It was the first time for Lu Yun to see so many disciples of the Miracle Medical Valley in action, and what came in her pocket was a pile of poison.

The spiritual energy surges around the body, forming a thin but effective film that is enough to keep out most poisons.

When prepared, sword cultivators of the same level can completely defeat medical cultivators and poison cultivators.

The sword energy swept across, and to Lu Yun, the sword in his left hand was no different from his right hand.

It was the first time for many people to see Lu Yun use a left-handed sword. Seeing the opponent's flexible posture, their eyes became more wary.

Elder Bai promised that as long as you perform well today, you will be appreciated by the Valley Master in the future.

A poison cultivator couldn't hold back, holding a poison-quenched dagger, and faced Lu Yun head-on.

The short blade was solidified in the ice and snow. The long sword whirled and deflected the opponent's dagger. At the same time, the sword blade penetrated the man's shoulder.

Just a little bit, he stabbed the man to his core.

With a straight kick, Lu Yun kicked the man away and he didn't know whether he was alive or dead.

The opponent smashed the window, and Lu Yun fell into the yard. The wider environment was more suitable for Lu Yun to fight than inside the house.

The snow drifts around the world and covers the small courtyard.

When the wind blows, snowflakes fill the sky.

In the vast expanse of white, there were people like white cranes on the snow, their light figures walking among the crowd. Wherever they passed, a figure fell down.

The cold blade, just like Lu Yun, showed no emotion at all.

The sickle is harvesting lives, but the man holding the knife has an expressionless face, like the god of death aloft.

The green clothes fluttered in the heavy snow, and the fluttering skirts were like ice crystal butterflies, dancing in the fear of those people.

Lu Yun's huge sword power kept forcing the disciples of Divine Medical Valley back.

The almost crushing gap made Elder Bai, who wanted to just watch, darken his face.

He never expected that Lu Yun would grow so much in less than two years.

Seeing that one of his most important disciples could not survive a few moves in Lu Yun's hands, Elder Bai slapped him angrily.

The purple palm contains poison, which is the technique practiced by Elder Bai.

After seeing Lu Yun evade, Elder Bai frowned, wanting to fight quickly. If Lu Yun continues to grow, maybe it won't be long before the opponent can crush him like he crushed these disciples.

Such a monster is truly terrifying.

No matter what Elder Bai felt in his heart, after Lu Yun and Elder Bai faced off, the pressure suddenly increased.

Unlike those disciples, Elder Bai is very strong.

The cultivation level in the early stage of leaving the body may not be impressive in the entire Divine Doctor Valley and even in the world of cultivation, but for juniors like Lu Yun, it is an unshakable stone blocking the road.

But what about stubborn rocks? If necessary, we are not afraid of the creation of the world, so why not talk about a stone.

Lu Yun, who held a sword flower in her left hand, took the initiative to attack. Lu Yun's sword moves were as graceful as a startling giant and graceful as a swimming dragon. When combined with the cold river snow, they were as light and agile as any mortal thing.

Lu Yun, who was fast and fast, used You Longying to the extreme to barely keep up with Elder Bai's speed.

And under this reluctance, the spiritual energy was consumed extremely quickly.

She could see that the other party really wanted to kill her. Lu Yun had to concentrate on it, as any mistake could lead to her death in this battle.

After slashing with the sword and being blown away by the opponent's spiritual power, Lu Yun panted and looked focused.

The opponent's strength during the out-of-body period should also be at the bottom of the downstream, and his spiritual power is not so perfect.

This discovery gave Lu Yun hope.

But for Elder Bai, who Lu Yun had slipped away from him again and again, it was simply a shame that it had taken him so long to take down a junior.

Now that Lu Yun takes one more breath, in Elder Bai's opinion, it is all a mockery of him.

The angry Elder Bai tried hard to control the expression on his face, and his expression became increasingly fierce.

The fight between the two made a lot of noise. After so long, no one else has come here, which shows that these people have been prepared for a long time.

In the room, Bai Xuan, who was lying on the ground, was taking the time to recover and was unable to help for the time being.

Lu Yun, surrounded by enemies, was alone but not at all graceful.The sword wind caused the black hair to dance wildly, intertwining with the clothes.

After Guiyan brushed Elder Bai's arm with one move, Lu Yun looked at the palm in her waist and abdomen and coughed a few times.

Black spread from the waist and was cut off by Lu Yun's spiritual power.

The spiritual power in the dantian is burning fiercely, and the petals of the bishengvine are ready to go.

Lu Yun wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, but the sword light did not stop.

"Hmph, how dare you be so arrogant as a mere kid."

Seeing those disciples looking at Lu Yun with more and more amazement, Elder Bai did not dodge Lu Yun's attack this time, but went up to him personally.

He will let the other party know how huge the gap between the two is.

He raised his hand and grabbed Han Jiangxue.

The sharp sword blade fell on the palm of his hand, cold and biting, but under the spiritual power of Elder Bai, it was difficult to move forward.

A kind of poison shook down Elder Bai's arm and landed on Lu Yun's left arm.

Elder Bai sneered in his heart. He wanted to see how this stinky girl could still use a sword when both of her hands were disabled.

Knowing that a sword cultivator's sword was very important, Elder Bai used force in his hands and tried to break Han Jiangxue.

For sword cultivators, the sword in their hands is their second self.

Han Jiangxue seemed to be unable to bear the pressure and was moaning.

Faced with this behavior, Lu Yun's eyes dimmed and flickered, and her right hand that had been hanging by her side suddenly raised.

The speed was so fast that it brought up a gust of cold wind.

Because the distance was too close, and Elder Bai's attention was on Han Jiangxue, there was no time to avoid it.

A brief flash of light flashed, and the tail needle grazed Elder Bai's throat.

The spiritual power lurks under the flesh and blood, making it impossible for the Tailhouzhen to seal the opponent's throat with a single blow, but this move is enough to make Elder Bai tremble with fear.

The cold feeling on my throat is still there.

Elder Bai has no doubt that if the other party is also in the out-of-body stage, no, even if he is in the Nascent Soul stage, he will die under this sword.

In the aftermath of the disaster, Elder Bai's sinister expression was clearly visible, and his poisonous power exploded, knocking Lu Yun back.

The black air was heavy, and Lu Yun spat out a mouthful of ink-black blood. She didn't even know how much poison she had been poisoned.

The body's functions gradually decreased under the torture of poison.

Lu Yun, whose left hand was trembling slightly, took a deep breath, feeling the stinging pain in her lungs, squinting her eyes and raising her hands.

"Damn little bastard."

Elder Bai, who almost lost his life because of his carelessness, cursed, grabbed it with five fingers, and a dark light flashed in the air.

When he reappeared, he was already in front of Lu Yun.

The short sword was pinched and the long sword was knocked away.

In just a few moves, Lu Yun seemed unable to resist Elder Bai's outburst.

The moment the opponent was about to grab Lu Yun's throat, Lu Yun twisted her lower limbs and pulled her away, but Elder Bai grabbed his arm.

Severe pain followed him like a shadow, and his bones were brittle.

Lu Yun gritted her teeth and took the initiative to break her own bones before the other party exerted any force.

After a crisp click, the bones were dislocated, and Elder Bai's hand was empty. Lu Yun used this opportunity to distance himself again.

Lu Yun was ruthless to her enemies, but even more ruthless to herself.

In his wolf-like eyes, there is an unquenchable spark.

Lu Yun picked up the bones with his spiritual power and placed them in his palms. Lu Yun, holding the sword in both hands, slashed Elder Bai in half. (End of chapter)

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