Chapter 282 Murloc
Ah Li naturally had a reason for releasing Qian Qiu Zhong like this.

As long as Lu Zi is here, those jellyfish tribe can't become a climate.

When the shark discovered this, his eyes became sad, as if he were looking at a heartless man.

In response, Ali had a smile on her face.

The braid swayed behind her as she moved, and the red color was bright and eye-catching.

Ah Li's presence is very strong and no one can ignore it.

Lu Yun, who was with her disciples, took the time to look at Ah Li.

In fact, as soon as the thread appeared, she realized that it was the product of the fourth fragment.

She had always thought that those fragments had become different swords, but now it seemed that they were a little different.

Thinking about it, Lu Yun was about to retract her eyes when she saw a familiar figure disappearing not far away.

With Lu Yun's eyesight, there was no possibility of admitting his mistake.

That person is... Grandpa Hai.

"It's him?"

Pei Geli also saw Grandpa Hai.


Needless to say, the two gave chase.

As a person from the shore, it was unreasonable for the other party to appear here. They had suspected that the other party was related to the sharks before, but now they could conclude.

However, the appearance of Grandpa Hai gave them a reminder.

That is, after leaving the ghost ship, they may not be able to go to the other side, but there is definitely a way to go back.

Otherwise, how did Grandpa Hai get here?

The two of them followed each other, one behind the other.

Some disciples didn't know why, but the disciples of the Hidden Sword Sect followed him without saying a word.

"What's wrong?"

After Feng Yuyao pierced a shark, she asked Song Xiao beside her.

The two of them walked along the way, from getting to know each other to being together, Feng Yuyao has always trusted her sweetheart.

The two of them have always gone in and out together. In battle, if the two of them cooperate, their combat power will increase dramatically.

But now Feng Yuyao found that the other party was a little absent-minded.


Song Xiao shook his head, withdrew his eyes that were vaguely on Lu Yun, and smiled at Feng Yuyao.

Because the situation was urgent, Feng Yuyao didn't think much about it, so she naturally didn't notice the complexity and gloom in Song Xiao's eyes.

In fact, if Feng Yuyao observes carefully, she will find that the gloom has been there for a long time. It has been in Song Xiao's heart since she met Lu Yun for the first time, and Lu Yun clearly drew a line between them.

Who would have thought that Song Xiao's state of mind would already have problems.

Enduring the cruelty and darkness in her heart, Song Xiao followed Lu Yun's footsteps.

The actions of this group of people were still eye-catching. The sharks found out and wanted to follow them, but were stopped.

With Lu Yun's speed, she quickly found Grandpa Hai's location.

The other party was about to leave here when he was suddenly surrounded by Lu Yun and others, with a fierce expression on his old face.

Lu Yun glanced at both sides of the other person's neck.

On the surface, Grandpa Hai is from the human race, but on both sides of his neck, there are gills that belong to fish.

The fish's gills were still beating, sucking in oxygen from the water.

The other person has part of a fish, but is not completely a shark.

"Grandpa Hai, we meet again."

Lu Yun said hello, but after seeing Grandpa Shanghai's cold expression, she didn't care.

"Grandpa Hai, can you tell us how to get out of here?"

The water pressure of sea water does not exist on the shark's territory, but it does not mean that they can go up on their own.

So it's better to find a safe way.

In fact, they all knew that the voyage had failed from the moment they fell off the ghost ship.

It's a pity that we didn't succeed at the beginning.However, this trip will not be in vain if we can find out the secrets of the bottom of the Yuanhai Sea.

"I don't know what you are talking about?"

Grandpa Hai responded with an uncooperative attitude.

"We want to know, how did you get here?"

"Or maybe you tipped us off when we were caught here?"

The fact that the other party can come to Yuanhai and know the sharks shows that the two parties have always been connected.

If, if someone boarded the ghost ship before, the reason why they failed was actually not because of those tribulation thunders, but because of these sea tribesmen.

The sea tribe living in the Abyss Sea, entrenched on the bottom of the sea, are the hunters of the Abyss Sea, and their targets are the monks who are trying to cross the Abyss Sea.

Does the Sea Clan know what’s going on on the other side?

Have the sea people been to the other side?

Does the Sea Clan have any secrets?

A bunch of questions were swirling in his mind, but Lu Yun wanted to figure out the problem at hand.

Regarding Lu Yun's domineering attitude, Grandpa Hai remained silent and refused to answer.

"Let me do it."

Pei Geli stood up, with a holy fire floating in his palm. The rising and falling flame was a holy white.

At a glance, one can see the purity and purity within it.

Everything burning in this flame will reveal its true face, which naturally includes Grandpa Hai.

The flames that can also ignite in sea water undoubtedly put pressure on Grandpa Hai.

He retreated, only to find that the sword cultivators had already surrounded him. Those swords were pointing at him. As long as Lu Yun said a word, he would be killed.

Grandpa Hai had regret in his eyes.

He originally wanted to see the fate of these people, but he and the entire Sea Clan underestimated the strength of these people, which led to the feast turning from one party's entertainment to a fight between two parties.

Moreover, looking at the situation, the monks have the upper hand.

Seeing this, he wanted to leave secretly.

As long as he hides it well, no one will find out that he is involved in this matter.

But he was discovered.

"Don't force me to do it!"

With the threat on his mouth, Grandpa Hai's dry skin became moist, then sticky.

The liquid was similar to the one on the sea monster, exuding a strong fishy smell.

The liquid covered Grandpa Hai's body, and his body seemed to be melting. A large stream of mud was thrown out by him, and disappeared the moment it hit the floating ash.

The filthy mud cannot break through the blockade of floating and sinking embers.

The flame finally fell on Grandpa Hai.


He screamed, and his body immediately couldn't hold up and fell to the ground, with a large amount of black water pouring out of his body.

The black water steamed in the flames again.

In a few breaths, Grandpa Hai's body shrank again, like a salted fish that had been dried in the sun. Not only was his whole body wrinkled, his original appearance could not be concealed.

A large number of fish scales grew on the opponent's upper body. I don't know if it was an illusion. His head was also slightly deformed and became oblate, resembling a fish head.

A pair of eyes, more black than white.

He gasped with his mouth open, the water squeezing in his throat, bringing out waves of moans.

"What the hell is this?"

Liu Ru covered her mouth, a little disgusted.

The opponent's lower body is still a human body, and the upper body is transformed into a fish.

The other party's appearance is not as refined and perfect as the shark's. At first glance, what one sees is chaos and distortion.

The ugly appearance attracted a lot of attention.

Grandpa Hai was lying on the ground, a pair of dead fish eyes full of resentment.

(End of this chapter)

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