Little Junior Sister Society fears but draws sword

Chapter 260 Taking Snake Gallbladder

Sure enough, the news that they had entered the poisonous cave reached Neigu, and Neigu did take action to prevent them from successfully entering.

But that group of people didn't seem to have the guts to reveal Baiyao's true identity.

She was thinking that if she hadn't accidentally encountered the group of January spiders and entered the place where Bai Liangcai was, they might have collided with the group of people in Neigu who wanted to kill them.

Sometimes, luck is also part of strength.

"Let me go, I, I..."

This disciple was hesitant, not daring to speak out loud, but not wanting to beg for mercy.

Lu Yun glanced at the other person and threw the other person into the group of snakes. The other person's body was stained with a lot of realgar powder. As soon as he was thrown into the group of snakes, the already violent snake groups immediately attacked.

Black snakes like ink bit at the disciple's body.

Although the opponent resisted immediately, he was unable to cope with the attacks of so many black snakes, and soon he screamed again and again.

The snake's venom penetrated his body, and the poison affected his movements, making them slower.

When a poisonous snake bit his neck, he stretched out his hands in the direction of Lu Yun and others and made a whimpering sound.

He doesn't want to die...

Lu Yun was indifferent to the other party's plea for help before he died.

After all, this was the ending he had set for them, and now it was just for him to experience it himself.

The bloody blood successfully stimulated the group of snakes. After the man was chewed up until no bones were left, black snakes spit out snake letters and looked at them.

Bai Liangcai, who was very single, hid behind Lu Yun. Baiyao, who didn't have the demeanor of a senior and didn't know anything, took half a step back.

A small half-step can do a lot of harm.

The sharp sword energy belonging to Han Jiangxue was flowing freely here, and Lu Yun was hiding it. The ice and snow were floating like a dream.

Compared to Han Jiangxue's sharpness, Wu Huo seemed to be cumbersome, but with every sweep, a bunch of venomous snakes turned into corpses.

Seeing that the snake group was quickly suppressed by Lu Yun, the snake king wandering on the outermost edge merged into the snake group and disappeared.

The feeling of being spied on arises.

There was a wind blowing, carrying a fishy smell.

Lu Yun turned her head and stabbed her behind with the long sword, trying to push away the Snake King who had touched him at some point.

The opponent's slightly stout body collided with the sword blade, leaving several wounds.

She stared at the eyes of the Snake King. The poisons here, supported by various elixirs from the Valley of Miracle Doctors, were no different from monsters.

Regarding Lu Yun's provocative attitude, the Snake King responded by biting his fangs.

The opponent is very fast, and his dark body is like a ghost, hiding in the shadows of the stone forest, or mixed in with the snakes.

Every time the black snake attacks, Lu Yun needs to deal with it carefully.

This is a very cautious snake king.

She thought to herself, Wu Zhu was in full swing.

The pitch-black sword body merged with the snakes, and the swirling blue flames were so dazzling.

A sword from Huang Quan took away the lives of a large number of black snakes. The broken bodies fell to the ground, and Bai Liangcai suddenly spoke.

"If you can get its snake gall, the poison in my body might be temporarily suppressed."

The poison he was exposed to and the medicinal properties of his Bai family blood formed a strange balance.

To break this balance, he must either regain his spiritual power or be stimulated by external poison.

This snake king was carefully raised, and he could see a lot of Kou Cao's handiwork from him.

After getting the opponent's snake gallbladder, he can temporarily suppress the poison and restore some spiritual power.

With spiritual power, he can refine elixirs to help himself and Baiyao.

When Lu Yun heard this, she just nodded.It would not be difficult for Lu Yun to simply kill this snake king.

The difficult thing is to remove the enemy's snake gallbladder while ensuring that you are not poisoned in a group of snakes.

Now both the Bai family and his son are in a useless state. The detoxification pills on her body have long been exhausted in the poison cave. As the only fighting force, she cannot be poisoned.

If you can't go there yourself, then let the other person come over.

The snowflakes were sharp enough to pin a poisonous snake to the ground, and then melted into snow and melted into the ground.

A small stone tower collapsed, and several venomous snakes emerged from it. Among the seemingly inexhaustible swarm of snakes, Lu Yun's face was as cold as water.

The long sword was light and steady, moving according to the heart, and blood splattered wherever it passed.

When Lu Yun avoided the splash of snake blood, her body shook, and she accidentally exposed a flaw.

Beside you, a strong wind blows.

The stout Snake King's body in the air was as strong as a dragon's, and his vertical pupils were cold. He wrapped his arms around Lu Yun's neck, raised his head, and bit down on the side of Lu Yun's neck.

The sharp fangs were only a few millimeters away from Lu Yun, but there was a short sword in the middle, blocking the snake king's fangs.

Missing a millimeter is a thousand miles away.

Lu Yun waited until she got the opportunity she wanted. Knowing that she had fallen into the trap, the Snake King immediately sprayed out a stream of black smoke to cover Lu Yun.

Lu Yun, who was almost unprepared, held her breath and closed her eyes. Her spiritual power formed a protective layer to block the poisonous smoke, and her right hand holding the tail needle flexibly stabbed the opponent's seven inches.

The opponent evaded quickly.

His ears caught the movement, and Wu Zhu aimed at the direction in which the snake king was escaping and smashed it.

The heavy sword, as heavy as a mountain, seemed to have pierced the space, blocking the Snake King's escape route with its indestructible power.

The snake king can only change the route.

But Lu Yun was faster.

The bright cold snow was as crystal clear as jade bones, and the falling snowflakes fell on the snake king's head, leaving hideous wounds.

For a moment, the Snake King was seriously injured, and Lu Yun heard the rest of the footsteps.

Seeing that Lu Yun was distracted, the Snake King left Lu Yun behind and attacked Bai Liangcai.

Under Bai Liangcai's feet, the hard soil was broken, and the female spider that had been lurking crawled out. Her compound eyes turned, and her tall body protected Bai Liangcai.

The spider silk spit out, and the dense spider silk formed a web, trapping the snake king.

The sticky and poisonous spider silk made the snake king unable to break free even in a short period of time.

If the poisons in the poison cave were ranked, then the January Spider, who had been fed with Bai Liangcai's blood for more than ten years, must be the smartest one and the one who knows how to assess the situation best.

Until Bai Liangcai's blood loses its effect on it, it will be Bai Liangcai's protector. This is also the deal it made with Bai Liangcai.

In the beginning, it was just an ordinary poison with a little intelligence. It was under the catalysis of Bai Liangcai's blood that it became completely intelligent.

Now that there is the possibility of transformation, it will naturally not let go.

Poisons step into practice and become real monsters. This is an existence that many poisons can only hope to achieve.

Ice-cold snow fell on the spider silk all over the sky.

The snow is like a sharp blade, giving Lingchi to the Snake King.

After the spider silk controlled the field, Lu Yun ducked to the side of the snake king, stabbed the dagger in, and easily picked out the snake gallbladder.

She held the dark brown snake gallbladder and looked up at the stone forest not far away.

There, a person had been waiting. After meeting Lu Yun's eyes, the person raised his hand to show that he was harmless.

"Senior sister asked me to pick you up."

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