Little Junior Sister Society fears but draws sword

Chapter 279 Predators in the Deep Sea

The blood mist lingered on the bottom of the sea, and in the blur of blood, the group of sharks showed charming expressions.

That smile was so magical that people couldn't help but stare at their faces, and then...

Get closer, get closer.

Everyone could hear a voice echoing in their minds, urging them to have close contact with the sharks.

Some disciples, whose minds were not firm enough, opened their legs and walked toward the group of sharks.

The bright yellow lights sway dimly on the seabed, and the dreamlike scene is so beautiful.

And in this beautiful scenery, the beautiful and enchanting shark is like a gift from God, making people want to caress it.

The disciple stretched out his hand and tentatively touched the shark's cheek.

The shark's skin was very smooth, and no flaws could be found on his face. After seeing the stretched out hand, he took the initiative to approach.

The skin of his cheek pressed against the palm of his hand, and the same man squinted his eyes and rubbed it, seeming to enjoy it.

This made the disciple show an excited expression. He wanted to go further. His desire for the shark was so naked in his eyes.

He was obsessed with the temptation of the shark, and a rippling smile appeared on his face.

Looking at that indulgent face, the shark also smiled.

The beautiful lips were raised, and the smile was flawless.

The disciples who were approaching didn't notice it, but the others standing far away noticed that the shark's mouth was full of teeth like sharks.

White and sharp.

That is a weapon that only hunters have.

At this moment, the fangs opened, and the moment the person approached, he bit the other person's neck sideways.

One bite.

Then he tilted his head back and tore hard.

The teeth tore open the opponent's throat, flesh and blood were separating, and blood flew in front of his eyes.

Fresh and warm blood spread all over the shark's sculpture-like body, and its lower body, the fish tail swayed happily.

And in front of it, the monk's eyes widened, he covered his neck, and fell down in a mixture of shock and obsession.

His body was carried away by the remaining sharks, and if nothing else happened, it would be eaten.


Sounds came out of the shark's mouth. They were in different languages, but they could understand the meaning.

The other party is talking.

"Confining them and preparing a feast."

The feast begins and they all have their meal on the plate.

At this moment, regardless of good or evil, their eyes are intersecting. Some people want to resist, while others want to hibernate.

Perhaps sensing their resistance, the shark's singing changed from high-spirited to gentle.

It's like being soaked in warm water, so comfortable that people can't even think of resisting.

The song cleanses the soul.

After the sharks approached, everyone who was treated as food unanimously chose to obey.

At this point, no one could figure out what was going on outside. If they left rashly, there was no chance that something would happen.

Let's take a step by step.

But compared to the others, Lu Yun, who blended in with the crowd, was suppressing her desire.

She didn't feel it on the ghost ship, but when she got to the bottom of the sea, she felt greedy in her heart, not because of the sharks, but because of herself.

There is a fragment on the bottom of the sea.

The fourth fragment appears.

The swords she had put away were all resonating at the moment. The unstoppable sword sounds were constantly stirring in her mind, and even the shark's singing had a great impact on her.

She restrained her desire to search, followed the crowd, and walked step by step into the cell that the same man had arranged for them.

In the water prison, everyone stayed together.

The power of the water flow surrounded them, like chains floating around them. This was the restraint of the sharks on them.

Does not affect movement, but cannot use power.

Sharks are not stupid.Food should look like food.

Ah Li's hand passed through the water, and she didn't show any embarrassment on her face. Obviously, this method was not important to Ah Li.

Lu Yun leaned in the corner, head lowered, her broken hair falling down to cover her brows.

She rubbed her eyebrows.

In her memory, there was indeed a fragment that fell into the abyss. She chose to board the ghost ship this time, but she was also looking for the fragment.

But unlike the other fragments, the situation in Yuanhai is too complicated, and I wanted to take a look at it before talking about it.

But now it seems that the opportunity has been delivered to him.

That fragment is in the Sharman Clan.

"Miss Lu."

With shouts in her ears, Lu Yun looked up and saw Wen Renshi sitting down next to her.

The mountain and river fan in his hand is a big killer, but its appearance is no different from an ordinary folding fan. It looks like it's just a cool thing, so no one from the Shark tribe cares about it.

The fan moved the restriction. After a few times, Lu Yun clearly felt that the water flow had become much more relaxed.

"Thank you."

Although she had her own solution, she still understood the other party's kindness.

"Small things."

"Miss Lu, I see that you are a little out of sorts. Is there something wrong?"

Wen Ren deliberately creates a small barrier so that outsiders can see them communicating but have no idea what they are talking about.

Hearing this, Lu Yun raised her eyebrows.

It had to be said that Lu Yun was very keen when it came to hearing people, but Lu Yun still shook her head.

Not even her master and brothers knew about the fragments, so it was naturally impossible for her to tell Wen Renshi.

Not to mention, after coming out of the Nanshan Dreamland, she suspected that the things on her body were related to the blockade between the cultivation world and the fairy world.

She won't tell anyone until the truth comes out.

After all, she didn't want to bring disaster to herself.

"That's it!"

When Wen Wen was there, he didn't force him and spoke slowly: "Miss Lu, just ask if you need anything. Whatever, we are also friends, right?"

After hearing this, he started talking to others.

Looking at the other person's back, Lu Yun smiled.

Friends count, but the other party has many friends. The other party will not ignore their own interests for the sake of a friend. On the contrary, those friends must be careful whether the conditions given by the other party will trap them.

When I heard about this person, he was not as easy to get along with as he appeared.

You can get close, but you can't be close to each other.

Seeing the other party and Feng Yuyao talking and laughing happily, Lu Yun took back her mind and adjusted her state, trying not to let others find out the problem again.

Time passed little by little, and countless sharks passed by outside.

Those sharks came to see the fun, and some would stand outside the water prison, watching them carefully, as if they were thinking about what to say.

Silent threats are of little use to people like them.

"When do you start?"

After another group of sharks left, the people in Fierce Demon Palace couldn't help but speak out.

Yes, hands on.

They are not really at ease.

The moment they saw the sharks appear, they all had the same idea, which was to test the strength of this race.

There is no such thing as surrender.

The Sharks are so mysterious. Who doesn’t want to see what kind of creatures the legendary Sharks are?

They were simply imprisoned.

"Just at the banquet. After all, I really want to know how they plan to eat us." Ah Li answered with interest.

As the person with the highest strength and the highest status present, the others naturally had no objection to Ah Li's words.

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