Little Junior Sister Society fears but draws sword

Chapter 254: Expelling Insects and Exploring the Path

Lu Yun always knew that Baiyao's practice method was different from theirs.

Even if the opponent's cultivation level stayed at the golden elixir stage for a long time, Lu Yun never thought that Baiyao's strength would be too low.

Just like now.

In front of her, after absorbing the toxin, Baiyao's cultivation level jumped from the late stage of Jin Dan to the late stage of Nascent Soul. This smooth and smooth promotion would probably cause a sensation, but she was not too surprised. .

Baiyao exhaled, and the breath condensed into a sword, which was fired at the stone wall of the cave. After the stone wall was touched, a hole the size of a fist was corroded.

The poisonous insects inside that had not had time to evacuate turned into a pool of blood.

Suppressing true cultivation is also one of his trump cards.

Entering the Poison Cave with Golden Core cultivation makes it easier for those people to relax, and now, there is no need to continue to maintain the illusion.

The bones creaked, and Baiyao moved his body, feeling the abundant strength in his body, and his face showed a sickly gentleness.

Lu Yun, who noticed that her senior brother's perversion had reached a new level, stood aside very politely.

What she was thinking was, after they returned, the senior brother would find out that the third senior brother suddenly became more powerful than him, and would he be so angry that he could not sleep for days and nights.

Lu Yun, who was distracted, followed Baiyao and stood in front of a fork.

There are too many forked roads in the twists and turns of the poisonous cave. From the outside, it is difficult to see any difference. Which road to choose is purely a matter of luck.

The scarab beetle was still lying quietly.

Baiyao glanced at it and walked straight to the left route.

As soon as she entered here, Lu Yun found that this road was a little different. The walls were covered with white dots, and there was a fragrance wafting in the air.

This aroma is particularly attractive and makes people have the urge to have a full meal.

"That's scarab poop."

Seeing Lu Yun's eyes lingering on those white dots for a long time, Baiyao calmly uttered a sentence and successfully stopped Lu Yun from touching them.

"Although this stuff is excrement, it can increase your cultivation. However, in your case, you may have to eat hundreds of kilograms to have any significant effect."

Baiyao looked at Lu Yun teasingly. Lu Yun had no doubt that if she nodded, Baiyao would personally collect the feces for her to eat.

Resisting the urge to feel nauseated, Lu Yun rolled her eyes, and then saw Baiyao begin to collect these things.

After the monk's body has been washed by the spiritual energy of heaven and earth, it becomes pure and natural, and does not even need to absorb nutrients from food.

But on the contrary, the more spiritual an existence is, the more hungry it will be in a monk, just like the thing in front of him.

Scarab excrement is useful, but also...poisonous.

This point, as a bad taste of Baiyao, was not told to Lu Yun. Lu Yun guessed it by herself.

A large amount of feces was burned in the ignited spiritual fire, and the impurities were completely removed, leaving only the most essential parts.

This part was mixed with some other medicinal materials by Baiyao to make an elixir.

This is an elixir that assists cultivation and increases spiritual power. Lu Yun remembered the elixir and searched for it in his storage bag, and found the same elixir.

Recalling it carefully, I didn't seem to have taken this kind of elixir before. I resisted the urge to twitch the corners of my mouth and watched Baiyao crush these freshly prepared elixirs.

The powder was scattered on the ground, and the rich spiritual power that escaped quickly attracted the appearance of those poisonous insects.

A pile of poison surged and hissed in the darkness.

The sound of bodies rubbing together makes one's scalp tingle.

Baiyao stood not far away, quietly watching the group of poisonous creatures of different shapes swallowing the pill.

The artificially injected spiritual power makes the bodies of these poisonous insects grow rapidly.

A palm-sized scorpion grew to the size of an arm, and the carapace of its body was glowing with a faint golden color.

This is evolving into the Golden Scorpion.

The same goes for other poisonous insects.Baiyao curled up the corners of his lips, obviously aware of this situation.

The elixir was quickly devoured by these poisonous insects. Seeing the greatly changed poisonous insects, Baiyao controlled the mist on the twin swords and dispersed them into needle-like sizes, numerous in number, and each of them was submerged into the bodies of the poisonous insects.

"Puff, puff!"

This is the sound of poisonous insects exploding to death.

The bodies of poisonous insects exploded in front of their eyes. The flowing juice was extremely poisonous and the air became turbid.

Lu Yun, who was swallowing the detoxification pill with an expressionless face, saw Baiyao staring at the poisonous insects with burning eyes, as if he was conducting an experiment.

The look in his eyes was so bright that it made people frightened.

Hundreds of poisonous insects nearby were attracting people, and nearly two-thirds of them were blown into mud.

Those broken corpses were then eaten by the remaining poisonous insects. This situation was very similar to the poisonous insects Lu Yun had seen.

Fortunately, Baiyao doesn't need these poisonous insects to fight until only the last one is left.

In the end, there were only a dozen poisonous insects left alive. These poisonous insects had changed greatly, and the golden lines on their bodies were more obvious.

"Be good, go find someone for me."

Baiyao ordered softly.

The reason why he went to so much trouble was just to let these poisonous insects become his eyes and ears and help him explore the road.

If he really wants to use his and Lu Yun's legs to find Bai Liangcai here, he still doesn't know how long it will take for him to succeed.

The people who are truly familiar with the existence of the Poison Cave are not the people from the Divine Doctor Valley, but the poisonous insects here.

Fed with elixirs and using the twin swords as a medium, these poisonous insects are now his hands and feet. He can even use the vision of these poisonous insects to explore the situation in the poisonous cave.

It's a pity that these poisonous insects are too fragile and cannot bear too much power of the twin swords.

After digging out some fecal white medicine, Lu Yun finally stepped forward under the silent look in her eyes.

Even in this dirty cave, Baiyao is dressed in white clothes and free from dust, and he comes out of the dust gracefully. The premise is that he ignores his methods.

Along the way, Lu Yun kept watching the other party feeding them pills, prompting the poisonous insects to evolve, and then adopted them as their younger brothers to drive them.

Perhaps even the people in the Valley of Miracle Doctors could not imagine that the poisonous insects in the Poison Cave could be used in this way.

Using the death of most poisonous insects in exchange for the use of a few poisonous insects is, in a way, the ultimate cruelty.

But precisely because of this cruelty and indifference, they found clues.

Baiyao found some traces of human activities in the field of vision of several of the poisonous insects. Those traces were very single, and only one person could be seen.

However, the location is not uniform.

Baiyao simply led Lu Yun towards the nearest location.

After bending down and entering a new fork in the road, Lu Yun raised her hand and waved her sword, using the needle at the back of the tail to split a centipede hidden in the crack of the stone into two pieces.

She looked at the venom dripping on her body, frowned and wiped it away.


Baiyao spoke in front of him, his eyes looking over were cold and biting.


She nodded.

The further inside, the more poisonous the poisonous insects became, and these toxins were enough to affect her.

If it weren't for Baiyao's detoxifying pills, Lu Yun wouldn't be able to guarantee how long she could survive here alone.

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