"Okay, stop hiding it, let's do it."

I don't know who yelled, but everyone took action with a tacit understanding, not to each other, but to those sea tribesmen.

The restraining handcuffs exploded one after another.

After all, the people here are all elites in the world of cultivation, and they are not really disabled by this little trick.

Their movements were sudden, but the sea tribesmen were not surprised. Instead, they burst into cheers.

"Kill them all." The golden mermaid gave the order, and the first ones to attack were the sea monsters.

The huge body suddenly surged in front of people, with tentacles flying all over the sky.

Compared to the sea monsters on the sea, the sea monsters on the bottom of the sea are obviously more free, but the monks' offensive is not that bad.

Ignoring the light and shadow, there is a sword like ice and snow.

The sharpness of Han Jiangxue is irresistible to these sea monsters.

After Lu Yun cut off one of the tentacles, she signaled to Liu Ru.

Liu Ru's eyes were bright. She simply gave up her defense and let go to fight with the sea monster.

Behind her, every time the sea monster tried to sneak attack, it would be blocked by Lu Yun.

Soon, not only Liu Ru, but also the other disciples of the Hidden Sword Sect also discovered that as long as Lu Yun was around, they didn't have to worry about anything and could just kill the enemy as much as they wanted.

As a result, the sword intent became faster, like wind and thunder, constantly colliding in the Colosseum.

Swordsmanship, spells, talismans.

All kinds of brilliance collided here, forming a gorgeous scene. Unfortunately, the dark water swallowed everything.

After fifth elder Jing Yuan discovered that Lu Yun could take care of the other disciples, he simply set his sights on other places.

Even Lu Yun could notice the difference in that golden shark, let alone the others.

There is such a thing as tacit understanding.

Several elders from the Nine Sects didn't even look at each other, and they all attacked the golden shark together.

Compared with the disciples' petty quarrels, the efforts of these elders are no joke.

But before they could get close to the golden shark, the short green sea tribe member blocked them.

In terms of force value, the Green Sea Clan cannot compare with these monks, but they are very fast and can reach from a hundred meters away to within easy reach in the blink of an eye.

Their incredible ability to teleport allows them to move flexibly among the monks, blocking their steps.

After fighting for a while, Jing Yuan found that the Green Sea Tribe's ability was a bit unexplainable.

But she also found some clues.

Wherever the water is, they can arrive in an instant.

The key point is that they are at the bottom of the sea, and this is their territory. We cannot say that they have emptied the deep sea.

This kind of whimsy is a joke.

Several elders were restrained in place and could not get close to the golden shark.

"Leader, please give it a try."

Jing Yuan took the initiative to look at Ah Li. If anyone present could break through the defense line of the Green Sea Tribe, Ah Li was the only one to choose.


Ah Li agreed leisurely.

Her gaze penetrated the limpid sea water and collided with the mermaid.

In the dark pupils, the perfect body of the shark appeared. Facing those purple eyes, Ah Li's face was expressionless.

The shark's charm has no effect on Ah Li.

She took one step, just one step, and with the ability of the Green Sea Tribe, she appeared beside the shark in the blink of an eye.

The shark's face, which was supposed to be a spectator, finally broke into a mask-like expression.

But the reaction was not very big.

It grinned and smiled at Ah Li. The fingers on both sides moved a little, and a few threads appeared in front of the body that should have been empty.The almost transparent thread is difficult to find in sea water.

If it weren't for Ah Li's powerful spiritual consciousness, she might have ignored it, so she retracted her hand that reached out. After a few steps, Ah Li glanced at her sleeve.

A large piece of the sleeve was cut off, and further on, it was her arm.

It can only be said that since arriving in this abyss, her clothes have been a bit troubled.

Looking at the thread again, it disappeared again.

"hehe, not bad."

Ah Li praised, with a little fun in her eyes.

The loud bell rang on the bottom of the sea, belonging to the power of the Qianqiu Bell, as vast as before.

The sound was deafening, completely drowning out the shark's singing. Compared with the previous demonic sound of the Yao Qin, the Qianqiu Bell was undoubtedly more powerful.

The slender hand grabbed the shark, and the moment the silk thread came out, Ah Li's hand didn't avoid it, and ran straight into it.

Some blood stains appeared on Yingbai's hands, but they disappeared in an instant.

That power could hurt Ah Li, but it could only be considered a minor injury.

Ah Li's attack was merciless.

The shark sitting on the chair finally moved. The golden fish tail was white in the water, and its body shot out, leaving a string of white bubbles in the sea water.

The opponent uses the burst to distance themselves.

The webbed fingers have sharp and long nails, and a few thin threads are hooked on the fingertips. The existence of these threads is very weak, but their power cannot be underestimated.

"good stuff."

Ah Li admired that one person was able to suppress the sharks until they retreated steadily.

After testing Ah Li's power, the shark's purple eyes rotated like a whirlpool, and the silent power poured out, trying to capture Ah Li.

But Ah Li is as motionless as a mountain.

The majestic sound of Qianqiu Bell continues.

Boom boom boom!
One after another, with the power that directly struck the soul, the monks stayed awake.

Once this powerful spiritual weapon is activated, it is equivalent to having one more powerful enemy.

The shark seemed to be aware of the power of the Qianqiu Bell and screamed.

It was said to be a scream, but in fact it was not loud. When the sound waves were spit out, the water in front of them formed a vortex and reached the ears of other sea people.

On the spectator stand, the jellyfish-like crystal clear Sea Tribe had been watching the battle. It was only now that there was any movement.

The Qianqiu Bell floats in the sea water, and the goal of the jellyfish tribe is this Qianqiu Bell that makes them feel irritated.

However, they failed to reach Qianqiu Zhong.

Lu Zi's figure appeared from near the Qianqiu Bell. Lu Zi, who was one with the Qianqiu Bell, became a strong line of defense.

Before Lu Zi made any move, he saw that the fluorescent light on the jellyfish's body was even brighter, like a light bulb with increased wattage.

However, this kind of light does not have the glare of a light bulb. Instead, it is soft and gentle. It reminds people of the warm sun in winter and makes people want to soak in it.

Several monks who were close to the jellyfish clan were still fighting, but their battle changed from targeting the enemy to a battle of wits and courage with the air.

"Be careful, the other party will use illusions, so there's something wrong with that!"

Yao Huai reminded him loudly.

Lu Yun glanced at Lu Zi, who was still standing steadily beside Qianqiu Zhong. As a weapon spirit, he seemed not to be affected at all.

The same is true.

Looking at the jellyfish that was posing in front of him, Lu Zi was indifferent even though the opponent had a magical body.

She hit the outer shell of the Qianqiu Bell with her fist, making a roaring sound.

The seawater surged, gathered together, and squeezed towards the jellyfish tribe.

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