Little Junior Sister Society fears but draws sword

Chapter 258 The senior brother who was stunned by poison

"Let him sleep. He'll be a fool when he wakes up anyway."

"Little girl, you haven't answered my question yet. Speaking of which, I can be considered the father of this brat. Are you my future daughter-in-law?"

These words made Lu Yun finally look at the other party.

"He's my brother."

She was not surprised by Bai Liangcai's identity. She had heard a little bit about Bai Liangcai's situation before, and when she found him, he knew he was right.

The most important thing is that her senior brother can safely let her pass out in front of this person, and she can determine the other person's identity.


Bai Liangcai let out a light tut.

"What's the situation outside now?"

Even though the magpie's nest was occupied by human doves, hiding here like a caveman for all these years, Bai Liangcai's aura of arrogance and talent as the master of the Miracle Doctor Valley has not faded at all.

Lu Yun briefly explained the situation outside.

"Haha, that kid Kou Cao is really good at scheming."

He looked at Lu Yun holding Baiyao against the wall, his eyes darkened: "Little girl, now your senior brother is stupid, and I am a useless person. If we want to go out, we can only rely on you."

Lu Yun, who was assigned a great responsibility from heaven, looked at Bai Liangcai.

At first, she was unable to detect the other party's condition due to the poisoning, but when she woke up, she found that the other party had no spiritual power at all.

"I've been poisoned."

Squinting his eyes, Bai Liangcai had a cold smile in his eyes.

"Back then, Kou Cao attacked me secretly. I was seriously injured and fell into a coma. This kid was kicked out of the Valley of Divine Doctors."

"But before I die, the other party's secret may be discovered. But there was a lot of noise at the time, and Kou Cao had no chance to kill me directly."

"So he poisoned me."

When he woke up again, it happened to be the time when he was thrown into the poisonous cave. At that time, he watched Kou Cao pass the sentence on him with the face of "Bai Liangcai", and he knew that he had been tricked.

At that time, he was "Kou Cao", and he wanted to expose the truth, but he found that he was poisoned and his spiritual power was destroyed. The poison could also affect his sanity.

If you tell me, others may think you are talking nonsense.

Another thing, at that time, many people in the Valley of Divine Doctors had unknowingly surrendered to Kou Cao. The enemy was outnumbered and the people were still in ruins. His only way was to enter the poisonous cave for temporary refuge.

It's ridiculous to say that if Kou Cao hadn't been too loyal to Bai Liangcai's performance at the beginning, Bai Liangcai's character wouldn't have killed Kou Cao after what happened.

Therefore, Kou Cao, who played the role of "Bai Liangcai", was constrained by this and could not eradicate him as "Kou Cao", thus giving him a chance to struggle.

Although in Kou Cao's eyes, this opportunity was just the pleasure of watching him live an ignoble existence.

On the surface he couldn't do much, but secretly, after entering the poisonous cave, he discovered that Kou Cao had sent people to hunt him down.

The Poison Cave treats everyone equally.

Those poisons don’t distinguish between you and me.

His spiritual power was gone, but his body, which had been soaked in drugs for many years, was full of medicinal properties and poisonous.

He relied entirely on his own blood to survive here.

Later, after finding the January Spider, he made a deal with the January Spider before he fell into confusion.

His blood can help the January Spider grow. The dark golden compound eyes and the even more terrifying poison are his masterpieces.

And he, hiding in this cave under the protection of the January Spider, could only wait for the annual awakening, and this still relied on his body's resistance to the toxin.

If he had spiritual power in his body, he could easily remove the poison.

Unfortunately, he currently has no medicinal properties and cannot use spiritual power to catalyze the medicinal properties. He can only passively wait for him to wake up.

He never gave up.

After waking up every year, in addition to feeding these January spiders, I would put the things I brought with me in some places in the poison cave.

He believed that his children would not give up on him. In fact, he did wait for the arrival of his gifted son.

It's this scene that makes people sad.Who knew that in the end, it would be the father who cheated his son.

Listening to what Bai Liangcai said, Lu Yun didn't know whether she should lament the coincidence.

The poison of these January spiders came from Bai Liangcai's opponent, so the detoxification pills on Baiyao's body based on the inheritance of the Bai family have little effect on the spider poison.

Even the medicinal properties of Baiyao itself have little effect due to the same source of toxins.

"Senior, is there anything I can do?"

Lu Yun asked.

If Bai Liangcai's spiritual power can be restored, it should be easy for them to get out.

"Can you make elixirs?" Bai Liangcai looked forward to it.

Lu Yun shook her head, breaking the other party's hope.

"Let's wait until the kid wakes up and check the situation first." Bai Liangcai sighed.

The son came to the door. It was just a matter of time before the father and son could make a comeback, but they were poisoned by themselves. It would be really embarrassing if this matter spread out.

Lu Yun couldn't understand Bai Liangcai's mood.

Not long after, Baiyao woke up leisurely, his eyes as clear as the clearest lake.

Although he was already prepared, Lu Yun felt a little uncomfortable when he saw that his senior brother's heart, which should have been pitch black, turned so pure white due to the poison.

"who are you?"

"Who am I?"

Baiyao's "silliness" did not make him lose his basic thinking ability, it was more like losing his memory, even forgetting himself.

"I am your father."

Bai Liangcai said angrily, with a depressed look on his face.

Looking at Bai Liangcai's beggar-like dress, he lost his memory, but the human instinct of seeking advantages and avoiding disadvantages still exists.

Baiyao subconsciously approached Lu Yun.

He felt that this person had an aura that he liked, like the first snow in winter, slightly cool.

"My name is Lu Yun, and I am your junior sister. Your name is Baiyao, and you are my third senior brother."

Lu Yun said, helping the person up.

"Senior brother, do you still remember how to make elixirs?"

"Alchemy?" Baiyao didn't know what he thought of. He tilted his head for a while before nodding heavily: "I can."

An alchemy furnace was thrown out and the spiritual fire was lit.

These are almost muscle memories, although Baiyao is also confused.

Seeing this scene, Bai Liangcai rekindled hope, and then under Bai Liangcai's guidance, various medicinal materials were thrown into the alchemy furnace.

The spiritual fire is sometimes hot and sometimes steady.

The two Bai family members squatted in front of the alchemy furnace, studying it with great interest.

Lu Yun couldn't intervene.

She should have believed in Baiyao's skills, but looking at Baiyao's innocent face and casually throwing the medicinal ingredients in, she felt something was wrong.

As consciousness returned to her mind, Lu Yun's body took the first step.

Wu Zhuo smashed it out, lying in front of the two people.

The next moment, the supposedly stable alchemy furnace trembled, and several cracks appeared on the body of the alchemy furnace. Then the spiritual fire went out of control, and the entire alchemy furnace exploded.

There was a "boom", the cave was filled with smoke, and sand and rocks rolled down above the head.

If it hadn't been for Lu Yun's final strength, the three of them would have been buried here.

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