"The poisonous insects here are all artificially raised."

The person who started making the figurines was of course Na Kou Cao.

The original Poison Cave was a training place for the disciples of the Divine Doctor Valley. Although it was dangerous, it was not like it is now, with poisons all over the floor, and these poisons could move away and swallow the poisons to evolve.

It was Kou Cao who wanted to completely separate the inner and outer valleys and hide all sins in the inner valley.

The disciples who first entered the Valley of Miracle Doctors all stayed in the outer valley, imagining what kind of paradise the inner valley was, but in fact it was filthy.

Along the way, after killing many poisonous insects and trying many poisonings, Lu Yun followed Baiyao to the place where Bai Liangcai's clues were recently discovered.

There is a pool in this cave. The dark green water looks dangerous at first glance. Unfortunately, the scarab beetle still did not respond, indicating that Bai Liangcai was not nearby.

Baiyao used spiritual power to pull out a corpse from the pond.

It was a small red snake. It should have been as bright as fire, but now it was dim, its eyes were closed, and it had already fallen into a deep sleep.

"This is my father's poisonous pet."

Baiyao remembered this snake, and in his memory, it was always with his father.

The other party has a nice name, called Cinnabar.

Cinnabar is buried here, which shows that his father encountered something very dangerous at that time, and even Cinnabar sacrificed himself for it.

The blue waves were rippling, and a green-haired turtle emerged from the water. Its mung bean-sized eyes were glowing scarlet, and it was obviously very unhappy with these visitors.

Especially when looking at Baiyao, Lu Yun always felt that he was swallowing saliva unbearably, acting very hungry.

Baiyao put Zhu Sha's body away and threw a few pills at the green turtle.

The strong medicinal properties attracted the attention of the green-haired turtle. Its bulky body jumped up and quickly took the pills into its mouth in the air.

After swallowing a few times, he made a belching sound.

The blue water beneath him was green and turned black. The green-haired turtle looked at the two of them and slowly sank into the water.

The green-haired turtle became spiritual and belonged to the category of monster.

"Let's go."

Baiyao controls the poisonous insects in the poison cave, and always holds the twin swords in his hands.

Along the way, countless poisonous people died in his hands.

It's a pity that most of them are imbecile beings who just follow their instincts and want to attack those who enter the poisonous cave, but they die in the hands of Baiyao one by one.

She could feel that Baiyao's cultivation was improving during this process.

Then they went to several places in succession and found some things that Bai Liangcai had lost.

After digging out another black bead belonging to Bai Liangcai in the cave, Baiyao's hand holding the bead began to tighten.

By now, they can naturally understand that these things were deliberately placed in these places, as if they were deliberately waiting for people to find them.

But who is that person?

If it was Kou Cao's people, then the other party wouldn't have to go to such great lengths.

But if it was Bai Liangcai, the real owner of the valley, why didn't the other party just come out to see them?

"Anyway, let's find Senior Bai first." Lu Yun said softly. If you find him, all your questions will be solved.


Following the latest direction, they shuttled through the dark cave. Fortunately, they didn't walk long here before the scarab, who had been quiet all this time, finally reacted.

It flew up from Baiyao's shoulders, flapped its wings and led the way.

Their small bodies were extremely flexible, flying in the cave, leading them around in this complex environment.

Lu Yun observed the surrounding environment.

This poisonous cave was an ordinary grotto back then, but these grottoes were naturally formed.

The special terrain will become one of the barriers to the Valley of Divine Doctors, so the people who originally established the Valley of Divine Doctors began to raise poisonous insects in the grottoes.

Over time, this place became known as the Poison Cave.

At this moment, Lu Yun discovered traces of man-made excavations in the cave, and these traces became more and more obvious along the direction of the scarab beetle's flight.

There was no need for Lu Yun to remind Baiyao that he was aware of this.

Rubbing your fingers against the cave, you can clearly feel the marks made by some tools.Very blunt.

The strength is different, and the stone wall is unevenly stressed. It looks like the work of a layman, and this should not be a cave made by a person with spiritual power.

With the power of a monk, it is easy to move mountains and create seas, but he will not create such a crude thing.

Could it be that there are ordinary people in this cave?

The question could not be answered, the road ahead became narrower, the scarab beetle was still flying forward, Baiyao bent down to follow.

In the end, even Lu Yun had to bend forward.

On the stone walls of the narrow passages on both sides, you can see many black and red traces of solidified and dried blood.

The frozen red finger marks tell the story of the hardships of this passage.


When Lu Yun bowed her waist deeper, she turned her head with difficulty and glanced behind her. She vaguely heard some movement and looked over, but found nothing.

The fingers pressed against the wall touched something.

When I took it away, I saw a few spider threads.

Only then did Lu Yun realize that the sides of the stone wall began to become sticky, with a lot of spider silk wrapped in the viscous liquid.

Because Baiyao was opening the way ahead, most of the spider silk stuck to Baiyao's body.

Baiyao stopped.

Lu Yun couldn't see clearly what was going on in front of her. When she looked out with her spiritual sense, she discovered that there were large pieces of spider eggs on the ground in front of them. They seemed to have... mistakenly entered a spider's nest.

"This is a January spider."

The January spider is a kind of monster and is extremely poisonous by nature.

This kind of spider likes to build nests in dark nests. It has a strong reproductive ability and can give birth to one child a month, and the incubation cycle is also very fast.

And this spider is very protective of its calves.

If you kill the spider babies in front of it or accidentally damage the spider eggs, these spiders will come back with crazy revenge.

This is a very cautious creature.

Both of them stopped. The petite scarab with wings was completely unaffected by this place.

It seemed to be wondering why they didn't move on, its wings flapping with a hint of urging.

Lu Yun and Baiyao looked at each other, both speechless.

"Puff puff!"

This sound came again, and this time Baiyao heard it too.

"No, the mother spider is back."

The movement came from behind, and it was obviously getting closer. If you continued to stay here, you might be caught by the female spider.

In a place like this, they can't do anything they want.

"Continue to go."

Baiyao believed in the scarab beetle he had trained. The two used their spiritual power to reduce their own weight and move carefully in the cave.

At my feet are spider eggs about the size of eggs. You can see the growing little spiders inside the transparent eggs.

The whole body is gray and has compound eyes.

Lu Yun quickened his pace, the sense of approaching danger behind him was very torturous.

But due to the environment, they can't do anything no matter how powerful they are.

After advancing for a while, Lu Yun felt the strong wind coming from behind.

A January spider that filled the narrow passage appeared in front of people. It was no more petite than those cubs. The female spider in front of them had a gray-white body, with a texture like jade, and was very smooth.

Not only that, the edges of the pupils of its three pairs of compound eyes were glowing with gold, and this feature should not be possessed by the January Spider.

It's more like the evolved characteristics of poisonous insects.

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