.

There was movement in the heavy snow.

Hua Liu, who had heard about the dangers of Hanshan, secretly said something bad.

(End of this chapter)

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