The voyage was calm at first.

Throughout the day, everyone drifted along with the ship on the sea. The enthusiasm at the beginning also faded away later.

The boat looked big, but I couldn't get down. In the end, I could only meditate on the deck of the boat.

Apart from anything else, the spiritual energy in the Yuanhai Sea is very abundant. People with the Divine Formation Sect have set up a spirit gathering array on the ship, and people from all directions find their own corners to practice.

The same goes for Lu Yun.

With Lu Yun as the center and surrounded by people from the Hidden Sword Sect, a group of disciples breathed in and out along with the exercises. The scene was quite spectacular.

In the deep sea during the day, the waves are relatively calm.

The sun was setting in the west, and when the sea and sky gradually became the same color, Lu Yun opened her eyes from meditation.

The Golden Crow in the distance fell into the twilight, the lingering sunset gradually dimmed in color, and the dark sky was like a huge black curtain covering everyone's heads.

When the sky completely merged with the sea, the thunder and lightning that kept running overhead became even more sudden and shocking.

The flowing electric snakes covered everything with silvery white, becoming the only strange color in this space.

This is an unparalleled shock.

"what is that?"

Someone pointed into the distance and spoke.

Looking over, one can see the surge. The waves on the supposedly calm sea surface stack up to form huge waves, and something seems to be hidden beneath the huge waves.

And the ship is heading in that direction.

"It's so big, it can't be that monster, right?"

"Not so unlucky?"

"Why does it feel like the ship is heading in that direction?"

"Oh my God! Turn around!"

Someone shouted angrily, but the ghost ship ignored him.

"Get ready." Fifth Elder Jing Yuan issued the order in a deep voice, and the clouds moved in all directions.

After all, there were so many elite disciples and elders on this boat. Although they were surprised by the size of the sea monster, they were not in a hurry.

After the initial panic, everyone got into position.

And as you get closer, you can see clearly the true appearance of the sea monster.

Just like in the legend, the body is as tall as a building, with tentacles scattered and stirring, and in the huge body of the upper body, the two eyes are like red lanterns, emitting a strange and strange light.


The lingering sound was still trembling, and as the waves surged, the sea monster's tentacles smashed over, with such speed and momentum that there was no room left.

The power of the ghost ship has not been punished. This ghost ship ensures that everyone will not be disturbed by the thunder and lightning, but the remaining dangers need to be resolved by themselves.

It was the disciples of various sects who took action, while the elders remained on the sidelines and watched.

This time, it was also an experience.

On the Hidden Sword Sect's side, the sword light was sharp, and the sword intent soared into the sky, slashing at the sea monster's body, leaving a few white marks.

The sea monster's skin was wet, with a layer of liquid flowing on it.

The liquid is very slippery and has a certain amount of defensive power. If you hit it with an attack, it will be unloaded and the damage will be greatly reduced.

Normal moves cannot hurt the opponent.

After the first wave of tests, the disciples began to gather fire.

The talisman exploded in the air, wind, thunder, water and fire took turns, and the palm prints condensed out of thin air pushed the sea monster into the water.

The water splashed and the water monster easily appeared again.

Before the tentacles could touch the ghost ship, they were stopped.

Some people kept a safe distance, flew with weapons, and fought in the air.

The long whip is used for distance attack, and the short sword is used for close combat.

Several figures were entangled around the sea monster, and there were countless attacks. Under these painful blows, the sea monster's body continued to twist, and the sea surface fluctuated continuously.Lu Yun stood on the board of the boat. Wen Shi was watching beside her, waving her fan and looking thoughtful in her eyes.

As soon as the fan moved, a wind blade flew over and hit the sea monster's head. The torn wound was covered with mucus and did not bleed much.

But the pain is real.

The sea monster made a strange cry, shrill and ferocious, like a giant beast from ancient times.

"Hurry, it's not working anymore, try harder."

Seeing that the sea monster was about to die, all the disciples were happy and their movements became more agile.

Pieces of blood spilled into the abyss, and then were swallowed up by the dark sea.

As time passed, the sea monster became slumped, and most of its body was covered with bloody wounds.

Maybe he knew he couldn't defeat it, and the sea monster wanted to run away.

As soon as his body turned over, he got into the bottom of the sea. Just as he was about to disappear, a whip locked the opponent's tentacles and pulled them out with force.

The sea monster avoided it and appeared in front of people again.

The red eyes that were so shocking before now look a bit aggrieved.

But no one was deceived by the sea monster's performance. If they were not defeated, they would be afraid that they would be swept to the bottom of the sea by the sea monster and become food.

The weak and the strong will prevail, not to mention that in this unknown abyss, all dangers will be eliminated from the source.

Just as everyone was preparing to give the sea monster the final blow, bursts of singing came from a more distant place.

At first, the song was ethereal and weak, like a lover whispering in the ear, which was difficult to hear.

Those who were focused on the battle didn't notice it at all.

On the contrary, those who were standing on the ghost ship and did not participate immediately looked in the direction of the singing.

Nothing strange could be seen on the sometimes dark and sometimes bright sea, and the expressions of the elders became solemn.

Then, the stronger ones among the disciples began to feel something.

Bursts of songs blew along the sea breeze and landed in Lu Yun's ears. They had a special magic that made people want to visit the foreign country where the songs were heard.

The singing voice of Ruoyouruowu is like the charm of the shark, which is deep in the heart and makes people want to indulge in it.

"Tsk." Yao Huai made a sound of unknown meaning when hearing someone. He stood with his hands behind his hands and his eyes were subtle.

"Look at that sea monster."

Turning her attention away from the singing, Lu Yun discovered that the sea monster that was supposed to be at the end of its strength had changed a bit.

The wounds on his body are healing quickly.

The mucus flowed faster, and after a while, the wounds on the sea monster disappeared completely.

The sea monster came to life again and was even more powerful than before.

That song is helping the sea monster.

At this moment, the remaining group of people finally heard the sound.

Unconsciously, the voice became particularly lingering and melodious. Even if I covered my ears and blocked my hearing, the voice still echoed in my mind.

"My five senses are all closed, how can I still hear?" someone asked in astonishment.

Once they capture that sound, they can never get it out of their mind.

The course of the ghost ship did not change, but it always felt like they were heading in the direction of the sound.

"Hmph, worm-carving trick."

It was a female cultivator from Lihen Mansion, sitting cross-legged in the air, with a Yao Qin on her legs.

Fingering for a moment, the tone changed sharply.

It's not a cheerful tune, but bursts of demonic sound, a shrill sound like a ghost crying or a wolf howling.

Some people were not careful and were almost seriously injured by "one of their own".

However, after the magic sound appeared, the singing voice hovering in their minds became much weaker.

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