Little Junior Sister Society fears but draws sword

Chapter 268: Only one person, defeated

"I have long heard that the disciples of the Divine Medical Valley are as good at poisoning as they are at medicine. Today, I, Lu Yun, want to see if any of you can poison me."

The arrogant words came with full confidence, although no one knew where this confidence came from.

But how could the disciples of the Miracle Medical Valley stand when Lu Yun was so provocative?

"You're just a swordsman, how dare you!"

I don’t know who said it, but those disciples used their own housekeeping skills.

Various poisons are used, some visible to the naked eye, some non-toxic and odorless.

Some need to be breathed in, and some will be infected just by contact.

Even the most powerful one among the disciples of the Divine Medical Valley cannot survive unharmed among so many poisons.

But Lu Yun did it.

She stood there, looking calm and relaxed.

Occasionally someone would choose to fight her in close combat, and she would teach that person the miserable consequences of being close to a sword cultivator.

When the light of the sword was extinguished, no disciple could get close to Lu Yun.

Faced with so many kinds of poisons, Lu Yun always stood firm, causing many disciples to gasp in horror.

"No, it's impossible!"

Someone murmured quietly.

They never believed that their poison had no effect at all.

When these words spread, how can the Divine Doctor Valley gain a foothold in the world of cultivation?

"something wrong."

Someone was staring at Lu Yun warily. Those sharp eyes were placed on Lu Yun's body one after another, scrutinizing and observing, wanting to cut Lu Yun open for study.

In those eyes, Lu Yun was calm and composed.

Poison, she didn't take it seriously.

When someone came close, she would give him a blow with the sword. When no one came close, she just stood there, with the sword hanging down by her side, her eyes half-opened, and she seemed to be smiling.

He has black hair and green clothes, his eyebrows are like a painting, and his figure is like a bamboo.

Such Lu Yun stood there like an indestructible mountain, unmoving and unshakable.

The man just stood there, as sharp as a sword.

An invisible aura rushed towards his face, and no one dared to look at Lu Yun.

At this moment, the disciples of the Divine Medical Valley truly understood what it means to be No. 1 among their peers.

No one could refute the reputation that they once thought was a boast when it came to Lu Yun like this.

Surprised, admired.

Fear, awe.

Many emotions were intertwined, and the disciples looked at each other, and no one dared to approach Lu Yun easily.

Only one person can defeat hundreds of people.

The red lips are raised, the ends of the eyes are raised, and the sharpness of the body makes people look up.

Only Bai Xuan and Qi Yun, who were standing behind Lu Yun, could see clearly that Lu Yun's back was already stained red with blood.

The green clothes turned into dark green, and the color was extremely dazzling.

But there was not a trace of trembling or fear on that man's face.

Qi Yun couldn't help but swallow his saliva. Looking at that figure, Qi Yun felt the urge to look up at that person for the first time.

Like him, there is Bai Xuan.

Bai Xuan, who was in a complicated mood, panted and tried to stand.

Her body was very dilapidated and she couldn't help much. The only thing she could do was probably stand here and not cause any trouble for her.


"Don't be fooled by her, come together, life or death!"

Kou Cao's voice came from above, with a hint of anger.

The majestic miraculous doctor Valley Master ordered a young disciple to be killed, but in the end he was defeated.

But on our own territory, once this matter is resolved, who can talk about it.

Kou Cao, who had made up his mind, looked at Bai Liangcai below, his eyes as fierce as a greedy wolf.

When Bai Liangcai was fighting with the others, he also took action.

So what about a sneak attack.

The truth is what only the victor writes.

And he, who was a winner back then, will never be a loser today.The fight on the other end was so dark that the disciples could not intervene.

On the junior side, someone was full of embarrassment: "Don't worry, let's go together, I don't believe she can really fight one against a hundred."

The words were shouted loudly, but the actions were timid.

If Lu Yun had to say this, she really couldn't fight one against a hundred.

"I never said that I am alone."

She whispered, her eyes covered by her fallen hair. Lu Yun looked to her side and said with a smile in her voice: "Senior brother, are you okay?"

If she keeps pretending, she won't be able to hold on anymore.

"All right."

This voice is as gentle as the wind in April, passing by gently and disturbing the spring water in the river.

There was someone dressed in white, with a long body.

He patted his robe, and under his raised eyelids, a pair of glazed eyes showed a faint smile, but that smile was quenching poison.

"My boy, you're finally awake."

It was Bai Liangcai who spoke.

As soon as he recovered his spiritual power, he refined the antidote for Baiyao.

It was just that the effect of the medicine was too slow to take effect, which made Lu Yun suffer for a long time.

But now, Baiyao wakes up from ignorance.

His smile was like the warm sun, but the movements in his hands were as cold as winter.

In the second form of the Twin Swords, the poisonous mist that gathered at some point merged into the surrounding environment like clouds of smoke.

The poisons used by the disciples of the Divine Medical Valley are quietly changing.

Baiyao was refining new poisons on the spot, and the raw materials were these poisons from the Divine Doctor Valley.

I have to say that Baiyao's behavior is enough to slap him in the face.

The poison they are so proud of is useless in front of Baiyao.

Bai Yao used facts to prove that even though he had left the Divine Medical Valley all these years, he was still the amazing and talented young master of the Divine Medical Valley.

In the field of medicine and poisoning, he is at the top.

"You guys, just lie down."

His fingers flicked the poisons in the air, his hands as white as jade possessing magical power.

The poison that came into contact instantly changed its properties, and was counterattacked by the power of the white medicine.

What is it like to be poisoned by your own poison and then find that you can’t cure it?

For the disciples of the Divine Medical Valley to answer, that would be too fucked up.

Curses came one after another.

As Baiyao said, those disciples' bodies fell uncontrollably, and the poison instantly paralyzed their entire body. No matter how many detoxification pills they took or how they used their spiritual power to detoxify, it was of no avail.

This is the crushing of Baiyao.

"Junior sister, thank you for your hard work."

Ignoring the group of disciples who fell to the ground, Baiyao walked to Lu Yun's side and supported her body.

Using the power of the twin swords, a pure medicinal power entered Lu Yun's body, cleaning away all the remaining poison.

Vaguely, the realm fluctuated. Lu Yun adjusted her breathing and suppressed the impulse caused by the pure medicine.

"Leave the rest to me, little junior sister can just watch the show."

Baiyao strolled forward.

He looked at Kou Cao, his voice was gentle and gentle, making people feel warm.

Kou Cao, who was looking at him sadly, felt a chill like hell.

"Over the years, I have been thinking about how to repay you when I come back."

"I thought and thought, and finally found out that what I am best at seems to be refining medicine, and then I thought about customizing a poison just for you."

"Uncle Kou, let me see if you can detoxify me."

Baiyao smiled. He cut his finger and threw out a string of blood beads.

Those blood beads did not fall to the ground, but floated in the air, almost motionless.

Baiyao waved his sleeves easily, throwing out the blood beads with strong force, floating in the sky above Kou Cao and others, and then disappeared.

The poison has been cast. (End of chapter)

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