"You two, are you looking for me?"

While the two were checking, a voice came from behind, like a ghost, arriving silently. The two looked at each other and saw each other's shock.

They...neither noticed the other's arrival.

The two turned around and saw the old man.

With his hands behind his back, his face was full of vicissitudes of life, showing the years. What was surprising was that Grandpa Hai's eyes seemed to be covered with a layer of gray film.

But he could see the other person walking very freely, and it didn't look like he was being affected.

"Are you Grandpa Hai?"

Pei Geli asked, curling his lips. People in the Holy Land have special skills and are the easiest to arouse people's favor.

"it's me."

Grandpa Hai nodded: "What do you two want from me?"

Pei Geli took out the painting. On the paper, the ghost ship came alive.

"Acang told us that you painted this painting."

Grandpa Hai didn't move, just looked at the drawing paper with Pei Geli's hand, and laughed when he saw the activated ghost ship above.

"So that's it. Actually, there's no secret."

"The ink on the drawing paper is special. It contains the flesh and blood of the shark, which can truly represent the scene seen by the painter."

"And because the sharks are cunning enough, their whole body is full of deception, and even their flesh and blood has this effect. Those who don't notice this will see ordinary ghost ships. If you notice it like you, you will see it. That’s what it is.”

"Hey, why do so many people ask this question these days?"

Judging from Grandpa Hai's attitude, they were not the first people to come here, but these words are thought-provoking.

"Do sharks really exist?"

Pei Geli asked curiously.

"Of course." Grandpa Hai pointed to the sea. From here, there is no obstruction and the vastness of the Yuanhai can be seen clearly.

"It's right there."

"We live here, and we have more or less seen some races from the Abyssal Sea, but I was lucky enough to meet the sharks who are supposed to live in the deepest part of the Abyssal Sea."

"The shark... is so beautiful."

Grandpa Hai said, as if he was stuck in memories, and the shock on his old face was just like when they first met.

"I still remember that it was a night, and the moon was beautiful and clear, falling on the sea."

"I was standing here and saw the shark walking from the abyss, his body seemed to be covered with a layer of moonlight."

"That's a juvenile shark, a little smaller."

"She just looked at me."

"But I was very young at that time. I was scared and excited. I unconsciously wanted to get closer, but I scared her away."

"I haven't seen her since that time."

"If I had been more careful and prudent at that time, I might not have become friends with him."

While talking, Grandpa Hai led people to the main entrance.

The door opened, and Grandpa Hai stood inside the door and asked, "Do you two want to come in and sit down? This place hasn't been so lively for a long time."

A warm invitation, but looking at Grandpa Hai himself, there seems to be nothing special about it.

You can't feel any spiritual power on the other person's body.

In the courtyard surrounded by fences, a thatched house is located here. It is simple and the most unpretentious.

Take a look, look again.

A thought arose in Lu Yun's heart.

Otherwise, go in and sit.

At the moment when this thought appeared, Lu Yun's eyes trembled slightly, Ru Mo's eyes were covered with ice, and his head suddenly became clear.

She took a step back and smiled.

"Thank you for clarifying my doubts. We have other things to do, so I won't bother you anymore." "Goodbye."

Taking Pei Geli with him, Lu Yun quickly left until he was out of sight of Grandpa Hai.

The two found a new place. From here, they could see a corner of the house.

"Do you feel it?"

Lu Yun asked.

At that moment, she felt like she was under a spell, wanting to obey him and sit down.

The sword cultivator's powerful state of mind rippled under the impact, making Lu Yun extremely alert.

Pei Geli, on the other hand, shook his head.

There was a ball of flame floating in his palm, and the floating embers were curling and swaying.

"The Holy Fire is here, and the power similar to enchantment and inner demons is useless to me."

"But since it can shake your state of mind, it means that the power is not simple, so we should be careful."

Pei Geli believed in Lu Yun, and even more so in the intuition of a sword cultivator.

"Well, how much do you think you can believe what you just said?"

Not far away, someone was flying with a sword. Lu Yun had very good eyesight and could see the faces of those people clearly at a glance. Someone from the Hidden Sword Sect was coming.

"Half and half." Pei Ge left his mouth.

His eyes were set further afield, and one after another, more sects came over, including people from the Holy Land.

The arrival of the large army means that the journey to Yuanhai is about to begin.

The two of them separated and went to find people from their own sects.

"You arrived early, little Lu Yun."

The leader of the Hidden Sword Sect is Fifth Elder Jing Yuan, who is also a woman. Jing Yuan has always had a good attitude towards Lu Yun, and she will say this with a smile.

"Disciple Lu Yun, I have met the fifth elder."

Lu Yun saluted and looked at the people following her.

There were many disciples here this time, and the most eye-catching one was Shangguan Li, a female swordsman who was of the same generation as several of his senior brothers. Shangguan Li, who had a cold personality, saw Lu Yun's gaze and just nodded.

Among others, Lu Yun also saw many acquaintances.

Feng Yuyao and Song Xiao were among them, and Liu Ru happily ran over and took her arm.

"Senior Sister Lu, you left in such a hurry last time that I didn't even have time to meet you."

Liu Ru, who treats Lu Yun as an idol, can't help but get close to Lu Yun when she sees her.

Speaking of which, Liu Ru is also the only one in the Hidden Sword Sect who is not afraid of her cold face, perhaps because he saved her life in the first place.

Lu Yun counted, and there were about a dozen people coming up and down from the Hidden Sword Sect.

Looking at the other sects, the number of people is about the same.

Not to mention the size of the ghost ship, the number of Wangchuan stones they brought with them from Guixiao last time was also limited.

The nine major sects were allocated one point each to the five major demon sects, and each sect did not receive much.

Speaking of Demon Sect, Lu Yun looked towards Kongchan Sect.

There were several disciples standing there. Compared to other sects where elders and other figures were in charge, several disciples of the Kongchan Sect shrank their heads in front of these people.

Lu Yun thought of an old friend...the leader of the Kongchan Sect, Ah Li.

"The ghost ship will appear tomorrow. Fellow Taoists, why don't we discuss it together today?"

The first person to speak out was an elder from the Fierce Demon Palace. His real name was unknown, but everyone called him Taoist Gushu.

Taoist Gushu looked at everyone with a smile, trying to control the rhythm of this alliance.

"Everyone also knows that we are really on the same boat now. It was just a trivial matter to fight and fight in the past, but now, we have to cooperate."

"I, the Fierce Demon Palace, will be the first to express my stance. This trip to Yuanhai will definitely have the same intentions."

"Where are you guys?" (End of Chapter)

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