Little Junior Sister Society fears but draws sword

Chapter 249 Senior Brother 3’s Invitation

On the way back, Lu Yun didn't stop too much and hurried on as quickly as possible.

It was autumn when we returned to the Hidden Sword Sect.

The red maples in the mountains and forests are as bright as fire, and some disciples who have formed a Taoist relationship are walking in these holy dating places. The scene is peaceful and beautiful.

When Lu Yun passed by, he caught the attention of those disciples.

Most of them are new generation disciples, some of whom only know Lu Yun's name but have never actually met him.

After being reminded by the people around them, those people looked at Lu Yun curiously one by one. Lu Yun vaguely heard them discussing.

"It's really Senior Sister Lu."

"Yes, Senior Sister Lu is back, and I feel like her cultivation has improved again."

"Didn't you say that you regard Senior Sister Lu as your idol? Why don't you dare to go there?"

"Go, go, haven't you heard that Senior Sister Lu doesn't like strangers? I'm afraid that Senior Sister Lu will stab me with a sword when I go there."

Amidst the burst of laughter, Lu Yun glanced over, and saw the expressions of the young disciples stiffen, and they gave her awkward yet flattering smiles.

"Don't want to practice?" Lu Yun was helpless.

When did she have such a prestigious reputation in the sect and be so unreasonable?

"Yes, listen to Senior Sister Lu."

A group of people shouted and disappeared quickly.

Lu Yun, who didn't feel like she was beating up her lover, returned to Wentian Peak.

The fallen leaves in the mountains are withering, and the ginkgo forest on the mountainside is scattered. The golden color forms a ribbon, surrounding Wentian Peak, and is decorated with gorgeous clothes. It is so beautiful.

Baiyao in white clothes stood under the brilliant golden color, raising his head and looking into the distance. Looking from a distance, he looked as if he were ascending to immortality.

Lu Yun was surprised that the third brother, a maniac in seclusion, was leisurely enjoying the scenery.

"came back?"

Baiyao didn't turn around.

There was a cool breath of ice and snow that belonged exclusively to Lu Yun in the air, and he knew who was coming without even looking at him.

"came back."

Lu Yun walked over and stood shoulder to shoulder with the other person. She looked at the profile of her third senior brother and caught a hint of sadness in the other person's eyes.

Looking at the direction the other person is looking at, in the north of Dongzhou, mountains and forests are prevalent, and plants are flourishing. There is the giant Valley of Divine Doctors.

Does the third senior brother think of the past in the Valley of Miracle Doctors?

Lu Yun didn't ask, and stood beside the other person, feeling the silence on the other person's body.

People who know Baiyao say that Baiyao seems to be upright, gentle and easy to talk to, but in fact he has a deep mind.

If you accidentally offend the other person, you don't know when, you will take a big bite out of the other person.

As far as Lu Yun's experience is concerned, she has suffered many losses from Baiyao since she was a child.

Fortunately, this is just a small fight between senior brothers and sisters.

Speaking of which, among the four senior brothers, she knew her third senior brother the least. She only knew that he had a not-so-good past in the Valley of Divine Doctors.

"What about things?"

Baiyao looked at the tangled expression on his junior sister's face and asked amusedly.

Give the blood bottle to Baiyao.

The strong power of monsters can be felt through the bottle of white medicine. This kind of thing is best used to refine medicine.

Lu Yun also gave Baiyao some of the scarce medicinal materials she had collected along the way.

Over the years, the elixirs used by several people on Wentian Peak were provided by Baiyao, so they also formed the habit of going out to collect rare medicinal materials for each other.

"Little junior sister, can you accompany your senior brother back to the Valley of Divine Doctors before going to Yuanhai?"

This was the first time that Lu Yun heard Baiyao ask her for something, and she nodded without hesitation.

"You just agreed, and you didn't ask me what I asked you to do?" Baiyao looked at Lu Yun playfully, with a frozen indifference in his narrowed eyes.

His brown pupils are rippling with gentle water. When he stares at you quietly, you seem to be the whole world to this person. The person in front of you has a skin that is easy to confuse people.

But if you really indulge in it, you may end up with no bones left.

"Senior brother will not harm me."

Lu Yun replied with a smile. Just the pills that brought her back to life several times were enough for her to accompany her senior brother to take risks for unknown purposes.


Baiyao curled his lips in boredom, and the alienation in his eyes disappeared, replaced by a gentle and doting look.

"I want you to accompany me back to the Valley of Miracle Doctors. I left something there and it's time to get it back."

Baiyao stood with his hands behind his back, his black hair falling on his back, fluttering gently.

Looking at the Divine Doctor Valley again, there was an inexplicable sense of danger.

Lu Yun knew that the matter might not be as simple as what Baiyao said, but she believed in the bond between herself and the other party.

There are five brothers and sisters at Wentian Peak. Each of them has some past, but they don't necessarily need to know about these pasts.

The time spent here has already allowed them to trust everything, including their lives.

Wen Ruyu's matter cannot be solved in a short while using Baiyao's methods, it will take time.

So Baiyao planned to start research after returning from the Divine Medical Valley.

After Lu Yun came back, she only had time to meet a few of her senior brothers, and was tortured several times before leaving with Baiyao.

They left in a hurry.

Yu Jian flew and landed outside the Divine Doctor Valley.

Just like the Hidden Sword Sect is divided into inner and outer sects, the Divine Doctor Valley is also divided into inner and outer sects.

When ordinary disciples come to the Valley of Divine Doctors, they will be trained in the outer valley. Every five years, the Valley of Divine Doctors will hold an elixir competition.

Those who win the competition are eligible to be accepted as disciples by the elders of the Inner Valley, and thus enter the Inner Valley for deeper learning.

The inner valley is the center of the Miracle Medical Valley.

As for Baiyao, he was born in the inner valley since childhood.

At this moment, there was a layer of white mist in the mountains and forests outside the Divine Doctor Valley.

The mist is like flowing clouds, rising and falling with the fluctuation of the air current, intertwining into a magnificent scene.

If you smell it carefully, you can smell the rich medicinal fragrance in the mountains and forests.

Those white mist are not ordinary mist, but the elixirs refined all year round in the Divine Doctor Valley. The power of those elixirs escapes and then merges into this natural barrier.

The seemingly gentle mist is actually a murderous and invisible poison.

Compared with frontal combat effectiveness, Divine Medical Valley may not be inferior to Hidden Sword Sect, but given its overall strength, no one dares to underestimate Divine Medical Valley's weird medicinal methods.

Taking the elixir handed over by Baiyao, Lu Yun swallowed it, and the burning sensation in her lungs dissipated.

"Let's go."

After a long moment of silence, Baiyao stepped into the mist with a complicated expression.

The sunlight is visible in the mountains and forests, and the warm sun descends on this land through the thin mist, creating a dreamlike scene, creating a magnificent scene.

Returning here after many years, Baiyao had no intention of enjoying the scenery.

There are a lot of poisons flowing in the mountains and forests.

Sprinkling the powder given by Baiyao on her body, Lu Yun followed Baiyao safely all the way to the outer valley of the Divine Doctor Valley.

The mountains are undulating and there are depressions. In the depressions, you can see a series of pavilions and thatched houses.

The first thing that caught my eye was not the buildings of the Divine Doctor Valley, nor the disciples, but the smoke clouds above the tablets of the medicine furnace.

Those were the disciples of the Divine Medical Valley refining the elixir.

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