Chapter 269 Hole Cards
"here you go!"

Bai Liangcai, who praised his son, never gave Kou Cao a good opportunity to distract him, so he caught Kou Cao and went to him.

In addition to the power of blood, the Bai family has been able to pass on as the successive valley masters of the Divine Doctor Valley for many years. In addition to the power of blood, it is also due to their strong strength.

The White Valley Master back then was also a famous and powerful man.

Even after all these years of silence, after finding himself, his combat power has not diminished but increased.

Bai Liangcai's offensive was too fierce, but what really worried Kou Cao was the poison of Baiyao.

It had been several seconds since the opponent was poisoned, and his body had no adverse reactions. And because he was distracted, Bai Liangcai found a weakness and chased and beat him fiercely.

It still takes time to take down Bai Liangcai head-on. After Kou Cao made a feint, he passed by Bai Liangcai and came towards Baiyao.

So what if it’s shameless.

As long as you can win, any method can be adopted, and this itself is not a fair game.

The sinister look on the face that belonged to Bai Liangcai was destroyed. It was the first time for many people to see such strong negative emotions in this Valley Master.

Baiyao, on the other hand, stood there and watched Kou Cao's arrival.

The corners of her raised lips never fell down, and her white clothes fluttered, making her look like a god.

This gesture made Kou Cao wary, but Kou Cao was not ready to stop his actions.

And just when he was about to touch the white medicine, his limbs trembled, and for a moment, his body broke away from the control of his mind.

Seizing this opportunity, Baiyao stirred up the poisonous mist and surrounded Kou Cao.

A slight fear appeared in his eyes, and Kou Cao quickly returned to a safe area and looked at Baiyao warily.


He wanted to ask what the other party had done to him, but this was inconsistent with his identity.

Checking himself again, he still couldn't see any traces of poisoning.

"What are you looking at? Your opponent is me."

Bai Liangcai took the opportunity to come. While Kou Cao was distracted, several of those who besieged Bai Liangcai had fallen to the ground and groaned.

The remaining ones seemed to have not tried their best to deal with Bai Liangcai.

And this small group trusts the existence of the Valley Master, and what they care about is the identity of the Valley Master.

And now, they have doubts about this identity.

It's hard to guess the human heart, even if Kou Cao was given all these years, he still couldn't completely control Nei Gu.

Facing the temptations of those people, Kou Cao's chest rose and fell several times.

But in the face of Bai Liangcai's hot pursuit, Kou Cao could only accept the challenge.

He wasn't paying attention, as Baiyao unknowingly changed his position, getting closer to the wall little by little.

"what are you going to do?"

When the call reminded Kou Cao, he saw Baiyao already standing in front of the wall.

Without waiting for Kou Cao's reaction, Baiyao pressed his hand on it and let the blood flow.

The blood that touched the wall did not drip, but was absorbed by the wall, and seeped into the pictures little by little.

The already colorful scene seemed to come alive with the injection of blood.

The door is slowly opening.

That is a door that only the blood of the Bai family can open, and the inheritance that Kou Cao has been looking for is inside.

The thing inside is not some peerless technique as Kou Cao guessed, nor is it some panacea.

The one at the front is a corpse, a mummy to be precise.

The other party was sitting cross-legged on the stone platform, with no activity at all in his body.You can vaguely recognize that the other person was a man from the withered face.

Baiyao approached the opponent and transferred his own blood.

creak, creak.

Everyone heard the sound, which was the sound of bones moving.

Right next to Baiyao, the mummy opened its eyes. There was no emotion in the white, pupil-less eyes.

This is a medicine man who belongs to the Valley of Divine Medicine.

And this body is that of the ancestor from the Divine Doctor Valley.

The ancestor tasted various herbs throughout his life, not only changing his own bloodline, but even his physical body remained immortal after his death.

Moreover, this physical body still stores the other party's previous cultivation level.

This is the medicine man who belongs to the Bai family. It is a power that can only be driven by the blood of the Bai family. This is the true inheritance of the Valley of Miracle Doctors, and it is also the confidence that the Bai family father and son dare to break in.

If the incident hadn't happened suddenly and caught them off guard, they wouldn't have been able to escape and hide.

And behind this ancestor, with the use of Baiyao blood, each mummy is becoming plump.

If the descendants of the Bai family with pure blood cannot achieve enlightenment and ascend, then after their death, their bodies will be stored here, waiting for the awakening of future generations.

Of course, this power cannot be used for a long time.

Every time they are driven, part of the spiritual power stored in these bodies will dissipate. If the times are too many, these medicine people will eventually return to dust and dust.

However, looking at the entire history of Eye Doctor Valley, this inheritance has basically not been used several times.

It can be said that Kou Cao is very lucky. What he is about to face is the previous owners of the Divine Doctor Valley, the ones who were almost in their heyday.

As the medicine people went down step by step, everyone saw that the bodies of those medicine people were returning to normal, just like real people with flesh and blood.

The skin is delicate and plump, the face is rosy, there are men and women.

If it weren't for the eyes that belonged to the deceased, I might have thought that these people had come back to life.

When these medicine men took action, Kou Cao, who had always felt that he had the upper hand, finally lost his composure. After avoiding the entanglement of a medicine man, Bai Liang used his trump card.

"You have all been drugged by me. The only antidote is me. Either help me kill them, or you die with me!"

That shout was directed at those who had taken refuge in him over the years.

He is different from Bai Liangcai.

Maybe he had betrayed Bai Liangcai, so he also felt that sooner or later he would be betrayed by others, so he found a guarantee for himself.

He will not use Bai Liangcai's stupid method of convincing people with reason and maintaining relationships with emotions. His method is to control the lives of these people in his own hands.

Over the years, he has poisoned these people one after another.

The poison is difficult to detect. Only in this way can he ensure that these people will not betray him at a critical moment.

"The poison has already started to take effect. You only have a quarter of an hour. If you don't want to die, just do it."

The cruel tone made some people who wanted to fish in troubled waters look extremely ugly.

They originally wanted to wait for the dust to settle before taking their positions, but now it seems that there is no other way.

Among the many senior officials of Miracle Medical Valley present, only a few of them remained calm. These people had been keeping Kou Cao away from him intentionally or unintentionally over the years, so they could not let him succeed.

As for the remaining ones, their wealth and life are now in Bai Liangcai's hands, and they can't do anything if they don't want to.

The numerical advantage of the Bai family and his son has been weakened, but after all, medicine people are different from living people. They are not afraid of injury, let alone poison.

They just followed the instructions of the Bai family and his son, and eradicated these cancers in the Valley of Miracle Doctors.

(End of this chapter)

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