Chapter 248 Spring Tide
Now they are all defeated soldiers and have no way to fight the next battle. Is it possible that they have finally left Sunless City and will be lost here?

"do not worry."

After entering Hanshan, Wen Ruyu kept coughing. He covered his mouth with his palms, and blood fell between his fingers.

Wen Ruyu, who was coughing up blood, had a smile on her face.

"It's my own."

In the heavy snow, a figure appeared, it was Hu Yao.

Facing the appearance of so many people, Hu Yao said calmly: "Follow me."

Back in the Ice City, the power of the Fox Clan dispelled the severe cold, allowing them to move their hands and feet.

Lu Yun sat on the bed, feeling her soft body and relaxing.

A group of injured people were temporarily recuperating here. The rescued fox clansmen gained the most basic understanding under the guidance of Silver Fox.

It was a few days before Lu Yun went out again.

The weather that has been hazy has cleared up today.

The heavy snow that has shrouded Hanshan all year round has stopped.

Looking up, you can see the clear sky, the sun is shining, and the sky is cloudless. This is a rare good weather.

She pushed open a door. In the room, Wen Ruyu was still sleeping.

In order to activate the teleportation array, Wen Ruyu consumed too much power, bringing his already fragile body to the verge of collapse.

Only under the warmth of the fox clan's power did the other party save a small life.

Looking at the other party's pale lips, Lu Yun frowned.

"Is there no other way?" She asked Hu Yao, who had been looking after Wen Ruyu in the room.

"No, unless you successfully overcome the tribulation and ascend, you can use the golden light to reshape your physical body."

"But before that, his body will probably be destroyed by lightning."

Wen Ruyu practices hard in order to prolong her lifespan, but one day when she really reaches the top of the world of cultivation, she will still have to face death.

Wen Ruyu's breathing was almost inaudible, and her chest was rising and falling weakly. You had to look carefully to find that she was lying here like an exquisite porcelain doll.

Under Lu Yun's gaze, a painful look appeared on Wen Ruyu's face while she was sleeping.

Wen Ruyu, who has grown up in pain since childhood, has long ignored the pain, but she is still reacting at this moment, which shows how bad the other party's health is now.

"I'm going to freeze him."

The power of ice controlled by Silver Fox can freeze people in their current state, achieving the effect of freezing time. Although it cannot cure Wen Ruyu, it can delay the worsening of Wen Ruyu's condition.

In Lu Yun's silence, from bottom to top, a thick layer of ice covered Wen Ruyu.

A jade-like person, surrounded by crystal clear ice crystals, becomes increasingly ethereal and ethereal.

Hu Yao walked out, and the room behind him was instantly frozen. Until medicine is found to slow down Wen Ruyu's condition, the ice will not be melted by anything.

Outside, Boss Hua and others waited for a long time.

"Thank you Daoist Hu for taking me in. It's time for us to say goodbye."

Boss Hua had a look of exhaustion on his face. After the inner demons were planted, he wanted to pull them out, either by entering the demon-washing pool in the Bodhi Cave, or by destroying his cultivation and starting over.

Otherwise, if you want to get rid of the inner demons, you have to abandon human emotions and desires and embark on the ruthless path.

Only ruthless people will not be bothered by external objects.

However, these three paths are not suitable for Boss Hua. Now she is relying solely on her own strength to suppress the growth of the inner demon species.

"Little girl, my name is Hua Rumeng. If you have time, you can come to see me in Lishuijian. We will definitely welcome you warmly in Lishuijian."

Hua Rumeng smiled seductively at Lu Yun. As Lu Yun watched, Lady Furong also left with Hua Rumeng.

Also taken away were the people from the Hehuan Sect.

It was difficult for the Fox Clan to deal with these people, so Hua Rumeng took the initiative and promised that people from the Hehuan Sect would never come to Hanshan to harass the Fox Clan again.

For a time, Bingcheng became empty again.The monsters shuttled past, and the only real human being left here was Lu Yun.

She plans to continue practicing in Hanshan.

"Take it."

Hu Yao threw something over, which was an ice bead the size of a thumb. Inside the bead was a drop of bright red blood.

It has a similar effect to the drop of blood jade that Lu Yun bought before, but the function of that drop of blood jade to dispel extreme cold cannot be controlled, and this can be determined by her thoughts to determine the degree of cold air she will be exposed to.

"Thank you senior."

After taking it solemnly, Lu Yun walked into Hanshan again in this beautiful weather.

Start from the outer mountains, find a suitable place, dig a snow cave and bury yourself, and then the endless practice begins.

The physical body carries the low temperature of Hanshan, and gradually adapts to the environment of Hanshan.

After she stayed in the outer mountain for a month, the cold air in the outer mountain was no longer enough to frostbite her, so she took the beads and stepped into the inner mountain.

Wandering on the edge of freezing soul, Lu Yun sat cross-legged in the snowfield, like a solidified statue.

The heavy snow fell again at some point, and the white snow covered her body. In the inner mountain, Lu Yun was not afraid of being disturbed, and simply closed off her external perception, leaving only a ray of mind to control the power of the beads.

In the beginning, the beads worked [-]% to prevent her from dying.

When she forcibly absorbed the spiritual energy containing the power of ice into her body using the secret method of spiritual explosion, her physical body continued to be tempered and sublimated in the two heavens of ice and fire.

The passage of time has not changed the silence of Hanshan.

Eight months later, at a place in the inner mountain close to the Ice City, a man in green clothes emerged from the snow. Lu Yun held the cold river snow in her hands, closed her eyes, felt the rhythm of the cold mountain, and waved her sword in the wind and snow.

The sword moves with the heart, and wherever it passes, the ice and snow melt, and everything revives.

A little bit of new green grew out of the ice that froze all life. Even though the green was fleeting, it was enough to catch a glimpse of Lu Yun's sword moves, which could turn the world around.

This is the power that Lu Yun realized in the extreme cold, like the bright sun or warm spring, full of vitality and irresistible.

The sword shook, and Lu Yun caught a snowflake falling from the air.

Lu Yun opened her eyes, her eyes as clear as snow on a cold mountain.

"Spring Tide."

Lu Yun said the name of this move.

She sheathed her sword and raised her head, and saw a curious silver fox not far away sizing her up.

During these days of seclusion, she could occasionally feel a silver fox walking around her, without any hostility, as if it was curious about her as a human being, so she ignored it.

Now, there was only one month left before heading to Yuanhai, and he had to go back to the Hidden Sword Sect first.

A year after she came out, her current cultivation level is still in the middle stage of the golden elixir. In her dantian, the fragments are full of food and drink, and the golden elixir is mellow and healthy.

She could enter the late stage of Golden Core at any time, but Lu Yun was not prepared to do so so quickly.

The wood show will be destroyed by the forest wind.

Now that she has made a name for herself in both the righteous and demonic ways, it's better to keep a low profile.

Returning to Bingcheng, Lu Yun came to say goodbye to Wen Ruyu.

During her period of seclusion, Wen Ruyu briefly sobered up once, and she missed meeting him.

Not knowing how long the other party would sleep, Lu Yun sighed secretly.

She had contacted Third Senior Brother before and asked if there was a good cure.

Being too far apart, Baiyao couldn't confirm the situation, but just offered to let her bring back some of Wen Ruyu and Yinhu's blood for him to study.

At this time, several bottles of blood were frozen in her storage bag.

This was given to her by the Fox Clan.

"I'm leaving." She said softly, saying goodbye to the Fox Clan and heading back.

(End of this chapter)

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