Little Junior Sister Society fears but draws sword

Chapter 274 The first person to board the ship

Taoist Gushu said it, whether he believed it or not, he believed it in his heart, and his face naturally showed an echoing smile.

Seeing that the elders and figures started to fight with each other, some disciples of the sect who had close contacts also began to communicate.

Lu Yun looked at where Linlang Pavilion was. It was a pity that the twin siblings were not here this time. They seemed to be in seclusion to challenge their realm.

"Junior Sister Lu, see you again."

Wuxiangxu Yao Huai came over, he hooked Lu Yun's shoulder with a friendly attitude.

More and more people greeted Lu Yun. Lu Yun looked at the people around her, her eyes twinkling like streams of light.

I don't know when, some people began to spontaneously gather around her, not only from the Hidden Sword Sect, but also from other sects, all vaguely headed by her.

It's just like……

Lu Yun glanced at Feng Yuyao.

Today, Feng Yuyao's eyes are clear and clear, and she has lost the anger that was tit-for-tat with her in the past. She is also one of those people.

It's like she replaced Feng Yuyao and became the heroine here.

Sighing in her heart, Lu Yun shared the news with everyone with a light smile on her face.

So many people appeared in the small village, and the originally empty place instantly became crowded.

The young man A Cang was very happy, wandering among the crowd doing his own business. As far as Lu Yun could see, the spirit stone this boy got today was no less than 1000 yuan.

Speaking of which, it's not a small deal.

However, the people present were all respectable people, and they would not rob a young man of his spiritual stone.


"Why are those people here too?"

Someone spoke in the crowd, and the tone was not friendly. Lu Yun looked over and saw a group of people with no affiliations appearing not far away.

It's casual repair.

The group of casual cultivators is too scattered to form a large scale, but when these casual cultivators truly gather together, they are a force that cannot be ignored.

Representatives of sects and non-commercial cultivators take turns appearing here.

There were only a dozen or so casual cultivators who came, and it was obvious that they were very vigilant, forming a tripartite force with the sect and the Demon Sect.

The leader is a young man, handsome and bookish.

"Everyone, we are not too late."

A laugh appeared, and another force appeared, someone from the Immortal Treasure Chamber of Commerce.

The arrogant treasure ship and the gleaming golden hull all tell the story of the Xianbao Chamber of Commerce's wealth.

Today, Lu Yun met Wen Renke, the head of the Xianbao Chamber of Commerce.

Behind Wen Renke, there were several young people, both men and women. One of them, Lu Yun, was very familiar with him. He was Wen Renshi.

"Miss Lu."

Wenrenshi, who was holding a mountain and river fan, sent a message to Lu Yun: "This trip to Yuanhai is related to our power struggle in the Wenren family. If possible, please ask Miss Lu to help us."

Speaking of which, the previous interactions between the two were part transaction and part friendship.

In the original article, Wen Renshi and his brothers and sisters were also mentioned in the competition for the position of the future head of the family, but it was mentioned briefly.

But now, the storyline has been messed up, and she will soon be able to watch this fight.

As the head of the family, Wen Renke placed the battlefield here and really praised the other party for his courage.

"Good to say."

Lu Yun responded simply.

She is not a reckless person, and she will not stand idly by if she should help, but if you want her to intervene too much, it is impossible.

After all, she represents the position of the Hidden Sword Sect at this time.

Since then, the four forces have been formally formed.

It's just that among these four, the Nine Sects and the Five Demons are obviously more important, with the casual cultivators as a foil, and the Xianbao Chamber of Commerce is more like a middle-of-the-road style of fishing in troubled waters.

But no matter what, on the surface, they still live in peace.

While the elders were fighting, Lu Yun felt that many eyes were passing over her.

There is inquiry, admiration, surprise, and murderous intent.Lu Yun stood there, communicating with the people from the Hidden Sword Sect, her face expressionless.

This day was spent in constant conversation and friendship. The next day the sun rose in the east, the warm morning sun was shining brightly, and the glow stretched for thousands of miles.

The dreamy glow rolled into the abyss and was torn into pieces by the thunder snake that never stopped day and night.

But at this moment, no one had time to take into account how beautiful the rising sun was.

Everyone's eyes were on the ghost ship that appeared to welcome the rising sun.

Some people have been paying attention to Yuan Hai, but no one saw how the ship appeared.

It was as if, in a trance or a blink of an eye, the ship appeared naturally in sight, its majestic momentum blending with the sea and sky.

Domineering and tough, he made everyone aware of his presence.

The huge ghost ship was even more shocking to see with one's own eyes, like a mysterious giant beast from ancient times, splitting the dark sea water, ignoring the thunderous storm, and slowly sailing towards them.

Above the waves and under the thunder, the ship remained motionless.

As the ghost ship approaches, everyone is heading towards the abyss.

The dark wooden hull shows traces of decay over time, which is even more shocking than on the drawing paper.

Some algae and coral grow under the ghost ship, and the barnacles cling to the hull, as if decorating the ship.

The existence of these things is not uncommon in the sea.

Except for the thunder, the Abyssal Sea seems to be no different from an ordinary sea.

"Ghost ship? You haven't seen a ghost either?"

Someone spoke, as if he was joking.

"Be careful what you say and do." Someone warned, with an unusually cautious attitude.

After approaching the shore for a certain distance, the ghost ship stopped moving. At this distance, the monks could easily board the ship.

Without anyone having to ask, someone is eager to be No. 1.

The first one to go up was a casual cultivator.

"Hahaha, you guys, I'll go first." The man smiled wildly, and after standing firm on the board, he moved his nose.

"It stinks so much. What does it smell like?"

The man had a loud voice and shook his head as he looked at the situation on the ghost ship. After seeing that the ship was loaded with cargo just like those ordinary ships, he smiled happily.

"Tsk, it's nothing great."

He was still sighing, but he didn't notice that the expressions of some people below him changed.

Lu Yun, who was holding the Wangchuan Stone, stood on the shore and could clearly see that the hull of the ghost ship was changing, and a black shadow struggled out of the hull, just like the scene she and Pei Geli saw on the drawing paper. .

A black shadow shrouded the man, but the other person seemed not to notice it, looking around.

"Be careful."

Some people couldn't help but exclaim, and the casual cultivator raised his head, but his face was full of doubts.

The other party seemed... unable to see the existence of the ghost.

"Has he forgotten the Stone?"

Someone raised his voice and asked.

One of the people on the casual cultivator side slowly shook his head.

"He didn't get the stone, but he said he came to join in the fun."

The original saying is, you can’t board the ship without rocks, so you can always come and have a look.

Now it seems that this person's idea is not to take a look.

Of course, sometimes ambition is undesirable.

"What are you looking at?" Maybe everyone's gazes were too intense. The cultivator frowned and looked impatient: "You guys come up here and do it mysteriously, but it's not a big deal."

"You want me to tell you..."

The lingering sound of the word ah was still trembling in the air, and in everyone's field of vision, the black shadow completely enveloped the other party. (End of chapter)

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