Little Junior Sister Society fears but draws sword

Chapter 261 The Darkness Under the Lights

The person who had been watching for a long time immediately identified himself, and the senior sister he mentioned was Bai Xuan.

"Senior Sister asked me to wait for you here when she knew you were coming. Come with me quickly, those people are about to catch up."

He still took a step closer with his hands raised, and there was no hostility on his body.

Looking at each other's honest and honest face, Lu Yun and Bai Liangcai looked at each other and followed.

More people are approaching, and it's too late if they don't leave.

After following the other person around in the stone forest for a while, he saw the person opening a secret passage. This was an existence that even Bai Liangcai didn't know existed.

"This is something that has been done over the years."

The secret door was sealed, and the dagger was hidden in Lu Yun's sleeve. She stared at the person leading the way, her expression calm and her eyes dark.

"Senior sister has had a hard time these past few years." The man rambled on about Bai Xuan's past.

Bai Xuan's talent is not as good as Baiyao's, and coupled with her awkward status, she is like an invisible person most of the time.

But as the daughter of the Valley Owner, the other party is destined to be impossible to be truly invisible.

Especially during this period, there was a rumor in the valley that the Valley Master was asking the Valley Master to establish a new Young Valley Master. Due to the difference in relationship between them, the presence of Bai Xuan, who was related to the Valley Master by blood, became stronger.

Even if Bai Xuan had no intention of doing this, she had been being targeted overtly and covertly during this period.

"Senior sister is a very good person."

Because of the struggle in Neigu, over the years, those in Neigu have focused on fighting for power and neglected the elixir.

Along with this, almost all the new disciples who entered the Divine Doctor Valley were kept outside the Valley.

It can be said that the disciples of Nei Gu have not changed much in the past ten years.

In this case, Bai Xuan couldn't find out what was going on in the inner valley, so she focused on the outer valley.

She secretly cultivated a group of talents in Waigu. This time, it was Waigu's eyes and ears who informed them of Baiyao's return as soon as possible.

"I was arranged to enter the inner valley by my senior sister a year ago."

"Obviously, I am Elder Bai's disciple."

"By the way, my name is Qi Yun."

Qi Yun looked very honest. When he talked about these things, his eyes were full of distress for Bai Xuan, and his expression was full of admiration and deep love for Bai Xuan.

Bai Liangcai's eyes changed slightly.

"I'm sorry for her."

Even when he was still the owner of the valley, he actually didn't pay as much attention to his daughter as he did to his son.

He focused on the Valley of Divine Medicine, the elixirs, and all he thought about was how to refine those unique magical elixirs.

Baiyao's talent is destined to pay more attention to him, but this is also the concern of the master of the miracle doctor valley to the young master of the valley, rather than a father who cares about his son.

Back then, if he had put more thought into alchemy, he would not have allowed Kou Cao to take away his power and turn him blind.

Holding his fingers and feeling his body without spiritual power, Bai Liangcai had a hint of cruelty in his eyes.

With the combination of snake gallbladder and a few medicines, he was sure to break free of the toxins in his body, although it would require a price.

Qi Yun, who still didn't know Bai Liangcai's identity, was very confused by this sentence. He glanced at Baiyao who was too ignorant and said nothing.

If the senior sister asked him to pick someone up, he would not do anything unnecessary.

"Come here."

He quickened his pace and several people passed through the secret passage.

The secret passage was prepared in a hurry, and many places were roughly dug. After about a quarter of an hour, everyone followed Qi Yun and walked out of the secret passage.

This is an alchemy room, and the alchemy furnace has been removed, revealing a dark secret passage below.

Lu Yun climbed up and looked at the surrounding environment. Looking at the environment of the alchemy room, it seemed that it was no ordinary place.

"This is my master's territory."

"Senior sister said it was dark under the lamp."

This secret passage could be said to have been dug out under Elder Bai's nose.Although he is a disciple of the other party, Elder Bai is only interested in profit. Even if he has talent, he is not favored among the many disciples of Elder Bai because he cannot make sacrifices frequently.

Even because of his "nobility", he was ostracized by other disciples and ended up with a thankless job of refining elixirs in an elixir shop.

But Qi Yun feels good about this job.

After restoring the ground, Qi Yun smiled.

The elixir shop is a very private place, so it is covered with many formations to prevent other people from exploring.

Even the secret passage underneath is well hidden.

"Can this alchemy furnace be used?"

Bai Liangcai asked, Baiyao was stroking the alchemy furnace with eagerness in his eyes.


"Their attention is now focused on the drug den."

Qi Yun's smile was a bit cunning.

In fact, there is a group of people guarding just outside the poison den. If they really step out of the poison den, they will be caught.

Because of this tunnel, they came out of it smoothly. Those people didn't know it yet, and they were probably still searching inside.

Whatever you want to do, the best time is now.

"Okay, kid, come over and help."

Regardless of how embarrassed he was, Bai Liangcai greeted Qi Yun very smoothly, but his bossy attitude was very bad.

But Qi Yun didn't care.

Let Bai Liangcai command.

Unlike Baiyao, who was curious and wanted to touch it but didn't dare to touch it, Qi Yun made all his movements in an orderly manner when he was refining the elixir.

With Bai Liangcai commanding and Qi Yun controlling the elixir fire, there will be no furnace explosion.

To avoid trouble, all Bai Liangcai asked for were some common medicinal materials, which are all available in this alchemy room.

As the flames rose, Bai Liangcai signaled Lu Yun to throw the snake gall in.

In the alchemy furnace, the dark liquid began to merge, the moisture disappeared, the color gradually became lighter, and the lid of the alchemy furnace made a slight collision sound.

The strong fragrance of medicine filled the air, and was blocked by the formation of the alchemy room.

Lu Yun stood at the door, observing the situation outside.

During this period, someone passed by here and noticed the movement in the alchemy room but did not come over but left in a hurry.

Lu Yun heard the other party talking to the person on the other side of the messenger jade.

"You need reinforcements, okay, I'm here."

It seemed like those people were still looking for them.

Someone grabbed her palm, and Lu Yun turned around and saw Baiyao.

Those eyes that have been washed away by poison are as transparent as glass, but if you look carefully, you can see the depth of the surging eyes.

Even if he loses his memory, Baiyao's nature has not changed much.

As if instinctively, he summoned the twin swords. The twin swords in his hands remained as white as the moon.

The three-foot long sword had a cold light shining on it.

"I'll help you." He looked at Lu Yun eagerly, and the anxiety between his brows and eyes made Lu Yun's heart feel warm.

She vaguely remembered that when she and Baiyao met for the first time, the other party was smiling, but she could tell that the smile did not reach her eyes.

Even for the other senior brothers, Baiyao never had that much enthusiasm.

Even Master Yuntian, Baiyao and him are separated by a layer of distance.

And when did the relationship between these people change?

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