"That's all, I know you hate me, but Xuan'er, your brother back then..."

As Kou Cao spoke, his eyes fell on Baiyao, who was still unconscious after being placed on the ground. His eyes were complicated and sad, as if he had been hurt by a close relative.

"You are our children after all. No matter what you have done wrong, I... will forgive you, as long as you stop being so stubborn."

"Now that you're back, please stay with me from now on. I will take good care of you."

Kou Cao's words were true to every word, spoken with Bai Liangcai's face, as if they came from the bottom of his heart, but in Bai Xuan's eyes, they were all false and disgusting.

A sneer appeared on Bai Xuan's pale face, and her eyes were cold and mocking.

"Kou Cao, stop acting, I know exactly what kind of person you are."

In fact, there were signs of some things back then.

Although she is Baiyao's sister, she is not as talented as him. When she was very young, she knew that Baiyao would become the young master of the Divine Medical Valley and inherit the Valley in the future.

Some people feel unfair to her, saying that she is not short of Baiyao and so on, so why can’t she have that position.

Among them, the one who said these things the most was Kou Cao.

Of course, he was speaking cryptically.

At that time, Kou Cao was the most powerful person around the Valley Master and a good uncle in Bai Xuan's eyes. He was very close to the Bai family.

She was grateful for Kou Cao's secret comfort and protection for her, so how could she doubt it.

But now I think about it, if Kou Cao was really of the same mind as Bai Liangcai, how could he say those words to drive a wedge between himself and Baiyao.

She occasionally wondered if if she had paid more attention at that time, whether she could have avoided what happened later and caused the family of three to be separated for these years.

"Bai Xuan, don't continue to be stubborn."

Kou Cao's hand was slapped away by Bai Xuan. He sighed and turned to look at Bai Liangcai with a much heavier tone.

"It's useless to say more. When I capture you, you will naturally know who is behind the scenes to instruct you to do such a thing."

"Do it."

After giving the order, many people in the hall took action together.

Bai Liangcai was very familiar with some people. These were the people who followed him back then, but now they have become Kou Cao's lackeys.

He can understand when people go to higher places.

"Thieves, don't even think about resisting, otherwise be careful..."

Someone smiled strangely and hinted at Baiyao's group with his eyes.

Others may not know whether this person is the real Bai Liangcai. If he is true, then Bai Liangcai cannot ignore his own children.

If Bai Liangcai still wants to resist, he will ignore the lives of the two people. Who would believe such a person, and he claims that he is the benevolent doctor Bai Guzhu.

Kou Cao wanted to use this method to force Bai Liangcai to surrender. As for what to do after Bai Liangcai was captured, it was easy to say.

"You lose."

Even Elder Bai, who was the hostage, couldn't help but ridicule Bai Liangcai.

In this game, Bai Liangcai had no chance of winning from the beginning.

Looking at the many enemies around him, Bai Liangcai's face was as cold as ice, and there was struggle in his eyes.

"Father, don't worry about us."

Bai Xuan spoke hoarsely: "Even if I die today, I will not allow this beast to continue to tarnish the reputation of our Valley of Divine Medicine."

"Thief, die!"

Those people didn't give Bai Liangcai much time to think, and they surrounded him.

Bai Liangcai's eyes were filled with pain. He suddenly exerted force on his hands, and Elder Bai, who was still laughing, felt his hands on his neck tightening.


He didn't seem to expect Bai Liangcai to be really cruel, and there was regret in his eyes that were bulging due to suffocation.

He couldn't help but look in the direction of Kou Cao: "Valley Master, save me, I..."

Before he could finish his words, his bones broke.

Blood emerged from Elder Bai's throat, and Bai Liangcai threw the other party's body to the ground.

He looked at Kou Cao with determination on his face.

"Even if I die here today, I will not let anyone take the name of my Bai family." The loud voice and the hard attitude made some disciples who were unable to intervene really puzzled.

Does anyone really put themselves in it for the sake of acting?

On one side, an elder guarding Lu Yun and others received the order from Kou Cao. He calmly took a few steps back, and then slapped Bai Xuan with his palm.

He wanted to see if the other party could still be so calm when his daughter was about to die.

The stern eyes solidify people.

On one side, Qi Yun's eyes widened. He turned sideways to block the opponent, but was held firmly in place.

"Senior Sister, don't..."

He shouted, and the sound affected Bai Liangcai, who was not far away. He made a mistake and injured his waist.

Seeing this, the elder's face burst into joy and he was about to kill Bai Xuan with one palm.

At this moment, tiny lights flickered in the air, and no one except Lu Yun noticed it.

It is a silver needle.

The silver needle pierced the back of Lu Yun's neck, and the stinging sensation was very weak.

Lu Yun, who was attacked by surprise, did not look back for the "enemy", but took a step forward, grabbed Bai Xuan's arm and pulled it away.

The sword was unsheathed and blood burst out.

No one could have imagined that Lu Yun, who should have lost all her spiritual power, would resume action.

Even though the elder's cultivation level was higher than that of Lu Yun, one of his hands was cut off because he had no precautions.

Lu Yun didn't give the other party a chance to react, and took advantage of the situation. The sword as white as snow was once again soaked in the bright red color.

This sword could kill the opponent easily.

The incident happened so quickly that many people focused their attention on Lu Yun, and some disciples gathered around him spontaneously.

No one noticed that Baiyao's fingers lying on the ground moved.

That silver needle came from Baiyao.

The power of the medicine unlocked the poison on Lu Yun's body.

As early as a quarter of an hour ago, when everyone was brought here, Lu Yun discovered that Baiyao was awake.

In front of so many masters, even if he couldn't communicate, Lu Yun knew what Baiyao wanted to do with his tacit understanding over the years.

Sure enough, Baiyao, who had already recovered, found the right opportunity for Lu Yun to take action.

Warm blood is still flowing on the blade.

Lu Yun stood in front of those people, her eyebrows were unfocused and cold.

"How dare you, a disciple of the Hidden Sword Sect, be so impudent in our Divine Doctor Valley!"

The scolding was directed at Lu Yun, but it was Kou Cao who couldn't sit still. His cold expression told the truth.

The power belonging to Kou Cao almost crushed Lu Yun's bones.

Lu Yun's body shook for a while before she stood firm.

She looked at the people above her and couldn't help but smile.

A very shallow smile, the corners of the lips were slightly raised, and the contempt in the smile could be seen in every arc.

She was wondering why these strong men liked to use their spiritual power to suppress people.

Lu Yun, who had endured this kind of spiritual pressure many times, stood upright.

"I stand here not as a disciple of the Hidden Sword Sect, but as the master's sister of the divine doctor Gu Shaogu."

"My trip here only represents me and has nothing to do with the Hidden Sword Sect or the sect."

"Just me and him."

Lu Yun's voice was sonorous and powerful.

The retorts made Kou Cao look extremely embarrassed. He was just a junior. If he hadn't taken his identity into consideration, he would have killed him long ago.

Lu Yun, who was aware of the other party's thoughts, chuckled lightly, and with that spiritual pressure, he swept away the disciples of the Divine Doctor Valley with one sword. (End of chapter)

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