The two voices were fighting, the demonic sound getting louder and louder, and the strings making a sharp blast. For a moment, the sound of the piano covered the singing voice.

"Hurry up and fix it."

The female cultivator said, referring to the sea monster.

A new round of attack, this time no one is holding back, trying to get rid of this sea monster as quickly as possible.

They have already seen that this sea monster looks tall and mighty on the outside, but in fact it is not very powerful.

As long as you give them time, a few young disciples can solve it.

But now they have to race against time.

After the song was suppressed, the new injuries on the sea monster made the already dark sea even darker.

The roaring continued.

A sword slashed down, carrying the low cry of the phoenix, it was Feng Yuyao who took action.

The power of the fire phoenix cut off the sea monster's head.

The head hit the sea and splashed a lot of water.

Just when everyone thought that the sea monster had been completely eliminated, the singing voice in the distance sounded again, no longer gentle, but more violent.

It's like a sad chant that makes people cry.

"Fuck, I'm crying."

A disciple wiped his face and said this, and his body unconsciously moved closer to the side of the ship.


The companion next to him shouted and also pulled him.

"what happened?"

"I feel so sad. What's the point of living?"

He spoke these terrible words in a strange tone, with a numb expression on his face, as if he had lost all hope.


The companion noticed the other person's weirdness and was about to say something when he heard a pop.

Something fell into the water.

"He jumped."

There was a man on the side pointing to the sea on the left, his eyes dazed.

It was his companion who jumped directly into the sea in front of him. The movement was so fast that he had no time to stop him.

After the other party fell into the abyss, there was nothing except the waves at the beginning.

The other party's body seemed to have fallen into the mouth of an abyss, and after the initial ripples, everything was swallowed up.

The light shines on the sea, and no one can see the shadow of the man's existence.

My spiritual sense went in and found nothing.

"There's something wrong with that song, damn it, it wants us to commit suicide." Someone growled angrily.

The sound of Yao Qin continued, increasing in intensity.

But the female cultivator soon discovered that her magic voice could not withstand the power of the singing voice. Not only that, her magic voice was gradually integrated into the singing voice, and even helped the other party to make trouble.

"I, I can't stop."

The female cultivator bit her tongue and drew a mouthful of blood before she spoke hoarsely.

There was a frightened expression on her face that she was controlled by something, and her hands were still playing the Yao Qin. Her mind wanted to stop, but her body was not obedient.

Yao Huai ducked away, intending to take away the opponent's arm.

But he saw the other party's finger hooking, and a sonic attack from the strings grazed Yao Huai's face. If Yao Huai hadn't dodged it quickly, his head would have been cut open.

"not me!"

The female cultivator shouted, unable to hide the panic in her voice.


The tears flowing from fear were too horrifying on the female nun's face.

Yao Huai concentrated, he took action again and snapped his fingers.

The snap of fingers was like some kind of switch, and the sonic attack started again, not directed at Yao Huai, but toward the unknown singing voice.

It was Yao Huai who used illusion to mislead the female cultivator.


There was a scream in the singing over there, and then, the illusion was shattered, the female cultivator was bleeding from her orifices, and her body was twitching.

But her hands were still playing the piano tenaciously.

"Step aside."

After Lu Yun finished speaking, Han Jiangxue walked away with a sword energy. The sword energy was not aimed at the female cultivator, but at Yao Qin.

The fine Yao Qin was shattered into pieces by Lu Yun's sword.Even though the piano was gone, the female cultivator's fingers were still moving, and her fingers were tense, and her bones were being squeezed and made a sound due to the excessive speed.


"Let go of me!"

The female cultivator shouted, and the next moment, there was a sound of twisting at the fingers, white bones pierced out, and blood dyed everyone's eyes red.

So far, the female cultivator still couldn't stop.

Starting from her fingertips, the bones were twisted together and broken inch by inch.

The fragments followed the palm, to the forearm, then to the arm, and finally to the body.

A person, a living person, was twisted into a twist in front of everyone.

Blood and broken bones flew.

Some people who were standing close had their heads dripped with hot blood.

For a moment, there was silence on the ghost ship.

"How dare Xiaoxiao be so presumptuous!"

An elder scolded him, and the sound was like rolling thunder, exploding in the distance.

The continuous singing paused for a moment, followed by more violent revenge.

While everyone was studying the song, no one noticed that on the other side of the sea, the monster killed by Feng Yuyao... was resurrected.

Where the head was broken, a pile of mucus gushed out, and a new head grew out.

The bloated body floated on the water again, and its tentacles reached out silently, wrapping around the ghost ship.

Then, dither.

The entire ghost ship was almost capsized.

The people standing on the board were complaining.


I don’t know who shouted this sentence.

The next scene gave everyone fear.

The boat broke apart.

The crack swept through the entire ship in an instant, and the ghost figure lurking on the ghost ship jumped out, and the power of all the previous actions shrouded the original.

Darkness fell completely.

Even the elders didn't react.

In a silent world, even if you open your eyes wide and use your spiritual power, you cannot see your surroundings.

Lu Yun reached out and grabbed someone in the darkness.

It's time to hear people.

The two of them were standing very close to each other just now.

Someone grabbed her sleeve, Lu Yun grabbed it with her backhand, and the person wrote a few words in her palm.

It's Liu Ru.

No one knew what happened, and the boat capsized unexpectedly.

Logically speaking, if the boat capsized and they fell into the abyss, they should be torn apart by the sea monster, but now they were in a very strange situation.

Their bodies seemed to be heaving in the sea.

Waves of water wrapped around them, dragging them to unknown places.

I don’t know how long it took, but at a certain moment, a light appeared in front of everyone.

Like the glimmer of a firefly, although it is weak, it is real.

The darkness that enveloped them seemed to lift.

The moment they got their feet on the ground, they looked at each other, confused and wary at the same time.

Looking up, what I saw was the cold water. The ghost ship was floating on the sea, leaving a vague shadow.

They are...under the sea.

For monks, it's easy to hold your breath in the water, but here, you can breathe freely.

The melodious singing started again.

Everyone turned around and saw "lights" floating over there, and the being holding these lights had a human body on the upper body and a fish tail on the lower body.


A race belonging to the Yuanhai, the sharks.

The sharks opened their mouths, and the song escaped from their throats. The special power was even more powerful at close range than before.

The body exploded, and a disciple died.

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