It was a sucking sound, and Lu Yun recalled a very distant memory.

The man was like jelly, his body was so soft that he was sucked into the throat by the black shadow, and then swallowed into his belly.

But for monks, the death of the body does not mean the complete end of the individual.

That person is dead, to be precise, his body is dead, but his soul is still there.

And the soul just stood there blankly, looking just like an ordinary person, except that its face was pale and its body was dull.

Especially that face, which was indifferent and whose dark pupils looked inorganic, like an emotionless monster.

The man who asked before where the ghosts on the ghost ship were, now has the answer.

Ghost, appeared.

The casual cultivator who became a ghost raised his steps and backed away expressionlessly until his whole body merged into the shadow of the ghost ship.

Even if nothing was said, everyone present understood one thing.

The Forgotten Stone serves as a ticket, and if people who do not get the ticket try to board the ship, they will be swallowed up by the rules of the ghost ship and eventually become part of the ghost ship.

This must be the origin of the twisted ghost figures Lu Yun saw on the drawing paper and the face peeked out from the gaps.

Many people have figured this out, and some are surprised.

"It looks like there are a lot of empty seats on the boat." The people on the other side of the demon cultivator didn't care about what other people thought. They just tossed the Forgotten Stone and jumped on the ghost ship.

This time, the shadow did not appear.

At this time, the rest of the people boarded the ship one after another.

However, some people in the crowd still stood silently.

They didn't have tickets, and they wanted to fish in troubled waters. They followed the large group on the boat. It was possible that those people could throw them off.

But now, the rules of the ghost ship broke their plan. After all, they knew very little about the ghost ship.

"Does anyone have extra stones? I'm willing to pay for two medium-grade spiritual weapons!"

Someone shouted from below, showing his sincerity.

At this moment, Lu Yun was standing on the boat, observing the situation of the ghost ship. When he heard these words, he looked around.

Wangchuan Stone, like the Ghost Ship, is harvested once a year.

Last time, thanks to the "friendship" of the ghost tribe, they brought out a lot of Wangchuan Stones, and finally the various forces took them and divided the points.

Of course, although Lu Yun didn't know the interests involved and the conditions given by all parties, he knew very well that even among the nine major sects, it was impossible to give away profits at will.

As for Wuxiang who was involved in the ghost incident last time, Linlang Pavilion and Hidden Sword Sect probably accounted for the majority of the profit distribution.

At this moment, all parties have no intention of stopping the upcoming Wangchuan Stone sale, or in other words, they have been waiting for it for a long time.

In just a moment, a Wangchuan Stone was traded from two medium-grade spiritual weapons to three high-grade spiritual weapons, and the chips were still increasing.

The reason why these people are so crazy is simple, because there are only three free stones, which means three quotas.

There are more than thirty people waiting below.

If you want to board the ship, you have to show your financial strength.

Finally, three stones found buyers, two casual cultivators and one a demonic cultivator.

Unlike the Nine Sects, some demonic cultivators like to work alone and do not mix with any forces, not even casual cultivators.

After these three people boarded the ship, the people below could only watch with red eyes.

Lu Yun was counting the number of spiritual weapons at Wen Renshi, and had to admire the opponent's cleverness. Among the three stones, two of them were taken out by Wen Renshi.

The other party is a born businessman.

No matter what price the other party paid to take away the stone, now looking at Wen Renshi's performance, you know that the other party has made a lot of money.

Maybe she felt Lu Yun's eyes, and when she heard someone, she looked over and winked at her. "It's moving, it's moving, the ship is moving."

The cabin was very large, and some people were looking for a way to enter below, but before they could find it, the boat started to move.

It was slowly heading towards the abyss.

The ghost ship docks once a year, and each time it docks for a short time. Just as the ship leaves the shore, a stray photon comes from a distance and lands next to... Lu Yun.

"A Yun."

The clear cry was accompanied by the girl's unique naivety. The moment she looked at the other party's face, Lu Yun did not dare to think that the other party was really an ignorant girl.

It's Ali.

Ali, the leader of Kongchan Cult.

Ah Li is still the same as before, wearing a pretty pink dress, smiling and looking innocent.

The calf-length braid is draped over her chest, with a red ribbon running through her cloud-like hair.

The collision of red and black is wonderfully performed on Ah Li, creating a rich fusion of colors, just like Ah Li.

There was another person beside Ah Li, whom Lu Yun also knew.

Weng Zi, the weapon spirit of Qianqiu Zhong.

In other words, the other person's real name is Lu Zi, and I have lived in the other person's body for more than ten years.

Although it was a Nanke dream, all the things in the dream were all things that Lu Yun had actually experienced.

When she saw Lu Zi, Lu Yun's eyes were light with unknown emotions.

Lu Zi also looked over and nodded to Lu Yun.

She was a mortal, and Taoist Nanshan had spent so much effort, scheming against the sky, and plotting against everyone, but he still couldn't let her find that glimmer of hope and start practicing.

When Nanshan Taoist offered her a new path to become the spirit of the Qianqiu Bell, she accepted it.

Nowadays, Qianqiu Zhong is in Ah Li's hands. Although she cannot leave Ah Li's side too far, Ah Li will not restrict her too much. Most of the time, she lives as an independent individual, just like the years she was Weng Zi.

It's just that Weng Zi's unruliness and arrogance can't be seen in Lu Zi. What's left is as calm as a deep pool.

"Long time no see, Ah Li." Looking away from Lu Zi, Lu Yun greeted Ah Li, no different from when they first met.

Lu Yun did not fear or stay away from anything because of Ah Li's identity.

"Yeah, I miss you."

Seeing this, Ah Li smiled even more heartily, and she knew that Lu Yun was different.

Some people present knew about the friendship between the two, while others knew nothing.

Especially those casual cultivators, when they saw a sword cultivator and a demon cultivator chatting happily, they couldn't help but sarcastically speak.

"Hey, this is the so-called best swordsman of this generation. How come he got mixed up with a big devil?"

"Hidden Sword Sect, tsk tsk!"

The sour words made all the disciples of Hidden Sword Sect feel cold.

Fifth Elder Jing Yuan pinched his fingers, and when he was considering whether to teach the other party a lesson, Ah Li took action.

Without seeing how the other party acted, the person who spoke was slapped out of thin air.

That crisp sound also rang in the hearts of many people.

Few people saw this move clearly, which shows how powerful Ah Li is.

The one who was given special care by Ah Li had pale lips and was extremely regretful.

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