"Tsk." Gong Jiu sneered.

No matter how nice the outsiders said, he knew that the young Valley Master had done something treacherous and had already been abandoned by the Valley Master.

Retaining the identity of the young master of the valley is just to make the disciples in the inner valley more diligent.

So what if he becomes a disciple of the Hidden Sword Sect?

Is it possible that the Hidden Sword Sect can still fight against the Divine Doctor Valley for a disciple?

After thinking about it, Gong Jiu immediately informed Nei Gu of the news of Baiyao's return.

The faction he belongs to now supports the great disciple of the Divine Medical Valley to succeed him as the future Valley Master. This kind of news will sell well.

As for what if Baiyao can really get out of the poison cave, this idea is not in Gong Jiu's consideration.

You know, after the Poison Cave was renovated, the famous elder entered and still hasn't been able to come out. How can he be a disciple?

In the Poison Cave, Lu Yun didn't know Gong Jiu's plan.

The Poison Cave is composed of many grottoes with nine twists and turns inside. People who don't know this place can easily get lost in it.

Lu Yun followed Baiyao quietly, looking at Baiyao's cold expression and waiting.

"The current owner of the Miracle Medical Valley is not my father."

As soon as Baiyao opened his mouth, it was Wang Zha.

Even Lu Yun looked at him sideways, and the look on Baiyao's face showed that he was obviously serious.

But she had never heard about the change of position of the master of the Miracle Medical Valley.

"To be precise, my father's core has long been changed."

With a sarcastic smile, Baiyao talked about these intimate past events, his eyes red with hatred.

"Eighteen years ago, I was about the same age as you. That year I just took the position of Young Valley Master. At that time, my father was still real."

"In that year, a strange disease appeared in the Valley of Miracle Doctors, causing many people to die."

"My father was helpless at that time. It was the thief Kou Cao who stepped forward and risked his life. He finally found a cure and saved the entire Valley of Divine Doctors."

Since then, Kou Cao has become so famous in Neigu that even his father has to avoid the limelight for a while.

Fortunately, Kou Cao's life was saved by the Valley Master. Kou Cao was devoted to the Valley Master. Many people envied his father for having such a subordinate.

But after all, many people died due to the strange illness, so the matter still had to be thoroughly investigated.

But who would have thought that in the end the matter would be traced to him.

The source of the strange disease came from his sudden drug research. After investigation, those who helped him were found to be the first to contract the strange disease.

This matter can be big or small. After all, there are indeed great risks in the research of medical poisons, and even he thought it was his own mistake.

At that time, Kou Cao begged for mercy and gave him small punishments and big warnings to show that he was listening, and everyone obeyed him.

Even he thought Kou Cao was a good man.

"Good guy?"

Walking in the dark poisonous cave, listening to the rustling sounds of poisonous insects in the dark, Baiyao's expression was particularly indifferent.

"Who knew that this good man was actually an ambitious beast?"

Subsequently, another "poisonous pet" incident occurred in the valley. This poisonous pet did not raise those poisonous insects, but used people as pets, controlled them with drugs, and fed people with poisons.

This matter goes against the family relationship and violates the taboo of the Divine Doctor Valley.

Those poisonous pets finally lost control and caused massacres in the Valley of Miracle Doctors.

There was no doubt that the source was traced back to him again.

This time, everyone was "forced" to discover that Master Gu Shaogu, the miracle doctor they had high hopes for, had been studying forbidden techniques secretly.

They even used the innocent lives of those disciples in Neigu as experiments.

When this matter came out, even if his father was the owner of the valley, he couldn't cover it up.

"Little junior sister, do you think senior brother is this kind of person?"

Baiyao asked, his eyes dark and dull.

Lu Yun shook his head.

She knew that although her third senior brother was obsessed with studying those drugs, he was by no means an evil person who would regard human life as nothing. "But little junior sister, they don't believe me."

After the strange illness, there was faint news in the valley that he was a madman who was desperate for research.

And after the matter of treating people as poisonous pets was exposed, no matter how he explained, those people never believed him.

Even his sister Bai Xuan came over to ask him about it.

At that time, only his father and Kou Cao were standing by his side in the entire valley.

However, for the sake of fairness, he was still imprisoned to appease the other disciples. Kou Cao promised him that he would find out the truth.

They all agreed that this was a deliberate frame-up.

He was later released, but not on the basis of innocence, but because all the incriminating evidence showed that he was the one who did it.

With no way to argue, it was Kou Cao who stood up to plead for mercy on his behalf.

Keep the identity of Shao Guzhu and send him out of the Valley of Miracle Doctors until the truth is found out before he comes back.

Kou Cao will take his place and enter the poisonous cave to be punished.

He wanted to refuse, but if he stayed in the Valley of Divine Doctors, he was afraid that he would be killed by those angry people.

He was unwilling to accept this result.

Kou Cao persuaded him to keep Qingshan without worrying about having firewood, which made him hesitate and agreed.

The night before leaving, he went to find his father, but unexpectedly overheard a conversation between Kou Cao and his father.

Different from what was told to him.

During the conversation, Kou Cao believed that the prisoner was Baiyao, but Kou Cao volunteered to be punished in Baiyao's place.

Kou Cao also said that he had convinced the other elders of Shenyigu that this matter would not be spread to outsiders in order to preserve Baiyao's reputation.

His father didn't want to lose his son, but he couldn't ignore the lives of so many innocent people.

Due to expediency, he could only agree to Kou Cao's plan.

It was just his father's plan to bring him back after a while.

Thinking like this, the Valley Master naturally said the same to Kou Cao.

It was at that time that Kou Cao asked.

He said: "Even if the young Valley Master is a complete evil person, Valley Master, will you still refuse to give up on him?"

"He is my son. I believe he just went astray temporarily. I also believe he can correct himself. The position of Valley Master in the future will only be his."

This is the answer of the grain owner.


"I saw that Kou Cao, who had been standing respectfully in front of my father, suddenly took action and seriously injured my father."

But he broke in regardless of others and saw another face of Kou Cao.

"You came just in time." These were Kou Cao's exact words.

The movement attracted the guards. Kou Cao's words were obviously more trustworthy than the credibility of a man with multiple criminal records.

According to Kou Cao, it was Baiyao who didn't want to leave the Valley of Miracle Doctors, so he tried to kill his father and gain power.

No one believed his denial.

His father was seriously injured and unconscious. It was his sister who suddenly appeared and sent him out of the valley.

The news of his attack on the Valley Master was blocked. Later, Sister A told him that his father had awakened and that Kou Cao had invited himself into the poisonous cave.

But the punishment for a traitor is never to be put into a poisonous cave.

Having said this, Baiyao took out a bottle and cut his finger. The blood fell into the bottle and a burst of white smoke came out.

"This is our Bai family's unique method of identifying the safety of the Bai family's bloodline."

"This is my blood. The white smoke represents safety, while the black smoke represents danger."

At that time, he had his father's blood on his body, and the verification results told him that his father was in extreme danger.

After many verifications, the result has not changed, which is contrary to the information he knows.

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