The strange tone was emitted by the Moon Spider. Lu Yun couldn't understand it, but she could understand that the other party was warning them.

Especially as they continued to advance, the Moon Spider suddenly became irritable.

Although the spider eggs in the ground are still intact, the mother spider has launched an attack.

Spider silk was spit out one after another, and the slender spider silk shone with sharp light, blue and bright, which was a sign of extreme poison.

The position she was in did not allow Lu Yun to dodge, so Lu Yun could only pick up the tail needle and confront the spider silk.

The two collided and made a crashing sound, which shows how hard these spider silks are.

Using her spiritual energy, Lu Yun cut off a spider thread, and more spider threads followed, making it difficult for Lu Yun, who was already multitasking, to dodge.

The dagger rolled up the cold air, and the ice froze in the passage. Thanks to the harvest in Hanshan, it was enough to control the power of ice without using Hanjiang Snow.

The frozen ice causes the female spider's body to slip as she crawls.

But soon, highly toxic liquid flowed from several spider legs, and the liquid fell on the ice, quickly corroding it.

The female spider stabilized her body and shot out a few more threads.

The fast spider silk here is simply a natural trap. If you are not careful, you will be scratched by it.

Lu Yun looked at the wound on her forearm, but in the blink of an eye, it turned rich black.

And this was even after she swallowed the antidote pill. Something was wrong, she thought to herself.


"This is no ordinary January spider."

Behind her, Baiyao calmly observed and said, grabbing Lu Yun's arm. Seeing the rapidly spreading toxicity, Baiyao's eyes turned cold.

Although the antidote pill he produced cannot completely eliminate the poison of the January Spider, it can completely suppress it without any problem.

And what he saw, let alone suppression, was that the spread of toxicity was uncontrollable at all.

He tore the clothes off Lu Yun's shoulders and saw that the poison was already running up his arms.

Holding several silver needles in his hand, Baiyao inserted them into several large acupuncture points on Lu Yun's shoulders to seal them.

The rate of toxic erosion has slowed down a lot, but it has not stopped.

If a way to detoxify the poison is not found within a period of time, it could kill Lu Yun.

"Come on, don't worry about it, let's get out of here first."

Stepping on the underground spider egg, Baiyao led Lu Yun forward quickly, regardless of the completely furious January Spider.

The narrow passage was blasted open by Baiyao's spiritual power. At this moment, he didn't care whether the place would collapse.

Scarab was still in front, and Baiyao gritted his teeth and grabbed Lu Yun's arm.

That hand was strong.

Even without looking, Lu Yun knew that there would definitely be a few purple marks on her wrist.

Feeling the condition of her body, Lu Yun remained silent.

In fact, this toxin is very strange. For now, the spiritual power is running smoothly, the mind is clear, and the body is still under control.

But looking at Baiyao's serious expression, Lu Yun knew that things were not as simple as they appeared.

"Once this poison enters the heart, it will turn the person into a pool of blood in an instant." This poison is kind and cruel.

Baiyao's voice was slightly hoarse, and his eyes were full of hatred for himself.

He thought that his ability was more than enough to enter the poison cave, and he had always been confident in his ability to treat poison.

If it were an ordinary January Spider, he would really not take it seriously.

But the poison on this Moon Spider has obviously mutated, and it has a certain degree of resistance to its own detoxifying pill.

There is only one possibility in this situation: the other party has his own blood in his body.

But this is impossible.

Baiyao's expression was frighteningly cold.

The rumbling sound turned a deaf ear, and the pursuit of the January Spider behind him became even more violent. A sharp low whistle came, and Lu Yun saw that there were holes on the stone wall in front of him.

From those potholes, fist-sized January spiders emerged.

Pairs of compound eyes stacked together are enough to give people trypophobia. They stare at the two humans who break into their lair without permission and launch an attack.The mist on the twin swords protected the two of them, and the January spider that touched it could not resist and died of poisoning.

But there are too many spiders.

The crowded potholes are filled with countless January spiders.

A few die and the rest will come and fill the gap.

The gray mist on the Twin Swords is not a naturally occurring thing, it is poison that Baiyao constantly collects in his daily life.

This is a consumable.

Under the rapid consumption, the mist became thinner, and a spider broke through the defense and landed on Lu Yun.

He stabbed it with a sword and successfully pierced it.

But the opponent's spider legs pierced her skin, and the stinging sensation was negligible.

When she looked over her shoulder, she saw that the spread of spider poison was accelerating again.

The blackness spread all over her shoulders, approaching her heart.

"damn it."

Cutting his wrist open with a sword, Baiyao handed it to Lu Yun's mouth. Without any words, Lu Yun drank the blood consciously.

Baiyao is full of blood, it is highly poisonous, and it is also a good medicine.

Unfortunately, toxins that seem to come from the same source have very little effect even if they are used to fight poison with poison.

Lu Yun glared fiercely, and pierced the back needle under her shoulder. The ice layer froze along with the dagger, temporarily cutting off the poisonous erosion.

That chill caused Lu Yun's body temperature to drop sharply.

Her face turned pale, and her long eyelashes were covered with frost.

"Hold on a little longer."

Baiyao crushed poisons one by one, but these poisons, which had been invincible before, only slightly stopped these spiders.


This is the happy flapping sound of a scarab beetle ahead.

And this means that they have found the target person.

Baiyao dragged Lu Yun and rushed towards the stone wall in front. The hard stone wall changed like a water curtain. This was a simple illusion formation.

The two of them plunged in. The spiders kept wandering around the entrance of the cave, making angry noises, but did not chase them in.

There is a different cave here, but Baiyao has no time to observe it.

After a quick glance, Baiyao's eyes only paused briefly in a corner of the cave.

There, there was a person huddled up.

His hair was messy, his clothes were torn, his face was so gray that he couldn't see his face clearly, his body was stooped, and he had no spiritual power.

But the scarab beetle stopped in front of that man.

"Go, go, go."

The man did not respond to the two intruders, but instead waved his hands to try to drive away the scarabs.

The scarab beetle was too stubborn. Seeing this, the man grabbed the scarab beetle, threw it into his mouth, chewed it, and swallowed it.

"Hey hey hey." Then, a strange sound came out.

"Spider, there are spiders, you can't, you can't go out, hey hey hey."

The words he talks to himself are broken and need to be listened carefully to distinguish. Is this man his father?
Baiyao was asking himself in his heart, but Baiyao had no time to find the answer. .

"Little Junior Sister!"

He helped Lu Yun sit down.

At this moment, half of Lu Yun's body was covered in white frost. A trick she learned from the Fox Clan extended her life.

But if the poison is not released, she can only remain frozen and turn into an eternal ice sculpture.

"I believe you." Lu Yun whispered, trusting her life to this.

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