Chapter 265
Lu Yun often uses three swords. This matter is not a secret.

Elder Bai was already on guard and managed to dodge Wu Zhuo and hit Lu Yun with his backhand.

Lu Yun was unable to hold on to this blow, and her body flew backwards. Wu Zhuo cut deep traces on the ground, and Lu Yun's whole body was dyed red with blood.

The blood that slipped from his lips was a faint black color, showing the richness of the poison.

A wave of air pressure enveloped the top of his head. It was Elder Bai who was not far away trying to suppress Lu Yun with his realm. There was a mountain above his head, his limbs were trembling and he couldn't use his strength.

Lu Yun, who was holding a breath in her heart, held her hand without clumsiness and stood firm.

Even though her body was limp and she could no longer swing another sword, she did not beg for mercy as Elder Bai expected.

Those burning eyes were very dazzling to Elder Bai.

Just a junior.


Elder Bai snorted coldly, and without further delay, he raised his hand to finish off Lu Yun completely.

No matter what Lu Yun's identity is, today he must make sure that the other party never has the chance to walk out from here.

Facing Elder Bai's sure-kill move, Lu Yun stood there and smiled.

She looked behind Elder Bai. The disciple who had stopped because of Elder Bai's intervention had fallen to the ground at some point.

Perhaps Lu Yun's eyes were too sarcastic, so Elder Bai's face twitched, and he subconsciously turned around to face someone.

He was a man with a jade face, a handsome man, with a vicissitude of calmness between his brows and eyes, and his dark pupils were like the indestructible night, and he was not easy to mess with at first glance.

Elder Bai is very familiar with this person.

"Master Gu, why are you here?"

He asked, but quickly realized the problem.

"No, you are..." Halfway through his words, he stopped talking, the shock in his eyes undisguised.

He never expected that these people would actually bring Bai Liangcai out.

"Haha, Elder Bai, long time no see."

Seeing that the other party recognized him, Bai Liangcai rolled up his sleeves, smiling, and his eyes were as cold as frost and snow.

"It's been a lot of hard work over the years."

It was like a compliment, but Elder Bai knew what the other person was talking about. Although he was surprised, he knew that he had no way out.

When he chose to board Kou Cao's boat, he betrayed the Bai family lineage.

At this point, even if Bai Liangcai came back, he would have to kill this person to death. Thinking about it, he shouted out.

"Where did you come from, a madman who dares to pretend to be the master of my miracle doctor valley? You are a delusional person who is looking for death. I will not peel off your skin today."

He was scolding and his words were very harsh.

Elder Bai didn't care about Lu Yun at this moment, turned around and attacked Bai Liangcai.

This battle ended quickly.

Bai Liangcai pinched Elder Bai's neck and looked at the other person's shocked expression, with suppressed anger on his stern face.

For more than ten years, he lingered in a drug den.

If it weren't for the effect of his blood that subdued those January spiders to protect him, Kou Cao would have died long ago due to Kou Cao's ruthlessness.

Now that he is back and has taken back his power, how could he allow these people to jump around in front of him?

"Come on, come with me to see him."

Bai Liangcai said softly, with his face and holding Elder Bai hostage, it can be said that Bai Liang is unimpeded in the inner valley.Many people didn't know the secrets of the inner valley. When they saw the owner of the valley holding Elder Bai, full of evil aura, they were extremely confused.

When Lu Yun found Qi Yun, she found that he was guarding the unconscious Baiyao.

"The antidote was made by the Valley Master, but after taking it, the Valley Master fell into a coma. The Valley Master doesn't know the specific situation."

The situation was urgent, and Bai Liangcai had no choice but to wait here for Baiyao to wake up, so he could only hand it over to Qi Yun.

"it is good."

She put Bai Xuan down, both of them were seriously injured.

Qi Yun felt extremely distressed when he saw Bai Xuan with so many scars on her body. Due to the situation, he could only bear to treat the wounds of the two of them.

There are antidotes to many poisons in the Valley of Miracle Doctors, and with Qi Yun here, it's basically no problem.

However, there are still one or two poisons remaining in the body, which will not cause serious harm, but it will be difficult to return to peak condition for a while.

Especially Lu Yun.

The internal and external injuries were serious. Now the external injuries seem to have healed, but the internal organs are in an extremely weak state under the erosion of various toxins.

And this requires recuperation, and it cannot be cured by taking some pills.

She didn't show off and continued to heal her injuries on the spot, recovering as much as she could.

On the other side, the Great Hall of the Valley of Divine Doctors.

Amidst the commotion, almost all Neigu disciples came to inquire.

The current situation is a bit special. Many disciples look at the calm and casual Valley Master Bai on the high platform, and then look at the violent Valley Master holding Elder Bai hostage below the platform.

No one knew why two valley owners suddenly appeared.

Above, Kou Cao, who was wearing Bai Liangcai's skin, looked at the man's appearance, squinted his eyes, and maintained an unfazed attitude on the surface, but his heart sank.

Over the years, he has been unable to find Bai Liangcai. In his heart, he kept raising the poisonous creatures in the poisonous cave to become more ferocious, and at the same time, he kept praying that the other party would die in the poisonous cave just like this.

He sent many people into the drug den to search, and every time they found traces, the other party ran away.

It's like playing a cat-and-mouse game. I was the loser before, and I still am now.

Kou Cao regretted that he should not have given Bai Liangcai a chance to escape from his control in order to maintain his good-natured character.

With all kinds of thoughts passing through his mind, Kou Cao looked at Bai Liangcai. Amidst the doubts of many disciples, he spoke calmly.

"Why bother."

"Brother Kou, you and I are brothers. I let you live back then. Why do you do this now?"

Some people who entered the inner valley after that incident finally understood the identity of Brother Kou through the explanations of some seniors.

In that story, Baiyao, the young master of the valley, betrayed the master of the valley, and Kou Cao secretly let the master of the valley go. He should have been punished with death. Because of the brotherhood between the two, the master of the valley finally spared him and allowed him to enter the poisonous cave to atone for his sins.

But now, this "Kou Cao" is determined to be evil and has hooked up with the young Valley Master who came back from outside. He wants to seek power and usurp the throne. The two of them cooperate and pretend to be the Valley Master.

"Oh my God, he must be a fool. He can pretend to be the Valley Master whenever he wants to, right?"

Some of the disciples were the most loyal disciples of the current Valley Master, and they were very suspicious of Bai Liangcai's behavior.

"But don't you think that these two faces are really similar, and it doesn't look like they are deceiving."

No matter the disguise or the human skin mask, there are flaws, especially for them, the disciples of the Divine Doctor Valley who are very good at playing with this trick. It is easy to see through, but from this sudden appearance claiming to be the real Valley Master No trace of falsehood can be found on the human body.

"Don't talk nonsense. If he is the real owner of the valley, why didn't he come out until now?"

"I think it's just that the Young Valley Master was unwilling to give in. He probably heard the news and knew that his position was no longer guaranteed, so he made such a fuss."

(End of this chapter)

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