When he really confirmed that the Valley Master was not his father, it was after he contacted his sister again.

After Sister A let him go without permission that day, she was reprimanded by those in the inner valley.

It was also Kou Cao who went to great lengths to save her.

Just like him before, his sister Bai Xuan believed in Kou Cao easily. Although she doubted the authenticity of "Baiyao's father-killing", she doubted others, not Kou Cao.

After "Kou Cao" entered the poisonous cave and was punished, she discussed with the valley owner many times to rescue him.

It was also during this contact process that she discovered that there was something wrong with her father, the Valley Master.

His father had a habit of using his left hand to control the heat of the alchemy furnace when refining medicine.

When Bai Liangcai was refining alchemy, he was never used to having people around. They knew this habit because it was Bai Liangcai who completed the alchemy enlightenment for the two siblings when they were young.

Bai Xuan accidentally broke into the alchemy room and discovered that something was wrong with "Bai Liangcai". However, this was only one aspect. After all, Bai Liangcai was very flexible with his hands.

But the seeds of doubt are buried in my heart.

She had never dared to contact Baiyao before, for fear of exposing Baiyao's existence. After that, she tried her best to avoid those people in the valley and get in touch with Baiyao.

Then, I learned everything.

There is a problem with Kou Cao. This is the unanimous thought of the two siblings. They also made a unanimous decision, that is, to stand still. Bai Xuan still stayed in the valley to keep the others on guard.

At that time, most people in the valley were deceived by Kou Cao, not to mention that the other party had already replaced the real valley owner.

If they tell the truth, no one may believe it, but they will put themselves in danger.

More importantly, they suspected that their father was trapped in a drug cave.

But before Bai Xuan discovered the clues, the fake Bai Liangcai adjusted the situation of the poisonous cave on the grounds of rectification, turning it from a dangerous place to a dead place.

Bai Xuan has been looking for traces of the real Bai Liangcai, but has found nothing.

While they were accumulating strength, they were looking for traces of Bai Liangcai until two years ago, they found a spy sent by the demon cultivator from the inner valley.

After the spy was found, he was desperate and ran into the poisonous cave.

Many disciples went into the hunt, only to find a madman in the poisonous cave. The madman was delirious and would kill everyone he saw.

Some people speculate that it was the original "Kou Cao".

But although the madman is stupid, his instincts are very sharp. The disciples of the Divine Medical Valley cannot get close at all, and there is no way to determine the true identity of the madman.

After Bai Xuan heard the news, she felt that her father's condition might not be good, so she sent her confidants into the poisonous cave to inquire about the news, but no one survived.

Even the group of disciples who followed him disappeared behind the door for various reasons.

In order to avoid alerting the people around her who belonged to Kou Cao, she could only suspend the investigation and pass the news to Baiyao.

If you want to enter the Poison Cave openly, you will either have to make an unforgivable mistake in the Valley of Divine Doctors, or it will be a trial for the outer disciple Wu Zhao to enter the inner valley.

The return of Baiyao just meets the conditions.

Although his return will arouse vigilance, it will also give him a reason to enter the poisonous cave to look for clues.

"Of course, the above is purely my guess."

The smile on Baiyao's face is like the bright moon in the sky and the gentle breeze on earth.

The bright moon hangs high in the sky and is unpredictable, and the breeze is changeable and unpredictable, just like the person Baiyao.

All he has is a way to monitor his safety through the Bai family's bloodline.

The blood that was saved back then has long been used up, and he doesn't know what Bai Liang's condition is now.

"Little Junior Sister, maybe we will die here."

As he spoke, the crawling sounds from the caves on both sides of the Poison Cave became increasingly dense.

This is the best nest for poisonous insects.The poisonous insects here are all fed by highly poisonous substances. No one can predict where the mixed poisons will cause these poisonous insects to grow.

Baiyao took out his twin swords.

The sword has two forms. Normally, it is a silver-white long sword. The length and width are similar to Han Jiangxue, and even the color is similar.

However, Hanjiang Snow is as cold and white as ice and snow, while the twins are as silvery white as the moon.

After Baiyao was injected with spiritual energy, the twin swords changed.

A layer of gray mist floated on the surface of the sword, condensing and not dissipating, twisting into various postures on the sword.

The sword body is widened by one finger, and serrations grow side by side on both sides of the blade.

The small and sharp serrations are not straight thorns, but slightly curved hook teeth.

The whole sword presents a ferocious and evil form, and everyone who sees it is terrified.

The two forms of twin swords are the most perfect portrayal of the third senior brother Bai Qie Hei.

After the second form of the twin swords was activated, the gray mist turned into a water-like existence, floating one by one in the poisonous cave.

Wherever it passes, poisonous gas spreads everywhere.

The sheltered Lu Yun felt nothing, but the poisonous insects hiding in the gaps roared wildly.

One by one, as if they had seen something powerful, they rushed out and fought with the mist.

The mist is extremely flexible, like a snake passing through, piercing through the poisonous insects and absorbing the toxins in their bodies.

The gray fog became more solid.

Twins are swords, but Lu Yun rarely sees what sword moves Baiyao uses.

In fact, Baiyao's talent in swordsmanship is average. The uniqueness of the Twin Swords comes from Baiyao himself. He is more accustomed to the attack methods of a medical practitioner and a poisonous practitioner than sword moves.

While others raise poisonous pets, Baiyao raises twin swords.

Baiyao, who controls the sword pet, kills everyone in the poison cave.

Devouring is the instinct of the second form of twins. They are not afraid of these poisonous insects at all, but have the urge to feast on them.

And this is the reason why Baiyao chooses to enter the poison cave.

Now, what troubles them is not the ubiquitous poisonous insects, but the complex terrain in the poisonous cave.

Unlike the Poison Cave in his memory, even the maps that Bai Xuan had sent out intermittently over the years did not cover all the places in the Poison Cave.

With Nakou Cao's level of caution, the place where Bai Liangcai was imprisoned would never be in a random place.

There was no specific map. If they wanted to find the person, they could only slowly dig in by themselves.

A small golden ladybug lay on Bai Yao's shoulder, sometimes flapping its wings, sometimes stretching out its claws to grasp it a few times.

Lu Yun's innocent appearance caught Lu Yun's attention.

"This is a scarab beetle. It is fed with blood and can be used to track the owner of the blood."

The last bit of blood he had back then was all used to feed the scarab beetle. Only now did he take it out.

The scarab beetle, the size of a fingernail, jumped and jumped, as if responding to Baiyao's words.

But after walking for half an hour, there was no other reaction from the scarab beetle.

On the contrary, along the way, there were many corpses of poisonous insects piled up around him.

After eating and drinking, Twin Swords returned to Baiyao and fed back the poison to Baiyao.

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