He used the Qingfeng Jue to blow away the ashes in the cave.

Lu Yun looked at the innocent-looking Baiyao and fell silent after all. Sure enough, her third senior brother, even if he had to start over, would still be dark inside.

"Go out first."

The exit was collapsed, and the January spiders were dug out. The female spider that Bai Liangcai had fed for all these years walked over and nuzzled her affectionately when she saw Bai Liangcai.

It's not that there are no monks who shake their heads in submission, but most of the two parties will conclude a contract to bind both parties.

A scene like this is rare.

Bai Liangcai touched the head of the female spider, shook off the spider silk on his hand, and said something.

"Take us out."

Because of the explosion just now, the passage was blocked, and the Moon Spider opened the way in front, and they finally left the small cave.

Looking at the poisonous cave, nothing has changed.

But Lu Yun keenly felt that the atmosphere around her had changed, and there was someone in the dark.

Lu Yun held Han Jiangxue in her hands, glanced at Bai Liangcai's calm back, pretended not to know, and followed him to the exit of the poison cave.

Now that Bai Liangcai has been found, everything in Neigu must be put back on track.

But before that, Bai Liangcai's cultivation level needs to be restored.

Baiyao, who had lost his memory, couldn't do this, but Bai Xuan could.

Bai Xuan stayed with Kou Cao these years.

On the surface, she is the only relative around the current Valley Master, and she should be highly valued, but because of her secret release of Baiyao back then, her situation in the Valley is very embarrassing.

Kou Cao did not dare to have too much contact with Bai Xuan, fearing that the other party would discover his identity.

Under the cold treatment, Bai Xuan's life in Neigu was not easy.

Although she is the daughter of the Valley Master, she is no different from ordinary disciples. Even some disciples who are able to get around in the Valley dare to bully Bai Xuan.

And Lu Yun remembered that when he was in Nanshan's dream, the elder Bai from the inner valley did not take Bai Xuan seriously.

The bossy and even commanding attitude shows Bai Xuan's difficulties.

But now, she can only count on the other party.

The person who followed in secret was very careful and did not take any action. Lu Yun could not figure out who the other party was, so she did not take the initiative to alert him.

Even though Bai Liangcai had lost his spiritual power and could not detect the surrounding situation, in fact, the January Spider had been following Bai Liangcai.

The little spiders hide in the caves wherever they pass. These little spiders are the eyes and ears of the mother spider, transmitting everything around them.

The female spider, on the other hand, was sneaking underground, constantly sending signals to Bai Liangcai.

Someone was following him, and Bai Liang realized that he had the same idea as Lu Yun.

This time, with Bai Liangcai leading the way, and the intimidation of the spider swarm, the other poisonous creatures in the poison cave did not dare to offend.

After finding the right path, and without the threat of poison, it is easy to get out of the poison cave.

As they approached the exit, Lu Yun could feel the anxiety of the people behind the scenes.

"Go through here and you'll be there."

It was a small stone forest, with dense and weird stones piled together, twisting into a different world.

The gray-white stone looks very fragile, and there seems to be something hidden inside, causing the gravel on the surface of the stone to fall off.

Lu Yun glanced over and knew that these stones were almost all hollow, and it was obvious what was hidden inside.

Danger comes quietly, giving people a chilling feeling of fear.

This is the only place you must pass, and it is also where the last guard of the Poison Cave is.

Lu Yun glanced behind her and led the people in.Baiyao was very quiet along the way. He looked around, his clear eyes seemed to be exploring something.

"Junior sister, be careful."

Baiyao blinked his eyes and said, the too innocent look in his eyes made Lu Yun feel uneasy.

She was thinking that if this scene was recorded, she would silence the third senior brother when he recovered.

Lu Yun, who did not dare to challenge the power of her third senior brother, nodded.

Picking up the sword and walking away, when they walked into the middle of the stone forest, a thin voice came from behind.

At the same time, something was thrown over at a slow speed and was easily split open by Lu Yun's sword. The person who did it wanted this effect.

It was something like a rubber ball filled with powder. After it was split open, the powder was scattered everywhere from the air.

At this moment, the poison hidden in those hollow stone caves appeared as if attracted by something.

It is a herd of snakes.

The jet-black snakes are about as long as a man and as thick as a forearm, and the one that attracts the most attention is the snake king.

The triangular head stood up, saliva flowed from its fangs, and its vertical pupils were extremely emotionless, with a coldness unique to snakes.

"It's realgar powder."

These snakes that grew up in poisonous caves are not afraid of realgar powder, but snakes naturally hate the smell of realgar powder.

This stone forest is the territory of the snake group, and this territory is all covered with realgar powder. The snake group is furious and wants to hang everyone who intrudes here.


This is the snake king speaking.

After meeting those vertical pupils, Lu Yun took the lead to take action, but her attack was not directed at the group of snakes, but at the person behind her.

A sword shuttled through the stone forest with an unpredictable figure. When the man saw Lu Yun disappear, before the proud expression on his face ended, he felt the killing intent coming from his side.

This sword was very fast, and Lu Yun never hesitated in taking action.

When the man came back to his senses, Lu Yun's sword was already placed on his neck. With a slight pull, a wound appeared. Under Lu Yun's cold eyes, the man trembled and did not dare to shout.

"You, what do you want to do?"

The unconfident voice expressed the man's guilty conscience: "This is the Valley of Divine Doctors, not a place where you can be arrogant."

Ignoring what the other party said, Lu Yun pulled the person in front of the group of snakes.

Facing the snakes, the man's legs became weak.

He is a disciple of Neigu. A few hours ago, he received a mission from his good friend, saying that an enemy had broken into the poisonous cave. Whoever could capture the enemy would be rewarded heavily.

Looking at the price offered by his senior brother and seeing so many people taking over the task, he was so excited that he forgot about the danger of the poisonous cave and followed suit.

Only after entering the poisonous cave did I remember how terrifying it was.

Fortunately, the senior brother would not watch them die. He gave them some tips and asked him to focus on searching a few places.

Although he wondered why his senior brother didn't go alone when he had so many clues, under the temptation of profit, his brain short-circuited and he came here.

By the time he came to his senses, he had already separated from the others.

He groped carefully in the poisonous cave, and when he was considering whether to give up the mission, he never knew that he was so lucky to encounter an intruder just like this.

One against three, he is not that stupid, so he wants to use the snakes in this stone forest to deal with these people.

Who knows, the result is that I have trapped myself in a cocoon.

"Do you know who we are?" Lu Yun asked, this person came for them.

"I don't care who you are, anyone who breaks in here will die." The disciple who said this did not have enough confidence.

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