Little Junior Sister Society fears but draws sword

Chapter 276 Split into a piece of charcoal

"I am reminiscing with my friends, why are you interrupting?"

Ah Li said casually, and she took a few steps forward, her braid swaying on her chest, and the red silk tied at the end of the whip, the end jumping lightly.

Ah Li's figure was very light and appeared in front of that person in the blink of an eye.

"Ayun is my friend. I give face to Ayun, but it doesn't mean that I need to give you face. Do you understand?"

The arrogant and domineering words made the man's legs weak and he knelt on the ground.

The red and swollen cheeks were like dough buns, squeezing the face that could still be seen into the shape of a pig's head.

Ah Li backed away in disgust and glanced at everyone coldly.

While all this was happening, the ghost ship kept sailing and the people on the shore were blurred from view.

Ah Li smiled leisurely: "Although we have agreed, we cannot attack each other during this voyage."

"But don't forget, we are not the only ones above this abyss. Who knows when something unexpected will happen, right?"

Ah Li tilted her head, looking innocent and romantic, but her eyes were full of cruelty.

She curled her lips, and raised her red lips in a cruel arc, silently warning those people.

In a place like this, if you really want someone to disappear, who says you have to do it yourself?

Standing behind Ah Li, Lu Yun, who was being defended by Ah Li, looked at the other person's back and sighed in her heart.

Despite the fact that the other party was quite gentle towards her, as a demon sect leader and a demon lord, Ali actually didn't have much compassion in her heart.

Lu Yun also knew very well that her friendship was a matter between the two of them.

Ah Li would not do anything stupid like put down the butcher's knife and become a Buddha immediately for her own sake, and it was also impossible for her to betray the sect for Ah Li's sake.

Their friendship will be beautiful without compromising either party's position.

Once people touch each other's bottom line, they can only fight on their own.

Both of them knew this, but neither of them cared.

"Tsk, don't tell me, it's pretty good-looking."

Ah Li returned to Lu Yun's side, and she looked up at the sky.

The thunder snake swam above, and the lightning tore everything apart.

When they were really under the sky, they realized that the power of the thunderclouds they saw standing on the shore was only one or two.

Fortunately, they are in a ghost ship.

The thunder and lightning struck down without hesitation, but when they reached the ghost ship, they were pushed away by an invisible force.

If they were curious about where this power came from before, now the people standing on the boat can see it clearly.

It's the black shadow.

To be precise, it is a force formed by the innocent souls who died on this ghost ship.

That kind of power is not a ghost or a demon. It is very strange and without too much thought, as if it is the defender of this ghost ship.

The ghost ship is not immune to the tribulation thunder above its head, but uses this power to offset the power of the thunder tribulation.

Thinking about it this way, it seems that we can understand why the ghost ship cannot sail on the abyss day and night, because it consumes too much.

"By the way, who knows the origin of this ship?"

The sound above his head was deafening. Someone below raised this question, and for a while, there was a lot of discussion.

"I heard that this ship is related to the races living in the abyss."

When he heard about it, he came close to Lu Yun, waving his fan, looking like a handsome young man.

He leaned against the edge of the ship and looked at the hull that was close to the sea surface.

There was a hole in the direction he was looking, but no seawater entered there. The power on the ghost ship seemed to have made the ghost ship a special existence.

"If you look at the abyss and the sky as an independent space, then this ship has the power to travel through space."

When he heard someone, his eyes were full of deep thoughts, and he was probably thinking about something.

"But what do you think will happen if this ship, or in other words, this power is exhausted?"

In fact, many people want to ask this question.

It's just that they chose to board the ghost ship, and they were prepared to face all the consequences. "The worst thing is, one of us dies."

Without the protection of the ghost ship, the thunderbolts above their heads could easily tear them apart.

"Hahaha, I don't know if we can choose between drowning or being struck by lightning."

Lightning flashes continued to explode in front of their eyes, and everyone was joking.

"Hmm...why couldn't he be bitten to death by a monster? Isn't it said that there is a very scary monster living in the abyss?"

"I heard it's the kind with many tentacles."

Someone had a sudden idea and touched his chin in thought.

The originally heavy atmosphere relaxed after a while of making jokes, and the tit-for-tat atmosphere among the four parties disappeared.

Everyone started to move freely.

Most of them clung to the edge of the boat, looking at the abyss below.

"It's so dark."

Liu Ru sighed.

No matter how you look at it, the water of the Abyssal Sea is very dark, deeper than ink. Even if the lightning above your head is bright, it cannot illuminate the water below.

After staring for a long time, I always feel like I am being sucked in.

Liu Ru trembled all over and looked away.

Lu Yun continued to watch.

This sea water can have an impact on the state of mind, but for Lu Yun, this impact is nothing to worry about.

We haven't been sailing for too long now, and we can still see the blurry scene on the shore.

But deep in this dangerous ocean, all everyone can rely on is the dilapidated ghost ship under their feet that looks like it could sink at any time.

For many people, this is a novel experience.

Someone is trying to fly with a sword. Within the scope covered by the power of the ship, no matter how hard they try, they will not be affected by lightning.

"It's not a big deal." There are reckless people all the time.

The man who spoke ignored the warning and flew outside the range enveloped by the ghost ship's power.

Just for a moment, the thunder and lightning above his head instantly captured the target he wanted to annihilate.

Countless electric lights flowed in front of my eyes, and between heaven and earth, only the exploding piece of white remained.

The vast expanse of white robbed everyone's vision, causing instant blindness. Everyone subconsciously closed their eyes to avoid the too dazzling light.

When they opened their eyes again, they saw a man covered in black lying on the board of the ship.

There was still smoke coming from the other party's body, and he was very angry.

This person was a casual cultivator. As a result of this curiosity, the remaining casual cultivators had no intention of coming over to visit him and left him lying on the ground.

"Tsk, I can't save him."

Ah Li's tone was filled with a little joy, and Ah Li's bad element arose.

She waved her hand and flew into the air.

Before Lu Yun could be surprised, she saw the other party and Jie Lei having sex.

However, compared to the casual cultivator, Ah Li, who stood at the pinnacle of the cultivation world, was obviously more powerful. The other party came back safely, but he was still a little embarrassed after all.

Looking at her ruined dress and the scorched black mark on her arm, Ali smiled happily.

"Interesting, if something happens then, we will really have to wait to die."

It can be said that from the perspective of the people present, Ah Li has the best cultivation. Even Ah Li can't resist the lightning above her head. The others have completely given up their thoughts of testing.

Ah Li's eyes fell on the Bodhi Cave, staring at one of them with burning eyes.

Yes... Xiangru.

I don’t know whether this is the real Xiangru or the Bodhisattva.

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