Baiyao, who is on Wentian Peak, rarely practices swordsmanship and is still obsessed with refining elixirs. He can be said to be an anomaly.

Although the Hidden Sword Sect also had its own elixir elder, he was quite capable and could give guidance to Baiyao at that time, but Baiyao refused.

He stubbornly figured it out for himself.

It may be said that he is a young man with a good temperament, or he may be too paranoid.

When it came to alchemy, Baiyao couldn't listen to anyone's words, as if he wanted to prove something on his own.

In her third year on the mountain, under the guidance of her second senior brother Meng Lin, her swordsmanship finally got on the right track and she officially entered the path of sword cultivation.

However, because she was afraid of her future fate, she practiced too hastily, which resulted in something going wrong during her practice and causing serious injuries.

At that time, Yuntian was not there, and his senior brother was also outside. The second senior brother was practicing in seclusion, and only the fourth senior brother, Yun Shuiqing and Baiyao, were left on Wentian Peak.

Yun Shuiqing originally wanted to find the elixir elder in the sect to treat her, but coincidentally, the other person happened to go out to collect medicine and could not come back.

Her situation is not optimistic, and any further delay will affect her fundamentals.

In her confusion, Baiyao appeared in front of her and handed her a pill.

"I made it myself. I may not be able to save you. You may die. Whether you eat it or not is up to you."

At that time, Baiyao often performed furnace explosions at Wentian Peak, and it was earth-shattering every time.

In Ji Hongxi's eyes, Baiyao is not refining elixirs, but performing explosive art.

As for her, perhaps she was proud that she knew the plot of the original text and what a genius Baiyao was, so she was not frightened.

Before Baiyao could finish his words, she swallowed the pill.

It turned out that the medicine was useful, but it was very strong.

It was so intense that when Yun Shuiqing came back, what he saw was her dying in a pool of blood and Baiyao squatting aside as if he didn't care about her life or death.

It felt like Baiyao was waiting for Lu Yun to die so that he could carry the person back and split it open for study.

In Yun Shuiqing's words, Baiyao's eyes at that time were not looking at a person, but at a dead thing, indifferent and cold.

Yun Shuiqing, who had the best temper among the four, couldn't help but attack Baiyao.

The two fought, and eventually Yun Shuiqing was poisoned and Baiyao was stabbed in the arm.

It was Ji Hongxi who came back in time to stop the two of them, and then discovered that Lu Yun's condition was improving, and the misunderstanding was resolved.

Later, when several people were drinking, Ji Hongxi asked Baiyao what he was thinking while squatting there.

Baiyao answered very straightforwardly.

He said: "I am recording the little junior sister's condition and changing the prescription based on the little junior sister's reaction."

The cruel and ruthless words seemed to have no regard for Lu Yun's life and death.

"But what if I die?"

At that time, she asked.

She was still a little girl, relying on her young age to test her senior brother's bottom line as if she was ignorant.

"I'm here, you can't die."

A few simple words, with absolute confidence.

After a simple heart-to-heart talk, with a sense of superiority coming from the book, Lu Yun began to take the initiative to approach Baiyao.

From then on, whenever she was injured, she would use elixirs refined by Baiyao, which made Baiyao more aware of her physical condition later on.

During those ten years in the Hidden Sword Sect, she worked hard to practice, and her progress was rapid and steady. In addition to her own talent, she also relied on Baiyao to help her maintain her body.

In her opinion, Baiyao looks calm on the outside and smiles like a clear breeze, but underneath that calm appearance is a dark heart.

But who says that black-hearted people don’t value love and justice.

If the brother-sister relationship between her and Ji Hongxi is like a strong fire, then the relationship between her and Baiyao is a matter of course.

Calm, but moisturizes things silently.She and her fellow seniors always have a variety of elixirs prepared by Baiyao in their backpacks, which are very complete.

Therefore, the eldest brother can roam around with peace of mind, and the second brother's high-intensity sword training can keep his body free of serious illnesses. It is also because of Baiyao that the fourth brother, who is most pure in mind, can stay away from those dirty things.

Wentian Peak is unique in the Hidden Sword Sect. Relying on Yuntian's strong strength, many people try to get in touch with Yuntian by clinging to their disciples.

Among them, the best person to get close to is Yun Shuiqing, who is not defensive about anything.

Even if she deliberately guides the fourth senior brother to be more cautious, many times, it is still impossible to guard against it.

It was Baiyao who secretly dealt with those people with dark minds.

He did it covertly, but Lu Yun knew it.

In other words, everyone on Wentian Peak knows that, so the outside world has something to say. Among the juniors on Wentian Peak, the one who should not be offended is not Ji Hongxi, who is the most powerful, but Baiyao, who has the gentlest personality.

Respect and maintenance always protect each other.

Some people are good at expressing themselves with words, while others like to prove it with actions.

As now.

Lu Yun pressed the opponent's sword.

The Baiyao at this time has spiritual power but no skills. If you follow him, you will probably hurt yourself.

"No, senior brother, please help me guard this place." In Baiyao's confused eyes, Lu Yun smiled: "I believe you. Here, I only believe in you."

The elixir is about to be prepared, and when Lord Bai Gu recovers, their combat power will also become stronger.

But before that, she wanted to go out and find out.

I don't know why, but I feel uneasy in my heart, especially since Bai Xuan hasn't appeared yet.

"……it is good."

Baiyao responded and let go of Lu Yun's sleeve.

Lu Yun's figure was deeply reflected in her bright eyes.

He took out a bunch of pills from his storage bag and gave them to Lu Yun: "For you to use."

In fact, he couldn't tell what these were, but his intuition told him that he should do this, as if he did it often.

Lu Yun put away her things, said hello to Qi Yun and went out.

Now those people are focusing on the poison cave, and there are not many people on Elder Bai's side.

According to Qi Yun, Elder Bai is the most loyal dog under Kou Cao, who is now pretending to be the owner of the valley.

Over the years, he has been suppressing Bai Xuan, and from time to time threatens Bai Xuan with Baiyao who is outside.

The last time Bai Xuan was able to go out, it was entirely because the selection was jointly decided by good and evil, and the process was transparent. It was difficult for them to make moves, so Bai Xuan found the opportunity to meet Baiyao.

But it is precisely because of this that after Bai Xuan came back, she was placed under semi-house arrest in the Valley of Miracle Doctors, and her contact with the outside world was gradually cut off.

This is also the reason why Baiyao came back in a hurry before.

He thought something happened to Bai Xuan.

Knowing the direction, Lu Yun headed towards Elder Bai's residence.

As soon as she got close, Lu Yun noticed someone was in the room.

Didn't Elder Bai leave?
I thought that the other party would personally take charge of the roundup of Baiyao, but who knew that the other party actually stayed here.

Lu Yun was just about to change places when she heard movement inside.

"No one can save you. Don't think anything will happen if your brother comes back."

"Now everyone in the valley recognizes the current owner of the valley, not your good father who doesn't know whether he's alive or dead."

The voice belonging to Elder Bai was filled with extreme mockery, and there was a faint sound of slapping.

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