Little Junior Sister Society fears but draws sword

Chapter 271 Arriving at the Abyssal Sea

Gong Jiu was stunned. He took out a mirror and looked at it, only to find that his face was covered with sores.

It didn't hurt or itch, but it was corroding his flesh and blood silently, and the wounds were deep enough to show the bones.

His face was rotten.

From the size of a fingernail, it expanded to the size of a fist, and eventually covered half of the face.

The bones could be seen shaking from the hole because of fear.

And the sores are still spreading on the body. Now, without a mirror, you can see those things appearing on the body.

"Elder, no, doesn't it hurt?"

A disciple asked carefully. Gong Jiu heard it and looked over. The face was no longer visible, but the eyes were still expressing strong emotions.

No, it doesn't hurt at all.

But Gong Jiu could clearly feel that he was dying.

It is a slow erosion that allows you to experience the dying process little by little without any pain at all.

Sensually, this is an extremely gentle way to die.

But from a psychological perspective, no one could just watch oneself turn into a pile of rotten flesh and die painlessly.

Gong Jiu looked in the direction of Nei Gu.

Chuan Yu still didn't reply, but he already knew the answer, and his situation was the best evidence.

He suddenly rushed towards the direction of Neigu. Before he could take a few steps, he stumbled and fell to the ground.

All bystanders could see Gong Jiu gradually melting in front of them.

No shouting, no cries of pain.

Gong Jiu died.

He died in front of them in a quiet and cruel way. Later, the disciples who watched all this finally knew that it was the future Valley Master who gave them the most unforgettable greeting gift on the day of his return.

Compared to the disciples who were killed to scare the monkeys, Lu Yun seemed much more comfortable in the Valley of Divine Doctors.

When the Bai family regained control of the Valley of Miracle Doctors, her mission was completed.

After resting for a few days in the Valley of Divine Doctors, Lu Yun was ready to set off. The trip to Yuanhai was imminent.

After exiting the Divine Doctor Valley, Lu Yun waved to Baiyao.

"Brother, don't send it away."

Unfortunately, during the trip to Yuanhai, Baiyao couldn't come.

Now that the Divine Doctor Valley has been reshuffled, and Bai Liangcai's physical condition is not ideal, Baiyao cannot leave here, let alone embark on a new journey.

"Safe travels."

Baiyao was silent for a rare moment before speaking to Lu Yun.

As per the old rules, every time Lu Yun goes out, Baiyao will throw a lot of pills over to her.

Seeing Lu Yun put it away, and seeing the peaceful expression on Lu Yun's face, Baiyao smiled.

A genuine smile has softened the years, without any falsehood.

"As well as your friend's condition, I will start to study it. Don't worry, I will give you good news next year after you come back."

It's about Wen Ruyu.

"Okay." Lu Yun believed in Baiyao's promise.

She waved again and took steps.

"Actually, you can follow him." Behind Baiyao, Bai Liangcai walked out. His gray hair could not conceal the aura of the Valley Master.

"She is not an immature child."

Baiyao shook his head.

The little junior sister who once had to follow her to find a sense of security has long since grown up, and now she is walking her own path.

Rather than worry, rather than shelter, he would rather put himself in a position of silent observation.

Anyway, when she needs him, as long as she looks back, he will be there.

"Why, I'm not afraid of her being snatched away." Bai Liangcai joked, but all he got was Baiyao's cold eyes. There was no hint of shyness at being teased on his face.

"She is my little junior sister."

The only junior sister.

It will only be a junior sister.

Be it him or her, neither of them are obsessed with each other for any emotional reasons.

The reason why the five people on Wentian Peak have such a deep relationship is because they have never thought about letting this relationship deteriorate.

After all, love is not the only emotion in this world that is so strong that you are willing to risk life and death for another person.

"Tsk." Bai Liangcai didn't know whether to believe it or not.

Looking at Baiyao's back as he walked into the Valley of Miracle Doctors, there was an apologetic and lonely look in his eyes.

He was the one who couldn't give Baiyao more choices, so he had to bear the fate of the Divine Doctor Valley at such a young age.


The deep sea is dark and full of secrets.

The Abyssal Sea is very large. Some people have tried to measure its specific scope, but they cannot find the final answer, because so far, no one has been able to reach the other side of the Abyssal Sea.

Is there life in the abyss?
Of course there are.

In addition to the electric light flashing across the sky above the abyssal sea, some people have seen huge monsters rising from the sea in the dark sea.

The huge body was like a mountain. It jumped up heavily and crashed down again. A small movement set off huge waves.

The person who captured this scene squatted in the Yuanhai for a long time, but never saw the powerful and huge monster again.

But other monsters appear in endlessly.

Others say that there is a kind of person with a tail living in the abyss, which is the legendary shark.

The sharks recorded in those ancient classics are unpredictable creatures. It is said that they have beautiful faces and beautiful singing voices.

In the sea area where the sharks are, all those who set sail will be attracted by them, and then follow the sharks, falling into the deep sea and never returning.

However, the sharks recorded in the books have never been confirmed. At the very least, in the history of the world of cultivation, all records about the sharks are specious.

Some people assert that the existence of sharks is real, but there has never been any evidence.

"So, do sharks really exist in the abyss?"

Lu Yun stood in the crowd and heard someone asking.

The Abyssal Sea is too dangerous and not a place for fish herding, but there are villages living near the Abyssal Sea.

What they rely on are some naive people who come and go here trying to dig out the secrets of Yuanhai.

Although no one has reached the other side of the Abyss till now, there is never a shortage of people who are famous and want to be No. 1.

Over time, there were also people living on the Yuanhai side.

A very small village, only a dozen households.

The person asking about the topic of the sharks was Pei Geli, the Holy Son of the Holy Land. Speaking of which, Lu Yun and the other party might not have seen each other for a long time.

She just arrived here today and met each other unexpectedly, so they went together.

In the past few days, too many people have come to this small village, all hoping to board the ghost ship.

At this moment, the person in front of Pei Geli was an aborigine in the village, a boy of thirteen or fourteen years old. He had just started practicing and his spiritual power was still too mixed.

"it is true!"

The young man definitely nodded to this question.

"Someone in our village has seen sharks in the abyss."

The boy's name is A Cang, and he is a bit shy, but when he mentions Yuan Hai, his eyes are very bright and full of light.

From their position, they could see the abyss not far away.

The dark sea is now calm, but the endless black brings heavy depression. If you look at it more, it seems that your soul will be sucked in.

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