Those who are not determined will probably want to join in and become part of the Yuanhai after looking at the Yuanhai for too long.

And every year, countless people die in the abyss because their mood is not enough.

But compared to the boundless sea surface, what is most shocking are the lightning lights swimming on the sea surface.

Silver-white light shuttles through the dark space, like fierce and arrogant snakes, swimming unscrupulously, flickering from time to time, bringing dazzling light.

A large piece of thunder came, covering the entire sea surface. The sky seemed to be torn apart, and dark cracks appeared in the abyss.

Every gap is enough to create a storm.

The lightning that is enough to destroy the human body during the Tribulation Period can barely see any omissions.

Looking around, what appeared before our eyes was a grand and majestic thunderstorm, bright and overwhelming.

So dazzling, so dangerous.

Perhaps only by truly being there can one realize how terrifying this sea is.

Lu Yun had heard stories about Yuanhai before, but today she truly understood what this place was like.

This is a dead sea.

A sea of ​​death for the monks.

"I know, you are waiting for that ship, right?"

A Cang winked at Pei Geli. He was a young man, but he looked like a brat and had an attitude of "I understand very well", which made people laugh.

"Oh, what do you say?"

Pei Geli blinked, and deliberately leaned over and spoke in a lower voice, as if he was telling a little secret.

Pei Geli's informal behavior made Lu Yun take a few more glances.

She still remembered that when she first met the Holy Son, he was an arrogant and arrogant person with his eyes set above his head.

At that time, Pei Geli was a being who could kill people at will for the facts he determined.

Now, he looks more relaxed.

The Holy Son, who grew up drinking fairy dew, seemed to have truly entered the world of mortals and became down-to-earth. Even if he was joking with A Cang, it was natural.

The arrogance in his body is well hidden.

Yes, hide.

After all, he is the Holy Son, the most outstanding heir of this generation in the Holy Land. Arrogance is an inherent part of him and has long been integrated into his bones.

"I know what that ship looks like."

Acang said mysteriously, then took out a folded piece of paper and looked at Pei Geli calmly.

Pei Geli was a little confused by the strange appearance of the elf.

It wasn't until Lu Yun handed over a few spiritual stones that Acang quickly put them away before handing over the piece of paper.

"My sister is still smart."

Akura said with a smile, waved to the two of them, and walked away.

Acang, who lives here, knows that something big has happened here, but it has nothing to do with Acang.

He just wanted to take advantage of this opportunity to earn more spiritual stones.

Pei Geli, who realized that A Cang was so enthusiastic just for promotion, looked a little sad and sighed leisurely.

"I still haven't learned the essence."

In the past two years, he has been traveling outside, occasionally hiding his identity, pretending to be an ordinary person, mixing with the crowd, and learning everything about the outside world.

Those humanistic stories are very different from those in books. Only by truly entering them can we truly feel the reality of the world, rather than the empty records floating in books.

But it seems that I haven't learned it yet.

Lu Yun smiled at the other party's self-mockery. She opened the paper and saw the picture inside.

It was a huge and shabby ship at first glance.

It is completely black and stands on the abyss. Looking at the picture, it seems to be integrated with the wide abyss behind it.

This ship looks like an abandoned item.

The sail was in tatters and full of torn holes.

Many of the structures on the ship's board were broken, and even the cabin, which was almost level with the water, had a big hole.

This makes it difficult not to doubt whether this ship can really sail on the abyssal sea.Lu Yun reached out and touched the ghost ship. She raised her finger and felt a wave of moisture on her fingertips.

Humid and dark, with the salty smell of the sea.

But who dares to treat the deep sea as an ordinary sea?

"This thing..."

Pei Geli frowned. He took the thing over and the holy fire of the Holy Land floated out of his palm.

It is a white and holy flame. Just by looking at it, you can feel the purity and cleanliness of this holy fire.

The power of ups and downs is enough to eliminate the false and preserve the true.

The flame ignited the paper, but the paper covered by the flame did not turn into black ash and disappear, but remained unchanged.

However, the picture above has changed.

It's still the same ghost ship, its shape and tattered appearance haven't changed much.

But Pei Geli could clearly see that something seemed to be imprisoned on the hull of the ship. The thing roared and hissed on the ship's board, trying to get out of the control of the ship but was constantly being pulled back.

Does a ghost ship also have a soul?

"what is this?"

Lu Yun pointed her finger at a certain spot on the ship's board.

There was a pile of boxes stacked there.

And in the gap between the boxes, there was a face vaguely exposed, it was a pale and numb face.

Because of the obstruction of the wooden box, only one eye can be seen.

From that eye, what Lu Yun felt was a cold and cruel aura.

Looking closer, I found that it seemed to be just my illusion. The position of the face was actually another box at the back.

But both Lu Yun and Pei Geli knew that that scary look was not an illusion.

The two of them chased in the direction Acang left in a tacit understanding. The other party had not gone far and was selling the news about the ghost ship to the others.

After the other party saw off the other guest, the two walked over again.

"Can you tell me who painted this painting?" Lu Yun handed over the spirit stone and asked Acang.

The person who painted this picture is definitely not an ordinary person.

If you look carefully, you will find that the perspective of this painting is very close and very detailed, and even some small details on the ghost ship feel like you have seen it with your own eyes.

This man had a close encounter with a ghost ship.

In fact, the other party once boarded a ghost ship.

"Ah, it's Grandpa Hai."

"Now, Grandpa Hai's home is over there."

A Cang didn't hide anything. He pointed in a direction and looked along. He could see a thatched house.

The village is not big, so most of the villagers in it live next to each other. However, Grandpa Hai's residence is relatively independent, far away from the other villagers in the village, and closer to the direction of Yuanhai.

Very easy to recognize.

"Thank you."

After thanking him, the two walked over there.

From the outside, it looks like an ordinary small courtyard. The fence is not high and you can see the situation in the courtyard.

The other party is very laid-back and has a lot of vegetables growing in the yard. Judging from the growth, it seems that someone is taking good care of them.

Lu Yun knocked on the door, but no one responded.

After waiting for a while, the yard was still quiet.

Pei Geli then put his spiritual sense in, and then shook his head at Lu Yun.

"No one is inside, they probably went out."

Since no one was at home, they couldn't go in directly. Lu Yun simply walked around the house. When she arrived at the backyard, she saw a pool that could hold one person and was filled with water.

It's... sea water, water from the deep sea.

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